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Dinghy Disaster ORP!

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Here is an ORP of me falling out of another dinghy ride, with 5 other friends.


Firstly, here is the ride:


And here is the ORP:


The reason we fell out was because we got 5 of us in the boat, well I wouldn't say in the boat as I was balancing on the front of it.


I can't believe the ride op let us do that, I somehow think he might not work there anymore.


The photo was took just before the boat 'pinged' out from underneath us and we all just slid along the floor getting drenched and hurt


I find this photo soooo funny, not because I'm in it, its what you can actually see, just feet sticking up in the air and hands trying to hold on so they don't fall out etc, you can just imagine what everyone was thinking oh fuck


Thats me on the front by the way.



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Technically it wasn't that fun, I was terrified as we went down the slide, well I wasn't even in the boat, I was balancing on the front of it, holding on to the little flappy bits, but when we got to the bottom we all fell backwards.


Anyway you may have noticed that I started this topic by saying:


Here is an ORP of me falling out of another dinghy ride


And here is the reason I said "another dinghy ride":



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That kinda reminds me of when I went on one of those family raft slides at WaterWorld Concord. Though there was only 3 of us, we were flying down the slide and I kept getting major wall-time. During the ride, I was hanging onto a pouch so it wouldn't get wet and my other hand holding the handles on the raft. As soon as I hit the high banking, I was launched in the air and landed in the center of the raft...not once, but maybe a good 3 times. It was quite funny actually.

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