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Photo TR: Snowboarding... in ARIZONA

dj snow

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Last week, I looked at the weather forecast and noted a warming trend coming up. "Heavens," I thought to myself, "I haven't been snowboarding once this season!"


Seeking to remedy the situation, I decided that I would pay Sunrise Park Resort a visit. So this past Sunday, that's just what I did!


And soon enough, I was back in the desert where it was about 80 degrees!


Thanks for reading!


Driving back on some great winding mountain roads.


Time for one more run before I have to hit the road back home.


See? Don't I look satisfied?


Lunch at 11,100 feet.


The Apache Burger: Two cheeseburger patties on Indian fry bread, plus condiments. Only $5.75!


So instead I ate here, at the top of Apache Peak.


All this exercise was getting me hungry. I wanted to eat here, but this lodge seemed to be closed.


Here's one expert trail I did try however. It's called Lupe's Rainbow.


If I had tried to tackle Suicide, perhaps I would have been assisted by these folks!


...and this trail, named Suicide. (I didn't attempt it.)


The Cyclone chair offered some very nice views, such as this panorama...


Yeah, this was a really strange lift. It went up, then it went down, then back up again. And the downhill chairs were way up in the air!


Finally, it was time to experience the wonders of the Cyclone lift. Destination: Cyclone Circle! (Elevation 10,700 feet.)


After a quick ride down, it was time for a slower ride to the top. This lift goes to Apache Peak (elevation 11,100 feet).


Strap in!


Approaching the top of Sunrise Peak (elevation 10,700 feet).


With that task completed, I was on my first lift of the day! (For all you lift geeks, this is their high-speed detachable quad.)


Time to purchase my lift ticket.


That's the Arizona state flag in the middle. (What a beautiful day it was!)


The further I went, the more snow I saw. And what's on the horizon? Sunrise Park!


After a couple hours on the road, what do I see? Yes! Snow!

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Snow doesn't look all that great, but you're right, at least you get right back to that 80 degree weather!
I agree that the snow doesn't look optimal.

It hadn't snowed for a couple weeks, I believe, so the snow was a bit "old." Still mostly packed powder though, so not bad.


The place was 100% open too, with no significant bare spots, so I had no complaints really! I've been on better snow, and I've been on far worse. I'd love to catch the place after a good snow, but I shudder to think of what the drive up would be like.


Anyway, thanks for the comments!

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That place looks pretty decent for a small resort. You call that an expert run?


I went to Sugar Bowl in Tahoe last week, and these are expert runs.



That ridge is called the Palisades.


I live in the foothills in California. Snowboarding is one of my favorite things to do, but this year sucked. I've only been 4 times. It snowed 3 feet last week, and this week its 60deg. I wish the weather would make up its mind, and stay on the colder side.

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Oh, SURE. Arizona gets snow while us Nor-Cal people haven't gotten snow in 10 years, and it didn't even reach the ground. T_T


Why does life always suck in Sacramento?


Are you serious?


He drove a couple hours to get to the snow....Just like how you can drive an hour and a half from Sacramento and get to Lake Tahoe where there are over 25 different Ski resorts.

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