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Kemah Boardwalk and Bullet Discussion Thread

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Wednesday, that long-haired pony tail worker after riding said the best parts were the 2 tallest drops. Then he said coming out of the first drop "that sucker was booking" moving like he was prepping for a boxing match. haha


It goes so fast through that part you are on the first big curve by the bay while still coming off the of the experience of the first drop. I think this ride will gain more appreciation the more you ride it and are able to separate the elements.

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For my first day I'd like to ride at least 3 times, front - middle - back. I'm trying to imagine how it looks from 96 ft. in the air looking scanning the view down and around. I used to remember as the Cyclone was cresting over the first hill.... looking straight across at the second hill thinking I'll be there in a few secs. I liked Cyclones back-to-back first second and third drops.

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I plan to be there after work Friday, from open till around 5-ish on Saturday, from 3p-close on Sunday, and from open to close on Monday.


I'm hoping for at least 100 rides before the weekend is up, but I think a lot of that will depend on the queue.


I'll be out there with you, don't know if I'll be counting though! At least I got a head start



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So what do you think this will rate again other woodies?


I don't rate coasters because its been far too long and far to few a coaster rides for me. I'll leave rating it and reviewing it to the coaster veterans, all I did was post some comments about it. I'm actually REALLY interested to see what they say myself for the reasons above. I'd like to know where it sits and what I should expect in the future from other coasters.



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I have never ridden titan to know...is floater air time similar to the feeling you get on drop rides? The texas cyclone had ejector air time correct? I know people hate it when people try to compare this to texas cyclone (only thing that I think is close to comparision)... but do you think the bullet has more, same, or less air time than texas cyclone did?


Floater air is when you lift out of your seat and hover for a bit. It usually comes at the top of a camelback hill or long speed bump. Shivering Timbers, Superman SFNE, Titan's speed hill, Expedition GeForce all have this kind of air. Voyage has TONS of it.


Ejector air is a quick pop where the rider is launched quickly into the lapbar, then back down into the seat. Using your TxCyclone reference, think about the drop off the "post turn", that turn directly below the big turn after the first drop. Excalibur's drop had some nice ejector air in the back seat.


As for whether Bullet has more or less air than TxCyclone, I'll know later today.


Honestly, other than the back seat, I never got much air on the TxCyclone. It was more about wicked drops and the delicious contrast between the quick hills and the slow turns.


I think a better comparison coaster for Bullet is the TxGiant. YES, the Giant is much, much larger, but it seems a bit more fair to compare that twisted layout to Bullet's than it does to compare TxCyclone's layout.


TxCyclone was drop, slow flat turn, drop drop slow flat turn, etc. Giant and Bullet are both full of wild, undulating, curving and twisting track, taken at breakneck speeds. I sorta expect Bullet to be an extended version of Giant's "flying carpet" finale.


I'll know more after tonight.

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So, will it for sure be open this Fri and during the weekend? I really need to know.


Its thunder storming like mad (which is why I am up at 5am) right now. Its 50% chance of rain today but they say it will be off and on storms. Aside from the rain, it will be open today and this weekend. Of course nothing is ever certain, but as I said before, I am 99% sure of this.



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That's pretty certain @ 99%.


I'm wanting a ride bad after watching it being built these past 9 months. It looks like it's really gonna be a great ride!


Do you think the lines are gonna be really bad? Or will the height restriction eliminate a bunch of kids and make lines more reasonable?

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That's pretty certain @ 99%.


I'm just wanting a ride bad after watching it being built these past 9 months.

Do you think the lines are gonna be really bad? Or will the ride height restriction eliminate a bunch of kids and make lines more reasonable?


I doubt the ride height restrictions will make any difference, it is 48" like most of the other bigger rides at the Boardwalk.


If it opens before school is out it may not be too bad but last I heard it might be evening/night before they get it open. If it is raining off and on it might not be too bad since people may stay away from the boardwalk. Otherwise, this is labor day weekend and the boardwalk is going to be packed so I expect decent lines. My understanding is it will be open all next week during the weekdays all day too, so the lines when school is back on Tuesday and everyone is back at work shouldn't be too bad during the day hours. This is just my guesstimation.


On the other hand, the rain tonight should keep the bullet flying!




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Thanks a lot for the review, Guru Guy. This is a real promising coaster. I'm really interested to see how it ranks against other woodens, especially true twisters like GCI's or Twister 2, etc. To me, personally the ride looks much better than next year's Ravine Flyer II or maybe even Hades!


I really want to go there and ride it soon, because you just don't know how well this "Boardwalk" will maintain it!

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Fly away! Better that than click-click-click on the anti-rollbacks.


I hope they have it open. We need to get the ball rollin'...


I might just try and avoid the busyness of Labor Day weekend and go next weekend or something. That way I'll have some feedback from people who've ridden it before me.


Plus, maybe they'll allow someone the privilege of taking a POV and I'll really get an eyeful before I travel the 100 miles to ride it.

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Those signs are pointless, "Become bullet proof" i saw this one on 59 yesterday...No mention of Kemah, How are people supposed to get there?


I've kinda thought that too. Most of the signs around town make no mention of what they are talking about, so most will be clueless. (Maybe better for the lines this weekend though?)


But the big Boardwalk Bullet / Coaster Now open sign at the base of the Kemah Bridge kinda gets it's point across.

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