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RCT2 - Dorney Park 2006 Recreation

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Hey folks, I'm back, and I've started my second recreation: Dorney Park.


This is one of my personal favorite parks. The atmosphere there is simply unbeatable, there are some very under-rated rides, and the park itself is beautiful.


I regret to inform you that I will not be landscaping this park very much or making Wildwater Kingdom (I might change my mind later). Doing landscape would require too much effort. I want this to be as painless as possible. I'm not doing Wildwater Kingdom (again, I might change my mind later) because I suck at waterparks in RCT2 and I don't think they look very good. And I really don't know anything about Wildwater Kingdom.


As of this moment, I have finished most of the Talon side of the park's Main Street (Talon included). Talon looks pretty good, IMHO. Main Street is *okay.* It certainly isn't my best work, but I suppose it will do.


Like I said, I am going to need a lot of help from all you Pennsylvanians. I have only been to Dorney Park once, so I really don't know it all that well. If you see something wrong, PLEASE tell me, and I will fix it straight away. Also, I need you if I have a question that cannot be answered using RCDB or Dorney Park's official website.


Oh yes, and I made sure that I have absolutely no custom rides this time (just some custom scenery), so it should work just fine.


Thanks for holding your attention this long. Please enjoy these screens.


*Obviously, I will need a lot of feedback with this park.*


Up to date.






Too much?


Der Griff von Furcht


Beautiful supports.




Entrance plaza.


Main Street pre-Talon.

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Looks great! I've only been to the park once, so I can't give too much advice, but it definately looks the way I remember it!


The only thing that I can find for Talon is that the final helix is very close to the ground. There's a small wall blocking it from the midway because of how close it is.


Besides that - and that's just a petty detail - the area looks great so far!

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^It's not that easy in RCT2. IMO, the windows don't look too horrible.

^^Yes, I know, but I hate how they look. I did end up redoing Talon's finale though, and adding a brake. It works much better now.


I did a lot of work this morning. I have most of Hydra done now. This isn't turning out quite as well as I had hoped, but it's not too bad. I think it will come together more when I get closer to being finished.




Hydra. Not a big fan of this station either.


White Water Landing. I couldn't figure out how to make a nice-looking roof.




Cedar Creek Cannonball and Thunder Canyon.


Wild Mouse and its UGLY station that I loathe.


Talon: The Grip of DEATH.

Fixed version.


Much better.

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I regret to inform you that I will not be landscaping this park very much. Doing landscape would require too much effort. I want this to be as painless as possible.


I know there are a lot of hills and I know it would be a lot better, but I simply don't have the time or the patience. It can work without it. It won't be quite as good, but it will work.


Sorry to disappoint you...

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  • 1 year later...

The talon layout is so COOL, & THE HYDRA REVENGE but don't forget the new GCI WOODEN COASTER PROWLER PLEASE!!!!!

Just let me know when you'll post the download where I can download it free!!!


And I was wondering if would do a Kennywood Park recreation cause I love them wooden coasters, & dat hyper coaster PHANTOM'S REVENGE


Here are my favorite theme parks!!!!

(1.Six Flags Fiesta Texas, 2.Kemah Boardwalk, 3.Mt Olympus, 4.Kennywood park, 5.Six Flags Great Adventure, 6.Dorney Park).


Here are my favorite hyper coasters!!!!

(1.Nitro, 2.Phantom's Revenge a.k.a my favorite ride ever, 3.Steel Eel, 4.Raging Bull, 5.Apollo's Chariot).


MOD EDIT: Took out so many emoticons, deleted redundant posts, and tried to organize the post a bit. Please read the Posting Rules and Terms of Service. Thanks!

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5 posts in a row in a park that havent been updated in 2 years almost.. good job.


Actually, 7 posts in a row, and most of which were nearly identical. The park did look nice, however.


Well what is it?


What we're saying is you should probably look at the date before posting. This park hasn't been updated in nearly two years, so it can be assumed it will never be updated, so there's no point in moving it to the top of list of topics for no reason, even if the park was nice.

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I forgot about this park.

I was stupid and I started it like a week before going to a ton of Ohio parks, and that effectively sapped all of my interest out of it.


I might come back to it sometime, but I sort of doubt that.




PS. JFleming, Prowler is definitely at Worlds of Fun, and not Dorney Park at all. I would know, as I plan on attending Prowler's opening day.

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I forgot about this park.

I was stupid and I started it like a week before going to a ton of Ohio parks, and that effectively sapped all of my interest out of it.


I might come back to it sometime, but I sort of doubt that.




PS. JFleming, Prowler is definitely at Worlds of Fun, and not Dorney Park at all. I would know, as I plan on attending Prowler's opening day.


Yeah Please FORGIVE ME!!!



And I suck doing recreations, & creating parks in my life!!!!!

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^ Then why don't you practice making fictional parks, adding buildings/theming, creating scenery, and other stuff instead of posting in old topics?


You'll never make a perfect park on the first day, it takes countless hours of practice and patience to build an excellent RCT park.


I've gone through hundreds of parks and compared to others I've seen here, they don't compare.

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^ Then why don't you practice making fictional parks, adding buildings/theming, creating scenery, and other stuff instead of posting in old topics?


You'll never make a perfect park on the first day, it takes countless hours of practice and patience to build an excellent RCT park.


I've gone through hundreds of parks and compared to others I've seen here, they don't compare.


OK OK Can you give me some pictures, & a park map of kennywood will ya!!!

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OK OK Can you give me some pictures, & a park map of kennywood will ya!!!


Because you sound like a beginner, I think a recreation of an existing park is a little too ambitious for you. I tried to recreate once CP and KD, but failed miserably.


Start with fictional parks and once you feel you're good enough for the challenge, move on to real/more complex parks.


PS: Try using the edit button.

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