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Posts posted by Jew

  1. ^^^The 3rd train has been retired for parts...but I guess technically it is still on site (in pieces, never to be put back together).


    Behind the basketball game in Colossus County Fair? That was the location for the Crazy Barrel ride (the platform and ride operator booth are still there!) and all that I remember being there was a shipping crate used to store game prizes.

  2. Last concert I went to was night one of the KROQ Almost Accoustic Christmas @ the Gibson (Universal) Amplitheatre. Rise Against, Avenged Sevenfold, Thrice, Fall out Boy, Korn, NIN, and System of a Down.


    I'm planning on seeing Allister/MEST, Less than Jake, and possibly Goldfinger/Zebrahead in the next couple of months. It's nice to have the HOB at Downtown Disney!

  3. It's a solid movie. The beginning and endings are a little slow, but there is just enough humor to keep things going. Once they get to Skull Island...OMFG! It's like Indiana Jones meets JP. Freaking awesome.


    My major peeve is that the CGI in some spots looks so ridiculously fake it kills it. Especially New York City in the end and a couple of wide shots on the trip to Skull Island. However, the CGI on Skull Island...freaking sweet.

  4. From everything I have heard (CM's have started to ride the unfinished version), it should be a solid C-ticket attraction.


    I'm glad Disney is adding this. Not only does DCA need more things to do, it needs more family things to do. The rethemeing of the area and finally doing something with Limo is a step in the right direction. As noted, there is still space available in that area...


    Oh, and I just thought I should mention that not every attraction can be an E-ticket. You guys try asking the board for $100+ million dollars for a new ride every year when you're park has performed well below initial expectation since it has opened and see how far you get.

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