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Posts posted by Jew

  1. ^I think the issue is what to do with the line and fastpasses. Does Disney want to cycle the ride out/stop fastpasses for regular Space Mountain every night, or will they just post signs saying "Space Mountain will become RockIt Mountain at..."?


    It could also take a 1/2 hour depending on how they set it up. I would hope they would make it easier, but since we don't know for sure, theoretically the effects could have to be turned on manually (which of course would make it take a lot longer).


    Dance 360 was the most ridiculous show ever. Basically the audience chanted "Tag Your Man" and "3-6-ooooo", "wiggers" did break dancing moves in a circle, then the winner gave "shout outs" at the end of the show. It was amazing. Oh...and it was hosted by Kel. And the prize was $360 (how clever)+an X-box.

  3. * You can see the parking garage from the ride.

    * You're surrounded by a generic studio lot after splashdown.


    So Dueling Dragons must suck because you can see a lot of things that would qualify as "bad show" (including the show building of the castle you were just inside of!) on the ride?


    If the parking garage was right smack dab in the middle of the ride and I can't focus anywhere else but the parking garage, that would be one thing. But I personally don't have a problem with things not being completely immersive (although it only adds that much more to a ride when it is) because I *KNOW* I'm at a theme park and can still focus on the ride itself. It's still pretty damn immersive, and I highly doubt many people get off the ride thinking "I couldn't have gone to Jurassic Park because I saw the parking structure and ended up back in the Studio Center when I was off the ride!!"


    * I much prefer the dropping raptor crate, personally. The jeep effect is pretty stupid looking, since you can see both the track it's on and the wires it's connected to. Bad show. Plus, dropping something right over someone's head is more likely to scare them than something falling down a wall.


    It's still cooler to see an SUV fall. That's all that matters. Crates? PoTC has been hanging barrels over my head and trying to fool me into thinking they will fall on me for my entire life!

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