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Posts posted by Jew

  1. I don't think there ever will be an Intamin at Universal. They built the first Jaws, and it hardly ever worked!


    Intamin has done a lot of ride systems for Universal parks over the years. BTTF, Jaws, Kong, ET, the Hanna Barbera theater, Popeye's, and I think a few more.


    Universal will go with whoever is the best combination of quality and price. I too find it hard to believe that they have an exclusive agreement with B&M unless the future B&M coasters are already agreed to. (so it makes no sense for Universal to turn elsewhere).

  2. Gardaland had potential, but when a hurricane was released upon the park...it was all downhill from there. Both of the credits we got sucked, for some strange reason we could order dessert but not drink refills at one of their sitdown restaurants, and we were unable to turn our one day ticket into a two day ticket (despite the fact we were staying in their hotel and had no problem paying the difference...).


    Mirabilianda has Kutun. And a strange way of letting guests into the station. But it was like 50000000000000000 degrees with nasty humidity, so that made the day less than enjoyable.


    Canevaworld ws actually my favorite park in Italy. Bummed out we didn't get to hit the waterpark, but the attractions in the Movie Park were great for "low budget" attractions! Their haunted house was on par with a Haunt or HHN maze, the T2 show was kind of cool (psycho floor of death=awesome), the Rambo stunt show was on par with other park stunt show (but I thought it was awesome they take guests "hostage" and use them in the show!), and their tram ride thing was nothing spectacular but still fun and not crappy by any means.

  3. If they work the deal out right, it makes sense to get some name brand food vendors in the park. Name brand products=more food sold (Panda Express was always the busiest food venue at the park when I worked at the park, despite the ridiculously high prices).


    Typically when parks make deals with fast food companies, they basically pay the franchise fee and run the operation themselves. I think that is ultimately what will happen at Six Flags parks.


    Outsourcing wouldn't be new to SFMM: The Lemon Freshers, Sushi, and Fry stand under Superman are all outside vendors IIRC.


    Another side note as to why SFMM is what it is: Ride Operators at USH and DLR make more than SFMM supervisors.

  4. My lead was a green tag, and it was funny because I was making $8.50, my regular wage, and she was making a whopping $7.00.


    My point exactly. There's not much motivation to work hard and impress for a measly .25 cent raise. Not to mention all the other stuff I mentioned already...


    Bottom Line: This grand scheme of Red Zone is going to fail if Six Flags doesn't make things better for the line employees. You can spruce up the park, place a HUGE emphasis on guest service, and all of that other good stuff...but what extra motivation are the line employees going to have to keep up the park?


    I just hope they're smart enough to realize that is a large part of the problem...


    BTW, if they remove Flashback it will be for a Hurricane Harbor expansion.

  5. So I decided, to leave my cozy dept. for a day or two. It seems they are a bit understaffed in operations, so i called HR, and i'll be working front gate from 9:00am to 11:00, then they will put me in Merch. or ride opps. Although I am a bit excited to see a change for a few days, i am kind of nervous, being out of my normal zone, i probablly will be the most enthusiastic ticket taker ever.


    Haha, you'll get to see how bad they have it. Although they do have an awesome manager.

  6. wrs28330-that's good to hear that there are at least some people who still care, and that you fell appreciated. However, I think the key thing you mentioned is how you are part of the 2nd smallest department in the park.


    My point of view is coming from a former rides/operations department employee. I still talk to some people at the park, and it really sounds like not much has changed in the department. If they want to be successful, they need to improve morale in the largest departments in the park-the ones largely responsible for the day to day front of the line operations in the park.

  7. ^Paul Pressler did the same sort of thing before destroying Disney too.


    However, I do give the new executive team credit for doing it. We certainly never got any invitations to a meeting with Gary Story and Co. (or even Del Holland for that matter...) while I was there, so they've already reached out to employees more than the past executive team did.


    However, talk is still just talk until action is taken. As long as the management of SFMM (all levels from Del Holland down) are mostly made up of political hires that are only in it for themselves and to help out their friends, it's still going to be an awful place to work. Add in the fact there is almost no employee parties (there was one operations BBQ and an X "preview" after the ride opened to the public as the only perks) and perks, minumum wage to start with pathetic raises, little room for advancement unless you kiss ass and/or are friends with management, insane hours (SFMM=Overtime galore), an employee services building that isn't even close to the park...I could go on, but I think you get the idea.


    It's unfortunate because a lot of great employees have been driven away from SFMM because of all the crap. Myself included. It's funny too, since now I work at USH and it's like night and day. Annual raises. Decent pay. Better employee perks. But most imporantly: at USH management actually appreciates my work and has done everything they can to help me to grow within the company. As just one example, the other day the Vice President of Attractions told me thank you for my work over the last peak week. That just doesn't happen at SFMM. You barely saw Fred Svenson in the park, and when you did...he certainly didn't compliment you for doing a good job running your attraction. Hell, supervisors in general barely freaking walked their area unless there was bad downtime, had to get up to sign the safety checksheet, or they wanted to visit one of their lead friends working...


    But hey, best of the luck to the new management team! There are some great people still working at SFMM, and I would like nothing more than for them to have a good park to call their own!

  8. If he's in it for the Money...he's gone this year. His draft stock will never get any higher than it is right now.


    Houston has the top pick in the draft, and while they might have invested heavily in David Carr: the opportunity to draft a home town hero that just led the home town college to a national title doesn't come around very often. He'll put butts in the seats, and that is all that will really matter to the Texans.


    Hell, the Texans are a perfect fit for him if he wants to stay a QB at the next level. Their O-line is so terrible, he'll be doing more scrambling than passing. Many other teams will want him as a WR or a TE because his horrible throwing motion and tendencies don't sit well with scouts. His athletic ability is off the charts though.

  9. hahaha!!!


    This is going to be fun to harass Jewy and Dan with for a week or two!


    You married Robb. We can harass you forever about that one!!! At least We'll only have to worry about a USC football loss once every 3 (or more) years...



    Seriously though. It was a hell of a game. It's unfortunate the streak had to end on this note, but at least it was to a worthy team. Texas made us pay for our mistakes and took advantage of some generous calls. Had those not have happened (the dumb mistakes and the generous calls), I have no doubt USC would still have won. Just a little more time on the clock, or a couple more inches on LenDale's run would have done it too. But that's football.


    34 straight wins, 2 straight Heismans, back to back national titles, 3 straight pac-10 titles, never losing to the Domers or FUCLA, 3 straight BCS bowl wins, and four straight BCS bowl appearances. That just doesn't happen in modern college football. But USC did it.


    BTW Nemmy, Texas beat Michigan in last years Rose Bowl...in case you forgot how much Michigan sucks.


    FIGHT ON!!!

  10. I will be returning to Universal Orlando from February 5 to 6, 2006 and I am staying at the Royal Pacific Resort for one night. I hope I am not treated rudely and disrespectfully during that stay. I am debating on not riding Men in Black: Alien Attack in future visits, as I do not want to hear any more inappropriate comments.


    And there in lies the real reason you complained. You might not admit it, but that paragraph was clearly in there to try and get something out of Universal...

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