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Another School Shooting


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What stupid bastards! I hope they all burn in hell. The funny thing is that those stupid dicks contradict themselves by saying Cho was sent to earth by god to kill them because of homosexuality but is burning in hell for killing them.



That is ridiculous. What in the world? I...that's just plain stupid. Jeez

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Well they do know alot. I mean they say God Hates Canada and Swedish. If they hate America so much why the hell are they here? We should build them a man made island and ship them to it then accidentally drop a nuke on it.

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oke, well i'm not making myself popular here on the forums by saying the next few things...


What are you all thinking in america!??


I really can't understand that it's legal to own a gun!! I really can't.


and another thing, why is it SO important to be popular?? with all the "sweet sixteen crap" it just your birthday, why is it more important then any other year?? spoiled people..


but that doesn't give that guy (and the guys at columbine) the right to start shooting... no one has the right too shoot people that also pisses me off.

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^Well AlmereStars,


The United States Bill of Rights, the second amendment to the Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"


"The security of a free state" could be seen as a relevant statement to the Netherlands history. Perhaps your own country wouldn't have had to capitulate so easily to the German forces during WWII, had you been better armed. Instead as a surrendered/conquered people you were forced to do the bidding of the Germans for almost 5 years.


Also, what's your big issue with people celebrating a Sweet Sixteen Birthday? (Do you really need a reason to celebrate a Birthday?) and how does that make us a "spoiled people"???

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and another thing, why is it SO important to be popular?? with all the "sweet sixteen crap" it just your birthday, why is it more important then any other year?? spoiled people..



16 in America and parts of Canada/Mexico is the age of consent and is the age where you can get your drivers license. It's also the age that is considerd entering Womenhood for girls. Some people just like to over do it with HUGE parties(Just watch Sweet Sixteen on MTV).


Oh and before I forget, 90% of Americans do not act like that on their Sweet Sixteen. My ex had some of her friends over for a regular party in which she got a car(A 2001 Dodge Neon...not something to brag about).

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To everyone who hates that group of moronic protestors, there's one tried and true method of defeating them.........IGNORE THEM. If they're affecting anyone, then they're accomplishing their goal (as stupid as it may be).


There are also guns, but I suppose that could be slightly inappropriate to say here.

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and another thing, why is it SO important to be popular?? with all the "sweet sixteen crap" it just your birthday, why is it more important then any other year?? spoiled people..



16 in America and parts of Canada/Mexico is the age of consent and is the age where you can get your drivers license. It's also the age that is considerd entering Womenhood for girls. Some people just like to over do it with HUGE parties(Just watch Sweet Sixteen on MTV).


Oh and before I forget, 90% of Americans do not act like that on their Sweet Sixteen. My ex had some of her friends over for a regular party in which she got a car(A 2001 Dodge Neon...not something to brag about).


I know not everyone is like that, but still there are way more people who want to popular then here, I just don't get it


@BelizeIt: i'm not saying every american is spoiled, I really like americans in general, but I just don't get the sweet sixteen (and other) things.. I know that it's not as bad, as you see in movies and stuff, but still, maybe it's just because i'm dutch, and not american

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To everyone who hates that group of moronic protestors, there's one tried and true method of defeating them.........IGNORE THEM. If they're affecting anyone, then they're accomplishing their goal (as stupid as it may be).


There are also guns, but I suppose that could be slightly inappropriate to say here.

I would give my left and right nuts, along with my kidneys to have the opportunity to kill them! (in the name of god of course!)

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My "sweet sixteenth" involved a season pass, a Dairy Queen cake, and eating out to dinner... and I wouldn't have had it any other way.


16 in America and parts of Canada/Mexico is the age of consent and is the age where you can get your drivers license.



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Oh crap... The homosexuality thing again? Last I heard, god loves everyone.


I remind people: God loves the sinner but hates the sin. Which is what people like Phelps needs to be reminded of it is people like that who profess themselves Christian that gives us other Christians a bad name. ok rant over

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Based on the stuff that Cho sent to NBC news I'm going to ahead and say that he was probably just off his rocker. His grandparents back in Korea say that even when he was a lot younger there was something weird and different about him, so it isn't just coming here and being picked on. His college roommates say they tried to invite him out to dinner and to parties with them and when he did finally go to a party he got drunk and told them about his imaginary girlfriend.


Seriously mentally disturbed, and he's been to mental health professionals before who released him from being institutionalized, so he has been referred before too.

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