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Posts posted by Jew

  1. i think its true.

    i hear the operations manger keep running his mouth about flashback and how its going to re-open in the next year but i will not belive it untill im on that train.


    ~Chris"wishing he could ride flashback 1 more time"-O


    Every year I worked there (2001-2003) Sky Tower and Metro allegedly had a budget to open. They even worked on Sky Tower to get one elevator running and used to cycle Metro once a day (or so I was told...never saw it myself). But as I'm sure you noticed...neither of them ever opened. Depending on who you asked, the money was never there to open them to begin with or the money that would have gone to opening them up was used elsewhere.


    They're only listed as being under refurbishment because they aren't gone from the park, so for budget/record keeping purposes they are listed as down due to refurbishment. Flashbacks reason for being down will probably change to 'safety' when Hurricane Harbor opens. It's just an excuse. Don't count on seeing either of those rides opening again.


    P.S.: I'm suprised you can hear Kevin Casey blabbing about anything over his techno music.

  2. A lot of people believe that Denise Dinn was responsible for the downfall of CCI. The previously cited examples of how low CCI's prices were give a pretty good idea of her business sense. In fact, I think she has been let go by S&S too! I also don't think it is an accident that she wasn't able to bring the majority of the CCI designers that went on to form Gravity Group with her....

  3. Yeah, anything that compresses video in the camera before you can even put it on your computer is not a good idea.

    Tape is still the best way at the moment.


    Since this thread was brought back to life, this is the first time I've seen this.


    For the record: all tape based formats are also compressed. Just not as bad.


    DV is actually compressed at 25mb/sec.

  4. Geez. I really wanted to meet up in August too. I guess I just can't take a hint. I should have known that when my question goes unanswered for so long, the other person probably doesn't want to hang out with me. I should have also known that everything is serious on TPR. No one ever jokes around here. Sorry.


    Bottom line: you guys are no fun and extremely disrespectful.

  5. ^^Don't lump us all in with the stupid Ruins.


    High up in the hills of Westwood

    Sprawled offensive to the eye

    Lies a Cal extension campus

    Known as Westwood High (high high high)

    Home of all the Bruin bearcubs

    UGLY is its name

    The student body's vile

    The football team's a pile

    and the campus is a shame!


    U (clap clap clap) G (clap clap clap) L (clap clap clap) Y (clap clap clap)

    U G L Y Eat My Shorts!


    -Joey "

  6. ^Well, technically Walt is already turning in his grave about WDW. EPCOT was supposed to be a city, WDW was supposed to have its own larger airport (it has a 2,000ft STOL runway that is no longer in use), there was supposed to be an industrial park...


    I bet he's pissed they ended up building all those hotels, theme parks, water parks, the seven seas lagoon, golf courses, entertainment areas, mini golf, etc., etc. instead.

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