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Posts posted by Jew

  1. Most of Hollywood edits on Avid, but a cheap Avid setup will set you back about $20,000 (I'm not kidding).


    Actually...you are kidding. You just might not have known it. While I wouldn't suggest using Avid programs unless you're looking to make a living as an editor (it's by far the most complicated of the major editing platforms), Avid Xpress DV is only $300.

  2. I actually enjoyed the whole bookie gag.


    As far as the episode goes? Ehh..wasn't the best, but it happens. You have to feed the dog (FOX) a bone (episode centered around a football superstar the week before the Super Bowl) every now and then if you want to keep the checks coming.

  3. That's why I would make a bad imagineer. Lack of realistic thinking and blissfully ignorant of building costs.


    You're too good for WDI for exactly those reasons!


    But I do agree that the most overlooked part of ride design is the operations aspect. Designers just kind of say "here's what we're going to do, deal with it" instead of working closer with park operations departments. That leads to things like confusing queues (or queues that are too big or small for the attraction), lots of stupid downtime, and plenty of other headaches for guests and operations that are overlooked during the design process.

  4. As I posted on Westcoaster, when you are 2 billion dollars in debt...you have to try crazy things like this. If it worked, they would have increased in park spending by lord knows how much. They went through with it, saw the backlash, licked their wounds, and moved on. It wouldn't be the first time a theme park messed up (the main street electrical parade light fiasco @ Disneyland, for instance), and it won't be the last. But you never know until you take the risks (everyone said Disneyland would be a failure too...).

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