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The username

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Everything posted by The username

  1. Glad I took the time to ride OG MindBender a couple of times before the revamp began. So glad that there finally is some kind of light at the end of the tunnel.
  2. Anybody been to white water lately? I looked at the app and several of the slides are listed as temporarily closed.
  3. I would kill for an S&S Air Launch style coaster, but I feel like well end up getting a 4D Freespin since were overdue for one anyway. Fingers crossed though.
  4. So Fiesta Texas is getting a dive coaster. I think this really broadens the options of rides the park could see in the future, now that it seems like SF is working with B&M again.
  5. Saw the video of Mindbender testing. I was worried about pacing due to shorter trains, but it looks like it's moving pretty well.
  6. That's great to hear!! On the note of the shorter trains, I'm pretty sure there's going to be 3 of them again instead of 2. Will they use all 3? Probably not.
  7. Went to the park today and got there a little after 12:00. Lots of people for an overcast day. Probably the shortest wait to get into the park I've ever had, much better than opening day! We only Todd a couple of rides before leaving due to our hunger and not wanting to wait an hour and a half for overpriced food. Ride operations were on point and the only slowdowns experienced were due to guests and not the ops. There was visible work happening on Mind Bender but no sign of new trains or testing going on. It looks sooooo good now that it's all painted. I hope they get it open before the end of the summer.
  8. Are we still in the dark on when MindBender reopens? I drove by yesterday and it looks like it's all back together.
  9. Just went there today, Rollin Thunder is worth the price of admission alone. Solid collection of rides and good operations.
  10. Motivate riders to ride multiple times huh?? Backwards Train niarT sdrawkcaB
  11. For some reason the website is flipping my pictures no matter how I save them, so some of them are upside down now is upside down! After the headache inducing process of picking up our season pass, we made a B-line to Goliath. It's becoming more and more shaky as the years drag on, I'm hoping there's a solution in the future for this as its only going to get worse. Here's the new sign for Gotham City, I don't strongly dislike it, but I do miss the old 90s Time warner Gotham. Work continues on Mind Bender (you can see some welding going on in the bottom left) The LED light package on "DC Super Villains Swing" is VERY bright. Truly the low point of the day, everyone already knows but it breaks my heart. Walking down to what's left of LickSkillet, my greatest fears were realized. The Sky Buckets are no more, I believe my last ride was in summer of 2019. I always made an effort to ride it every time I visited. Both stations are still intact along with all the towers, but its obvious that this classic is done. Maybe they'll end up using the old station as a que house for a new attraction, though it will probably just get leveled eventually. All right enough grieving, time for some really good news!! I am happy to say that GASM is rideable again!!! Track work has been done all the way through the second drop, and while the rest of the ride is still a little bumpy, I experienced no jack hammering! The trim after the final turn around also seemed to be off or toned way down on both of our rides. Nothing new to see here... Tried to ride Pandemonium but it kept on going down due to that one guy who always pulls down on the OSTRs. (Can they ban him???) Twisted Cyclone was as good and forceful as ever! Also these new signs have popped up all over alerting guests of the changing elevations. Something not good happened in the parking lot... Overall take-aways: It's more or less the same Six Flags, operations were about the same (for better or for worse) when we hit Super Man, they were actually keeping trains from stacking! Food service on the other hand was as awful, we tried to use the online ordering system and ended up waiting for an hour and a half for food. (longest that day) I'll be back when the weather is warmer and Mind Bender is open. Goliath x 4 Batman x 1 DDD x 1 Blue Hawk x 1 GASM x 2 SUF x 1 Mine Train x 1 TC x 2
  12. Another year, another opening day trip report! We've got some good, and some bad(prepare to cry) and everything in between. We got to the park a little before opening and the lines were very long (theme of the day) though we got through and found parking pretty quickly. Mind Bender is looking very GREEN, minus the section on the "second" loop. It's looking very good, but is nowhere near opening, let alone testing. From what I saw, the ride has no chain and no sign of any new trains either. Looking towards the bottom right, it looks like they are adding on the station a little. The primer grey track is still visible too. After the headache inducing process of picking up our season pass, we made a B-line to Goliath. It's becoming more and more shaky as the years drag on, I'm hoping there's a solution in the future for this as its only going to get worse.
  13. Park is becoming very crowded. Heads up to anyone planning on comming today!
  14. Say it ain't so!! They still exist on the app for now, but are labeled "Closed for the Season"
  15. ^Good thing to know! I did not have a pass for last season mainly because of MB and GASM not being open when I went on opening day. Def rubbed me the wrong way, might just be spoiled from how good 2019's opening was.
  16. After looking at season passes, might just go anyways. 50$ with free parking is a smoking good deal.
  17. Do we know if Mind Bender is going to open on opening day? Thinking about continuing my new tradition of attending opening day for the 3rd year in a row, but if there's no MB idk if I can really justify it.
  18. We had a blast yesterday and even got to ride Hargird's at NIGHT which was a truly amazing experience. Velocicoaster looks fantastic as well and is gonna have me comming back sooner then expected. All in all great day!
  19. Gotcha, we already have tickets purchased, so does that guarantee entry to both parks? Or is it more of a race to capacity once the parks open? Thanks for all yalls help!
  20. Thanks for the info, what do you mean by passes being "blocked out"? And how early do we want to be at the park?
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