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Everything posted by jamesissoocool

  1. is there a newer version of jcats pumper steelwrox
  2. bbw in the rain is cool until it starts thunder and lighting think what it would be like ride mf in a lighting storm
  3. normaly I just do the second hill 1 steep section shorter
  4. what ride do you think should go in matterhorn jounery to the centre of the earth
  5. more ctt big drop weeeeeee this is the lifthill building the whole building it not done yet
  6. crush's turtle twister over view crush's turtle twister NOTE:the building still has to be built
  7. Right heres the story. It's the year 2060 and disney were losing money so they discide to build a park in canada . Building has gone well they even have a spacemountain to rival the one in paris JUNE 24th: Today i got a vip pass to ride the rides that have been built so far also I took some photos splash down and that is why it's called splash mountiain argh we're going to hit the rocks here we go BIG lifthill and the final one omg backwards!!!!! a pic of thunder mountain from splash mountain splash mountain zero g roll yay corksrew space through the incine loop aaaahhh weres the track better do what the sign says because this thing really does go!!!! guess which ride mega drop first drop turn around mega drop and water section mega drop and some stats a bit of thunder mountain
  8. SFMM 9 CaLP 14 WOF 6 CP 13 SFOT 10 SFOG 14 PKD -9 BGT 11 SFNE +12
  9. any 1st gen intamin drop ride.It`s the big CLANK that the ride makes as the car slides forward
  10. King okng is being replaced because 2 days ago it crashed killing 17 people.All the staff that work on king kong are upset but the new ride taking it`s place is ment to be better
  11. Mine has to be x scream on the stratosphere tower.Sitting in the front sit is SCARY I was 12 when I went on it and my dad screamed like a girl.
  12. The station has been finshed on king kong and some of Six flags movie world`s new ride has arrived Some of new track arrived!!!!!!!! king kong`s new station
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