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The username

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Everything posted by The username

  1. Very glad to hear Kumba will be sticking around, glad this was just a rumor. Seems like screamscape got trolled.
  2. Very sad, I'll need to get back down there again to get several last rides in on it before the supposed closing date. A point of contention however, when we were there on the 11th they were running two trains on Kumba. Maybe this was just for the IG media day?
  3. I hope thats the case, rode it in the front and rear on my most recent visit and it was fantastic. If they do retrack it I hope they leave the imperfection of the zero g roll. Such a classic ride, I got giddy to ride it almost as much as IG when we got there.
  4. Ended up getting 4th train today, but we were present for the grand opening ceremony! Absolutely fantastic ride, even better than Steve imo. Gonna have to ride it again at night!
  5. Lol I know, let me rephrase. "First in line to ride on it's Grand opening day" How's that?
  6. Alright, I'm in Tampa and the plan is in full motion to be one of if not the first to ride IG. Does anyone know if they do rope drop around 30 mins early like some other parks do? Planning on getting there around 8:30-9:00am to beat the rush.
  7. I really hope this ends up being true, still waking up super early to be one of if not the first in line for the official opening. Excited to get back to the park, just realized it's been over 10 years since I was last there!
  8. Glad the rider was ok. Glad that it isn't going to affect the opening date.
  9. Will Sheikra and Montu be open? We had been leaning towards not going due to them being closed. Those two being open would definitely help disperse the load for everything else. Edit: Nvm I see that they have them both to reopen on March 4th
  10. Thanks for the input, I'm from out of state and how my universities spring break works out opening day is really the only chance I'm gonna get.
  11. Currently scheming to be first in line for IG when it opens to the public on march 11th. This will be the first time I've ever attended a new roller coaster opening, what all should I expect?
  12. The queue is definitely going to have to be changed to prevent an accident like this from ever happening again. However, I'd like to believe the maintenance practices that created the conditions leading to the shearing of the flag pole bolts have already been revised.
  13. Definitely a good in-between coaster. Hopefully there will be bigger investments in the future.
  14. Can confirm is was NOT packed at all. Everything was a walk on except Mind Bender which had horribly slow operations. My experience on the ride this time around was much better than last time. The trims before the second loop were greatly reduced and there was no hang time like earlier this year. On the contrary, the first set of trims were shaving a lot of speed, so much that it looked like the ride would almost valley coming out of the helix. It looks like they're still working out the kinks in getting it to run just right. Other than that, fantastic day! Best I've had in a long time!
  15. Glad to hear they're not braking as on MindBender. I'm going there this Friday so I'll have to see how it compares
  16. I think the main reason they did it was to be able to "safely" run 3 trains. The trims are the main problem here, while they were negligible in the past, now both trims significantly slow down the ride. It was so bad on the second one, that the final loop felt sluggish.
  17. I feel like they could at least turn the trim down in the second loop, I could feel it lagging and losing all it's momentum when sitting in the front.
  18. The way the trains need to be loaded sucks too, I feel like if they cut down the trims it will definitely be more intense. Time to petition management.
  19. Rode MindBender today for the first time since the revamp and it's still pretty good. The trims do significantly dull down the ride but they aren't completely hard stoping it anymore and they seem to vary.
  20. Same here, didn't jack hammer me as bad as it used too when I visited earlier this year.
  21. Thanks Mike! Sounds like the ride is still as intense as it was before the refurb. Can't wait to experience this when it opens to the public.
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