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The username

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Everything posted by The username

  1. Only a week away from my brother and I's annual black Friday trip, going on 4 years now.
  2. I think it really depends on who's working. Ive had times where they let people into lines after the park closes.
  3. I think it was confirmed earlier this year that they were going to do a complete retracking of gasm over a couple years.
  4. Since it's a weekend, unless the weather looks bad it will be very ©rowded. Also, if you plan to stay all day just buy the five dollar movable locker, as most e-ticket rides require that you have a locker.
  5. Love the on-ride photos, glad that 3 coaster have them now instead of just Goliath a couple of years ago.
  6. Batman will remove your head if you enter his premises without permission.
  7. Ah, I visited last on June 24. I think it was running one then too, but I chalked it up to the park being empty.
  8. Pretty sure it's been regularly been running two trains besides the beginning of the season.
  9. Lots of their online polls have been talking about adding another coaster to the lineup since TC was received so well
  10. I've only ridden GAs freespin, and while it wasn't terrible, it wouldn't be somthing I'd do more than once or twice a season
  11. 4D freespin themed to twoface? Or some kind of flat? If they really wanted to, they could expand it into the parking lot and add a raptor. If only...
  12. Went to the park today to get the credits, rode Rampage 31x and Centi-speed just once. I like Rampage, it's rough, but the fun kind of rough.
  13. If Busch Gardens Williamsburg was able to save Le Scoot then six flags can do the same for theirs.(Not saying that they will)
  14. Went and battled the heat yesterday. Barley anyone at the park, was able to make several laps. Rode I-305 21 times(several of those at night). On Twisted Timbers, the first half is awesome but after the 3 big air time hills, the ride kills its re-rideability with all the jerky ejector air. Fantastic day, glad I was able to get back to this amazing park.
  15. Never seen them operating with the second bay, don't have to hire as many employees for a single station.
  16. I was there this previous Monday and Tc operating normally, hopefully it will running tommorow.
  17. Thanks! I was looking at that place online, glad to hear that it's not a dump!
  18. I don't know if I'm built for stand up coasters or just the luckiest man alive, cause I've never had a problem with any standup coasters. The technique I use is to crouch a little so you don't bash your sack and make sure you don't crunched in their by the ride-ops.
  19. Just got off scream machine. As a warning to everyone, after the second turnaround is a nasty pothole at the bottom of the first drop, heads up! Also the last couple of times I've been here the sky buckets haven't been running, hopefully that's not a sign of things to come.
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