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  1. Embarrassing? Yes. Entertaining? Absolutely. Can't. Look. Away...
  2. Surprised once again. I thought management was doing a fine job and have loved what the parks have done in that past few years. I agree that the height requirement on this isn't representative of the push for family but what are other signs? I'm not being condescending when I ask that. I really want to know.
  3. After seeing all the trip reports, tours, coverage (etc.) on Terminator, X2, Thomas Town (etc. again) I'm surprised to see that.
  4. I'm assuming it's a mistake. Probably will have some sort of "accompanied by adult" restriction. HOWEVER..... is it really "end of the world" if it isn't? I mean a boycott of Magic Mountain? I agree that it's a crazy height requirement but come on. A little over the top with the anger/animosity don't we think?
  5. People are forgetting a few things here. First, she's not Paris or Nicole or any other "born into fame" star. She's been working since age 11. Her first album went DIAMOND at age 18. At 19, she sold 1.3 million copies of her sophomore album in ONE WEEK. She was beyond huge and, whether she asked for it or not, was a force. She had several sold out world tours and seemed to be working non-stop before 2004. Whether or not you like the product she was selling, her team was pushing her 24/7. Her fans that know her understood her shy, humble, and adorable personality before she met K-Fed. That was all the beginning of the end and although that was solely her fault, she lost her husband and sole custody of her kids in a short period of time at such a young age. Imagine going through that, in front of the WORLD. Second, she's a human being. I personally could care less about Anna Nicole but was shocked when I heard about her OD. The fact that Britney is potentially headed that way is terrifying. The fact that everyone seems to have forgotten about what happened to Anna Nicole so quickly is sad. Brit is in a downward spiral and no one is helping her. Everyone is just WATCHING. My rant is over. Just sad to see all this happen to one person in such a short period of time.
  6. YAY! Comet at TGE is the top wooden coaster in the SF chain! Well... besides El Toro that is. El Toro is unreal though. It definitely deserves the position it got. Kind of surprised it didn't get the top spot. Also kind of annoyed that the "it isn't even a wooden coaster!" debate is still alive and well. Will this ever be settled? I can't even read the thread at CB without getting agitated. Comet at TGE: Most underrated wooden coaster!
  7. Wow. It looks like the Great Escape pulled out all the stops for Fright Fest. I always love that park this time of year. How did the park look? It's known for being one of the cleanest (if not the cleanest) park in the chain. Too bad about Comet. Was it cold? I rode it back in August and my GOD that thing was booking!
  8. ^ You're kidding me right? What's wrong with 3 themed indoor coasters, a GCI, two G-Spinners (the good ones) and a B&M invert? You're nuts. The only gripe I might have is with the name "Goliath". That took me about 2 hours to get over.
  9. Another update. http://amusementpics.com/2006%20Expansion.htm My brother is there today and not only is Ka down because of it's latest incident, but The Chiller has been closed all day too. Yikes. This is the second year he's gone to the park and Ka has been closed because of a "situation". Just his luck...
  10. Ratings for Road Rules dropped. Many attribute that to the new voting procedure. As a result, the show was canned and the last season was Road Rules Xtreme (Season 10).
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