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Coaster Hunter

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Everything posted by Coaster Hunter

  1. Thank you for all the Trip Reports and photos! Again, thank for the great time in Bobbejaanland aswell. It was nice to meet you all.
  2. No. Do you like Goofy more than Pluto?
  3. ^^ Those seats are almost the same like Fly Away (Bobbejaanland). Kind of a enterprise. Auwch!
  4. 1. [12/01] => Efteling 2. [07/02] => Plopsa Indoor Hasselt 3. [17/02] => Toverland 4. [01/03] => Bobbejaanland (wintermeeting) 5. [24/03] => Walibi World 6. [31/03] => Bobbejaanland 7. [26/04] => Movie Park Germany 8. [01/05] => Bobbejaanland 9. [17/05] => Kermis Hamont 10. [18/05] => Drievliet 11. [19/05] => Kermis Hamont 12. [25/05] => Kermis Bree 13. [22/06] => Bobbejaanland 14. [25/06] => Bobbejaanland
  5. I'm a guy (boy, some people even say kid... ) who likes girls.
  6. Sometimes I play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. I know it's a very old game...
  7. No. Do you live in the United States of America?
  8. Josh & Wesz Presents Chickz On Fire - Natte Asbak (Dutch hardstyle... )
  9. Bobbejaanland (Belgium) About 1 hour with train, bus and waiting time...
  10. Nice close-ups! Thanks for posting them. I hope I can go to PHL again in July or August.
  11. It was just fantastic! Thanks Jimmy for the pictures. DVH is sweet! I'm Dimi by the way... Here are my pictures: Thank you Efteling! Briliantly done! Sorry for my spelling mistakes...
  12. Yesterday I have ride the Black Mamba. It was my first B&M. He's fantastic! Beautiful theming!
  13. The Rock'n Roller Coaster in Disneyland Resort Paris. Oooh, just wonderfull.
  14. I would take... No limits. Rct 3 is not so realistic. :?
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