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[NL] Gallium

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My main goal this time was to create a terrain-hugging coaster, along with a bit more complex supports. I spent more time on the supports and building than I did with the track!



Tidbit: I didn't use the track smoother or AHG on this one.

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My main goal this time was to create a terrain-hugging coaster, along with a bit more complex supports. I spent more time on the supports and building than I did with the track!



Tidbit: I didn't use the track smoother or AHG on this one.


You really don't need any tools to make coasters in NL. I don't use them... I can see you used elementary though, those helixes would be like impossible to make that smooth without elementary.

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My main goal this time was to create a terrain-hugging coaster, along with a bit more complex supports. I spent more time on the supports and building than I did with the track!



Tidbit: I didn't use the track smoother or AHG on this one.


You really don't need any tools to make coasters in NL. I don't use them... I can see you used elementary though, those helixes would be like impossible to make that smooth without elementary.


I always use elements to make about 80% of the turns in my coasters. It makes life a LOT easier - plus it saves time in the long run!

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-The Supports have been cleaned up so the flanges look better on them

-Tunnels have been added to make the ride more intense

-Brake run building has been replaced with a cleaner looking tunnel

-Track has been recolored in the pond dive section

-Launch is at a slight incline

-Coaster now goes at 60MPH. If you still have 1.55, the forces might be larger




Does anyone know how I could take some video footage of the ride? I have the perfect song picked out...


Through the 4.5G helix!

Gallium w Tunnel.nlpack

Here's the final version!




Into the ejector hill




This. Ride. Goes. Fast.


Speeding into the brakes.


Airtime! Going into the finale turn.

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Thanks. I've made a version now which is more realistic as to park placement. The concept is: Have a pathway through a forest that people can walk through; the coaster weaves in and out of the trees. Adding the trees really gives it a fun effect. I'll put it up along with screenshots in a little bit.

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-Trees added




This is what I was thinking while creating the ride. Rushing through the forest at high speeds while skimming across the ground.



NOTE: If anyone would be interested on working on some 3DS stuff for the ride, send me a PM! (I want to put in a station, a queue line, and some signs.)

Gallium w Tunnel.nlpack

Here we are!


Looks like you couldn't put this one in Alton Towers!


The transitions in the ride are quick and make Gallium all the more out of control.


Into the finale turn.




The trees make the ride seem a lot faster.


It is impossible to see the whole layout from any ground-level location.


The layout of the coaster is very descreet now.


Shooting into the forest

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Feel free to post comments and criticism!


I still need someone to help me with 3DS. If you're interested, please PM me!



NEWS: Seaside Heights just announced that they are going to purchase Gallium for their park!


Here's the press release:


Get ready for pure speed.





NEW for 2007, Gallium will catapult riders down a 50 ft. long runway hurling them to speeds of 60mph. Designed by Adrenalyne and built by Intamin, Seaside Heights' new coaster will feature a 540* banked spiral, a 225 ft. long tunnel, and a maximum height of 60 ft! Each train has four cars, two rows of two sitting abreast. The only thing holding each rider in the seat is a small lap bar. Construction at Seaside Heights begins on Oct. 5 and will be complete on March 10. Gallium's media day will be on May 18, preceeded by a week of previewing for the general public.



Rumor has it that they are buying another Adrenalyne coaster, supposedly made by Vekoma. I wonder what it will be!


Here's the trailer.

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