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2007 Theme Park Review NL Tournament: Event Cancelled

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THEME PARK REVIEW 2007 NoLimits Tournament- Round One!


Before you get angry at me, yes, I did get inspired from WeeWeeSlap, but this is just a smaller, less-world-famous tournament for people that want an alternative, or they were disqualified from the WWS version and want another try at something similar. Here are the rules and template for the first round of the contest.


Round One Contest Coaster: FOREST B&M Mega/Hyper. Similar to Apollo's Chariot, this ride will be located in the forest. Interaction with terrain, head-choppers and closeness to trees to heighten the feeling of speed will both cause points in the adrenaline category.





That is the template for the contest.




Template Rules


1: Track may NOT extend above the red line, or extend outside of it in any direction, all track must be contained within the red box. Supports may exit the red box.


2: Station must be in the blue box with the "X" inside it, the station can be anywhere inside the box, but may not extend beyond the the box's perimeter. The station cannot go above the blue lines. The station includes the area around the station, [the loading doc and control panel.]


3: Track may NOT enter the purple lines under any circumstances, the track can wind around it, but no track can enter the area in the purple lines. Supports may enter the purple lines.


4: You may move trees that are OUTSIDE of the purple lines. The trees inside the purple lines must stay stationary, this will not disqualify if they are moved, but a three point deduction will be given in technical if they are moved.


5. Terrain may be modified for coaster, but the lake may NOT be removed. Interaction with terrain may increase adrenaline score, so it's important to think about building your ride around the terrain.


Track Rules


These are the rules that your track must follow. If any rules are not followed, it will result in immediate disqualification unless said otherwise in the rules.


Positive G-Forces: 5.2 - If this rule is broken within a .2 leeway, a three point deduction from technical will result.


Negative G-Forces: -1.4 - If this rule is broken within a .2 leeway, a three point deduction from technical will result.


Lateral G-Forces: +/- 1.6 - If this rule is broken within a .2 leeway, a three point deduction from technical will result.


Height: Must be above 130 feet high, no more than 250 [The height of the red box.]


Track MUST contain at least one tunnel. Tunnel may be 3DS OR the standard NoLimits tunnel.


NO prefab elements will be allowed, modified or not.


If more than 30 prefab supports are used, a five point reduction will result.


You may NOT use a previously made track to enter in the contest, this is completely against the rules and will result in immediate disqualification, if it is discovered that you have made this track before.


Second entries of tracks [Track re-releases with modifications] are NOT allowed. The first entry will always count, no point reductions will be given upon second release, track will not count in the contest with modifications.


Only ONE COASTER PER ENTRY allowed in this contest!


Track must contain at least three blocks, and must run a minimum of two trains, with at least a 5 car minimum.


Track MUST have a lift hill, no launches will be accepted, use of launch will result in immediate disqualification.


3DS may be used- but to keep within fairness of the competition, only if the 3DS is modified terrain for underground tunnels will it count for adrenaline or technical. The 3DS will also count for technical if they are modeled supports.


[basically, a straight track after a drop with a bunch of 3DS will not result in increased adrenaline or technical.]


Any tools may be used to create your track, any elementary formulas are also allowed.


Track MUST be longer than 3000 feet.


Inversions are not allowed. Inversions are considered anything with banking above 155.


Track may not have more than two lift hills. Any more than two lift hills will result in a 0 technical.


Lift hills, brakes and stations MUST all be straight.


Track MUST pass tunnel test with 1.6 tunnels.









Yellow/no colour- Entered

Green- Received Track

Red- Rated


No more than 80 entries please, for my sanity.


For round two, all passed entries will be paired randomly through a draw. This draw will be available on web camera through MSN Messenger.


You CANNOT work with a partner on your track unless you have conformation your partner will not enter the contest at any time, but you MUST give credit.




Post your entries as a thread with "TPRR1" in the title, after the name of your coaster. All entries must have their own thread, progress information is allowed.



1. casperw

2. Myriad

3. jappi

4. Nightmare500

5. SFNERules

6. Hyyyper

7. Weetopia

8. Jakizle

9. BiCoastal Kid **

10. Blorb

11. jamesissocool

12. jimbobcoaster

13. Iron Man

14. Blazen_azn

15. coasterlover420

16. Matt M

17. rollercosterdan

18. matteocrepaldi








[More entry numbers can be added if needed.]





The template can be downloaded below, thanks!



Edit: Stated you can only enter ONE contest entry.

Edit: Stated any rate averages below 5 will be dropped.

Edit: Added that this is an individual contest, partners are not allowed, unless they are not involved in the contest in any way, or ever will be in the contest.

Edit: I was asked to allow modification to the lake, I said alright, but everyone- you can make the lake bigger, but you MUST have the lake on your coaster.

TPR 2007 Template - Round 1 [Forest B&M Hyper].nltrack

This is the template for the contest!

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can i use a twister or do i have to use hyper?


Can i use pre fab elemants that i made?


You MUST use hyper, as the contest revolves around a B&M hyper coaster, I stated that it is a B&M hyper contest in the rules.


No, all elements must be created for the contest, I stated "No Pre-made elements" in the rules.

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IwantRevenge, I would say that it is perfectly legit to add trees outside the red lines. The rules as stated say absolutely nothing against that, only against moving trees within the purple lines. If I were CalawayPark, I would probably rephrase the section of the rules to ensure it is as clear as possible.


Permission to not use the lake: what are you, retarded? It says the lake must be there. If you somehow managed to Katrina your template, you can just redownload the original template, save your entire track as an element, and insert it into the recently downloaded template. I can't imagine you're that far done with your coaster already that having to do so would be a major pain... just take note of what it was that totally pwned your template and you should be fine. If I had to guess, I'd say it was use of the Construction Kit to Tunnel Test your entry. In that case, save two copies of your track. One to serve as the original, and one on which to conduct the Tunnel Test. That way, when the CK fubars your terrain in the process of tunneling, you're not simultaneously screweded.


Which brings me to Eric's question. Eric, Tunnel Testing is simply a means through which we're able to determine rider clearance over the entire track. Let's say you're riding in a B&M hyper on either of the outer rows, and you have some mental condition that causes you to stick your arms straight out perpendicular to your body when you get excited. If the entire track passes tunnel test, no supports, track parts, or trees are visible from within the tunnel and you should return to the station with all limbs intact. If not, however... FWAPP! Welcome to the Amputee's Club! Same goes for hands straight up: a track which passes tunnel test should allow you to return unharmed, whereas one that does not could effectively (and efficiently) guillotine its riders.


I wonder if the French knew about this?


In order to tunnel test your track, you have two options available to you. The less common is to use the NL editor to highlight each segment and apply the tunneled status to the whole track. This way can get somewhat messy, however, as you're likely to lose catwalks and other specifications. The other, more common, way is to use the Construction Kit's Tunneler feature. This will tunnel the entire track with several clicks of the mouse. As described above, though, this could potentially screw up terrain. I'm fairly certain it also results in the Brake Activation settings resetting. Follow the method wayyy up there, though, and you should be fine.


Sorry if I stepped on anybody's toes by answering these questions, I just felt like helping to preserve Calaway's sanity... or what's left of it.

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can we add trees outside the red lines?


I would also like permission to not use the lake...something wrong happened with my editor and now the entire ride is flooded.


Sorry, I've already flip-flopped enough with the rules, people will get angry. Sorry about that. Did you try saving your entire track as an element and redownloading the template?

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About saving my track as an element you may not know how I build...I build my coaster one element at a time then support it...so saving it as an element would mean redoing all the supports.


and I fixed the flooding.


Sorry about that, it's good that you fixed the flooding.

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