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Oasis! UPDATE: The park has been sold one last TR.

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UPDATE: This update includes the first picture of the new ride that is being constructed! It was thought to have been a Drop Coaster but after construction began it has become clear that it is no drop coaster! It turns out that this is a flying coaster!


PARK NEWS: Recently in the park the two S&S towers have been removed so they can be constructed in a differant are of the park! The park is growing by the day into a huge "Coaster Oasis!" Check back soon for more updates on the construction of the flying coaster named... "X-treme Flight"



"X-treme Flight" the parks first flying coaster!

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kay this might seem silly of me to ask, but I don't know how to alter RTC3 so I can have an incline loop and stuff. How do you do it? (again, Im no good at altering apps)


Well for the incline loops you have to but the "Wild" Expansion pack, it is very much worth it too! There is so much more that you can do than just build zoo's!


Oh and I need you guy's help which logo should I go with for the X-treme flight signs? Logo 1 or Logo 2?



Here is Logo 2!


Here is Logo 1!

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UPDATE: This update includes photos of the new X-Treme Flight Coaster that has been constructed, photos of the expanded lake, and an overview of the park!

PARK NEWS: The park has contacted several companies for what they are calling the largest capital expansion on oasis history! There are sopose to be 7 new rides added to the park in this expanison! The park is also nearing the Grand Opening! Even though there is still alot to be done!


(There were not any costum supports added to X-Treme Flight because they all looked funny when placed. Oh and the station is not themed because I liked it better plain.)


Last is an overview of the entire park!


Another overview of the new ride!


An overview of "X-Treme Flight!"


The pretty helix area!


I think this will be the best part of the ride!


Here is the duel station area for "X-treme Flight"

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UPDATE: This update includes photos of the new "Extreme Park" area located inside "Oasis" inside this area are the 5 new rides that were expected minus the 2 new roller coaster's there has been some issues with the coaster companies so they were not able to transport the track to the park so the coasters will no longer be built. The new rides are not themed very well because it is sopose to look like a parking lot area! There is a new coaster being built though, the first construction photo of it is also included!


PARK NEWS: Recently in the park the "Extreme Park" area has been completed! There is still about 7 coasters that need to be constructed plus countless flat rides that must be installed before the park can open! Check back soon for more updates!


Hey guys! Thanks for all the comments on the park! I love the encouragement!



This would be the lift hill of the new coaster that is being constructed! Any guess as to what it is?


Being blasted down 320ft!


The new ride "Space Shot"


I think this ride will be fun!


The new ride "Skyscraper"


Swinging 230 ft above the lake!


This would be the new "Skycoaster" I can not wait to ride it!!


Another shot of "Robocoaster"


This would be the new ride "Robocoaster"


Another view of "Eruption"


The first picture for this update is of the new ride "Eruption" that is now testing!

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someone gets a gold star!


can you give us any hints on hight and how many inversions it will feature?


Ummm yeah.... its going to be tall! And it will have like a million inversions I think. Ok for reals. It is going to be 150ft tall it will feature 3 90 degree drops, and it will have 4 inversions!


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