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Posts posted by Jew

  1. "Bleep, Blop, Blip and the wizard." (jew)


    No, the trolls were Bloop, Bleep, and Blop.




    I thought Bleep was the chick, Bloop was the dude, Blip was the baby, and the King was the...King?


    There's also another troll costume in what used to be the theater (now a break room/storage room) in Spllikin Corner (now Psyclone Bay).


    Anyways...here's some of the other answers I think I know.


    What used to be housed in the current PlayPass Processing Center?


    I believe part of the Clown maze for Fright Fest was there. Also, wasn't that the Texas Instruments display place?


    Which ride in the park uses the greatest amount of power?


    Roaring Rapids.


    What was the Sky Tower orignally built for?


    A playboy club in Chicago.


    Which company desinged Buccaneer?




    Who desinged Sierra Twist?




    What did yosemite sam's flight school used to be called?


    Red Baron or Baron von Fudd depending how how far back you want to go.

  2. While I agree people should leave feedback if they see something they like/dislike, I don't think the guests should have to leave comments for management to take notice!


    If Shapiro and Co. are so concerned with how their "improvements" are working with guests, they should put forth the effort to get this information on their own through surveys! Stick survey takers at the character meet and greets, get more people out front, etc.

  3. Now that I have a few extra bucks from work


    Wait a minute...they pay people at SFMM?!?!?


    As for me...




    Lets see, what else?


    S:TE guide wheel

    B:TR and RRv concept art posters

    Broken Freefall sign

    Jet Stream flutter valve

    USH tram tour, collapsing bridge, and soon to add a HHN poster to that

    Some Bolts from Tidal Wave/Greased Lightning @ PGA

    SFMM employee belt from the 70's


    And some other random crap!

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