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Pretty good but not "The Best"


There were alot of bumps and some pumping. I ran into a a support after the Serpant roll.(probably my smoothing). you need to highlight the brake,thansport,station and then press I.(this will make everything perfectly straight)then enable trans port on the brake run. other that that it was pretty good.

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^As a beginner you shouldn't worry about extra stuff like graphics and scenery. Even I know how to build my own stations and textures, but you don't see me do it too often. Laziness? Maybe, but if a coaster feels special enough I'll add scenery and textures.


Anyway you did a pretty good job with your first coaster. Trust me, I've seen alot worse before and that includes my first coaster . I have some pointers for you though.


First thing is that you should find a consistent way to build coasters using No Limits. You probably don't know what I'm talking about, but it will make your future coasters much easier to build. I think the easiest way to tell you is to show you, so I'm going to make a little tutorial right now.


After you have chosen your coaster type build a station that is 20 units long.



Then go to the left side view, select the whole station and raise it 5 units



Assuming that you want a lift right out of the station you select the "lift" track mode and you click anywhere left of the station. Move the node of the lift track 5 units left and 1 unit up from where your last node was (in this case it's the end of your station). Adjust the end nodes of your track segment so that you'll have a lift hill that will be at a slope of 2 units left and 1 unit up (or in real life 22.5 degrees). Then just adjust your station end node so that your transition between horizontal and 22.5 degrees is smooth.



This segment will be the longest segment of your lift hill, but you'll need to stay zoomed in on your lift in order to get the track up to the right elevation and at the right angle. Click anywhere left of your lift hill node and align it so it is 2 units left and 1 unit up from the last node. To get it straight simply click on the entire lift segment that you're working on, then right click and choose "Make Straight." Your coaster's lift hill should be at a perfect 22.5 degrees now.


Next step is to start getting the lift hill to a desirable height. I'm choosing just over 100 feet for this coaster. Click the very last lift hill node and start moving it over 2 units and up 1 unit several times until you reach about 95 feet. It's tedious, but it's the best way to get the lift hill to the right height at the right angle.



I opened up the vertex panel to show you the height of the lift hill. The height is boxed in red. It says 95.14 ft. I know it's an odd number, but that's just the way no limits is.



Now it's time to level off at 100 ft! Click left of the last node and move your new node 6 units left and 1.5 units up. Adjust the end nodes to both nodes to get the right curve.



Now at this point there are several possibilities on how to descend, but I choosed a simple drop to demonstrate. I want the first track to descend at a slope of 1 unit across and 1 unit down (45 degrees), so select the track segment from the segment menu and click anywhere left of your last node. Move the new node so that you're 6 units left and 3.5 units down from your last node. Adjust the end nodes so it'll be at a slope of 45 degrees. Then adjust your other nodes's end nodes so that the curve will be smooth.



You could let the drop level out at 45 degrees if you want you, but I still want to continue to descend past 45 degrees. I want the next node to be at a slope of 1 unit left and 2 units down (67.5 degrees), so click anywhere left and of the last node and get the new node 4 units left and 6 units down from the last node. Then adjust the end nodes to get the slope to 67.5 degrees and then adjust your other node's end nodes so that the curve will be smooth.



This last picture shows that I completed a straight section of the drop. Simply estimate where the best place is for the drop to start leveling off at and put the node there (in this case it's 4 units left and 8 units down from the last node). I also leveled the drop off with just one node because smoothness at the bottom of a drop is important. A rule of thumb with no limits is that fewer nodes will lead to a smoother coaster. Of course this isn't always true because more nodes are always needed on a coaster with inversions, but for the sake of simplicity. Just use one node at the bottom of a drop and use more nodes towards the tops of hills.



I hope I explained this consistency thing properly because the last thing that I want to do is to confuse you even more, but I think you'll get it. The whole idea is to use the same technique (doesn't have to be mine) in every coaster that you build and you will soon see that it's not that hard. I've been using this system forever and it works the best for me, but different techniques work differently for each person, so choose the one that best fits your style of coaster building.


Keep on building...

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Are you people joking? Coastersims is incredibly easy to get good rates at... the people there will call anything smooth. You can have an incredibly pumpy ride, and they'll call it smooth. People rate adrenaline ten out of ten, but they never even say why.. Coastersims is NOT high standards by any means, and anyway, people just don't rate there in the first place. It's a fantastic website but people are way too easy on the rates.

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^ You've gotta be kidding me.


I've submitted coasters that users over here call perfect to CoasterSims, and they've given me ratings of 6 or 7 on average. For example, my recent Old Moorpark Road - The Ride (see my thread about it here... Good reviews) was rated once on CoasterSims with a 6.33... Which still was strange because the user down-rated me because I used "prefab supports" on a wooden coaster (not everyone has enough time on their hands to build them one by one)!


I don't know if we've just had different luck with our reviewers, but from what I can tell, CS users are much more criticizing in their reviews.

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^ Amen to that...


You have a bronze medal....


And.. "Old Moorepark Road" isn't a realistic ride, and they tend to be downrated, and I'm sorry to say, but your ride would've gotten about a 5.7 from me. [Vjgx] You do realise that a 5 is average, and anything above that is above average? A 6 is pretty good....

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^ Maybe Old Moorpark Road - The Ride isn't the best example, but I've seen many other coasters downrated simply because of their uniqueness. The ride definitely isn't perfection or anything radically interesting -- I just used it as an example of ratings differences between the users of TPR and CS. As far as pumping goes, I'll sometimes have a single, almost ignorably minor pump in the ride -- CS users will chastise me for it, while TPR users will be nice about it and accept the fact that not everyone has so much time or talent when it comes to building perfect coasters.


CoasterSims lets you submit a track under the "fantasy" category... And having such a category should encourage fair grading regardless of how radical or unrealistic it is. If the same track was put in an environment in the sky and had the scale doubled, without any effect on the quality, it should be equally rated.


NoLimits has the words "no limits" in its name for a reason - you don't have to be constrained by existing standards and guidelines. I also do think it's upsetting that fantasy rides tend to get lower ratings.


Maybe people have different ideas of good and bad (in terms of 0-10 ratings)... Because in my opinion, a 6 or 7 is average. 70% in school is a C, and a C is known as average. 60% or 50% are usually given when there are important flaws with the quality of work.


Maybe I'm ranting on too much. Sorry if I've offended anyone.

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^ Maybe Old Moorpark Road - The Ride isn't the best example, but I've seen many other coasters downrated simply because of their uniqueness. The ride definitely isn't perfection or anything radically interesting -- I just used it as an example of ratings differences between the users of TPR and CS. As far as pumping goes, I'll sometimes have a single, almost ignorably minor pump in the ride -- CS users will chastise me for it, while TPR users will be nice about it and accept the fact that not everyone has so much time or talent when it comes to building perfect coasters.


CoasterSims lets you submit a track under the "fantasy" category... And having such a category should encourage fair grading regardless of how radical or unrealistic it is. If the same track was put in an environment in the sky and had the scale doubled, without any effect on the quality, it should be equally rated.


NoLimits has the words "no limits" in its name for a reason - you don't have to be constrained by existing standards and guidelines. I also do think it's upsetting that fantasy rides tend to get lower ratings.


Maybe people have different ideas of good and bad (in terms of 0-10 ratings)... Because in my opinion, a 6 or 7 is average. 70% in school is a C, and a C is known as average. 60% or 50% are usually given when there are important flaws with the quality of work.


Maybe I'm ranting on too much. Sorry if I've offended anyone.


IMO, CS users are way too easy on their rates, my coasters have gotten 8's and 9's, and ride bust a move-they're not that fantastic...


And fantasy rides don't get lower ratings, I meant that fantasy rides that are put under the realistic category are ripped to shreds.

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People also need to realize bias. Ive had times where some of my coasters were rated lower than usual because I didn't have a certain element, or I use scaffolding, blah blah blah. Also, sometimes you'll get five newbs rate your coasters 10, and other times you'll get harsh, or realistic people to rate your ride. It just depends on WHO rates it, not the site it is rated on.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you people joking? Coastersims is incredibly easy to get good rates at... the people there will call anything smooth. You can have an incredibly pumpy ride, and they'll call it smooth. People rate adrenaline ten out of ten, but they never even say why.. Coastersims is NOT high standards by any means, and anyway, people just don't rate there in the first place. It's a fantastic website but people are way too easy on the rates.



You are highly mistaken. Coastersims is where you go to get criticized even if you have the most amazing coaster.

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Are you people joking? Coastersims is incredibly easy to get good rates at... the people there will call anything smooth. You can have an incredibly pumpy ride, and they'll call it smooth. People rate adrenaline ten out of ten, but they never even say why.. Coastersims is NOT high standards by any means, and anyway, people just don't rate there in the first place. It's a fantastic website but people are way too easy on the rates.



You are highly mistaken. Coastersims is where you go to get criticized even if you have the most amazing coaster.


No I'm not, I have no idea what you're talking about. If you call a 6 a bad rating, you're wrong. a 5 is average, a 6 is ABOVE average, and even a five isn't *that* bad.


The "Most Amazing Coasters" get fantastic rates there, look at "Kamikaze" by drummer, 8.5's-9's!


I stand by my argument that people rate way too high there, it's Atari Forums, even the worst parks ever are said to be nice...

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