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Pigeon vs. Stealth!

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^^ Yeah, well that's what several of us were originally thinking, after getting off "the bird killer train" in June. OMG "what if..."


Thankfully the old Stealth took the total brunt of the....'hit.'



And that's exactly why, when said train came back into station with Chris and Daron in the front, I was running around going "are they okay, are they bleeding, did it hit them, are they laughing, what's going on??" like a crazy person, while everyone else collapsed into hilarity. Luckily they were fine. Poor pigeon.

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^^ Yeah, well that's what several of us were originally thinking, after getting off "the bird killer train" in June. OMG "what if..."


Thankfully the old Stealth took the total brunt of the....'hit.'



And that's exactly why, when said train came back into station with Chris and Daron in the front, I was running around going "are they okay, are they bleeding, did it hit them, are they laughing, what's going on??" like a crazy person, while everyone else collapsed into hilarity. Luckily they were fine. Poor pigeon.


awwww Lou cares!





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^^ Yeah, well that's what several of us were originally thinking, after getting off "the bird killer train" in June. OMG "what if..."


Thankfully the old Stealth took the total brunt of the....'hit.'



And that's exactly why, when said train came back into station with Chris and Daron in the front, I was running around going "are they okay, are they bleeding, did it hit them, are they laughing, what's going on??" like a crazy person, while everyone else collapsed into hilarity. Luckily they were fine. Poor pigeon.


I remember you had the most confused look on your face, and I couldnt stop laughing. But I do thank you for the caring thoughts.

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