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Oasis! UPDATE: The park has been sold one last TR.

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Hey Matthew:

I want to say that this is one of the best RCT3 parks I've ever seen (even though I"m an anti RCT3 person). The reason why I like the park so much is that the ride designs are inteligant looking and your doing a great job with the scenery! Keep up the good work!


As for a name, I was thinking of Ferocity. Ferocity means "Ferocessness" or "Wild and turbulent". Just a suggeston for a name.


Thanks Matthew for making a great park,


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UPDATE: This update includes a picture of the new coaster being constructed "Cobalt" There is also a picture of another ride being built in the park!

PARK NEWS: The park is expanding quickly to try to meet the dead line for opening day so there are several rides being constructed at once which is getting confusing for our constriction workers. Check back soon for more!



Here is a shot of the new ride being constructed. Anyone think they know what it is?


Here is an overview of "Cobalt's" layout. Still alot to be done with this ride.

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UPDATE: This update includes pictures of the Two new rides! The first coaster is "Cobalt" is the parks 4th dimension coaster! It features 3 90 degree drops and 4 inversions, plus exciting underground elements! The second coaster is "Kingda Ka" it is the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth! It goes from 0-128 mph in 3.5 seconds then it zooms straight up 456ft just to ride the crest of the curve and crash back down vertically!


PARK NEWS: Recently in the park there was a sneak peak day where guest were allowed to ride selected rides! The rides were only open for 2 hours, but there was still over 500 visitors! This was just a preview of the parks great profits to come!


Hey guys! Thanks for all the comments and now here are the photos!



The station work has began on Kingda Ka! At this rate it might be open as expected!


Kingda Ka's transfer tracks have also been installed!


All alloy fins have been installed on Kingda Ka, as have the catwalks!


The transfer track area on "Cobalt" is done, now it just has to be themed!

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UPDATE: This update includes construction pictures of the parks two new rides being constructed!


PARK NEWS: There is a rumor that there will be a water park built next to the park, as well as a zoo! I do not know if this rumor is true, thats why it is a rumor I can not wait till opening day! I so want to be the first one in the park! I hope you guys enjoy the update! Questions, Comments, Concerns always welcome!



The foundation has been laid for the launch shed.


Now moving on to Kingda Ka! The Transfer track area is being themed!


There is still work to be done on the transfer tracks too.


Yet more Cobalt pictures! I can not wait till the park is done with this ride!


Cobalt is all about close calls!


This is one of Cobalts, tunnels! (Still Not done)


Cobalt's station is coming along great!

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that is a really good park, but i think that you need to construct more enclosed restaurants and i also think think that you need to add alot more buildings and scenary to the park and build a go-cart track or something like that. Still, much better park than i can make!!

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UPDATE: This update includes some last pictures "Oasis" Will ever have taken Plus the cause of the park closing


PARK NEWS: Recently Oasis has been going through some finicial issues. Due to large amounts of debt all the rides at oasis have been sold to Dolce and Gabbana! There is going to be a huge Dolce and Gabbana outlet where Oasis use to be. This is such depressing new, the park was just getting good to I was lucky enough to be invited to the last day of Oasis and I was shocked at what I saw. All that was left were the coaster cars, because they are going to be in an auction, and a few shops that have not yet been sold. Now see for yourselves...



An overview of what is left of the park. Which will all be gone soon.


That was a great skycoaster too.


No more Cobalt.


This was once the location of a great coaster called "Kingda Ka"

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The park was billions of dollars in debt, so Dolce and Gabbana (Clothing Company) bought the park. No one at oasis knew what was to come, till people started being fired, and rides were deconstructed. It was a shock to everyone. Apperantly Dolce and Gabbana needed the space for a huge outlet mall. So the park was lost.


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