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Everything posted by Movieguy

  1. I guess Vekoma's ok, if you've never ridden a boomerang before, but to me, B&M will always be the superior manufacturer. The Mind Eraser, the Boomerang at Geagau like was good, but I've been on one of their SLC's (Top Gun at PCW) and it just didn't even compare to a B&M invert IMO. To me they've always been a mediocre manufacturer, but they're at least a step up from the dreaded TOGO.
  2. Well, I just scanned a pic I want to use, I downloaded Picassa, and the thing can't seem to detect the file for some reason. What do I need to do?
  3. Paul Ruben...heh...you could put this guy through the Manhattan express with tacks plastered all over the seat, and he'd still give the damn thing a glowing review.
  4. Well, I don't have a car, plus I still haven't gotten my driver's license (long story...basically, it's almost impossible to pass the road test in this town) so my choices are a bit limited hehe. And no, I don't plan on spending all of the 8,000 dollars. As for the question of doing this alone, well, I don't have many friends around this area anymore, and the ones i do have just don't have the time or the money to do this. Besides, I kinda like being by myself, even at a theme park. It's just the kinda guy I am, I guess.
  5. I'm looking at this right now and thinking "That looks a hell of a lot like TTD to me" hehe. I'm sure it'll be an interesting ride though, assuming they'll find a way for the train to get all the way over regularly that is.
  6. Ok, I was finally able to read the article, and this new version does sound cool. We'll just have to see how well they can maintain this version over time. But, if I were on this one now, the impressive effects would probably help me forget that this is a Vekoma I'm riding on, hehe.
  7. The closest park to me is Six Flags Darien Lake, which is a few hours from here. Another close one for me is Marineland in Niagara Falls...uh-huh... Now you know why I want to leave Upstate NY so badly.
  8. Ok, let me get this straight...Disney wanted to a modern version of space mountain in Europe, with high speed and inversions, they had so many choices as to who could design the thing, and they pick Vekoma??? I've never been able to figure that out. It's amazing they even found time to do this for disney in the midst of designing so many boomerang clones for parks around the world. lol. Seriously though, what were you thinking Disney? You should have gone with B&M or at least with Intamin. So much wasted potential.
  9. I'm surprised Astroworld's on there. I always heard that place was a bit run down and "ghetto". Ditto for Coney Island. Top Ten Lists are unreliable. Whenever I see a top ten Coasters thing, I just KNOW that Magnum is gonna end up on the thing somewhere. True, it was a groudnbreaking coaster, but that was in 1989. Plus I've been on much more interesting coasters since then. Give the old boy a rest damn it! lol.
  10. It almost always pays to show up early at these places. It also helps to have threats of bad weather. The first day I was in BGW, there were threats of brief thunderstorms...so, a lot of the park was empty, we didn't get hit by anything big, and I got to go on Alpengeist three times in a row. Anyway, I keep hearing about how great this Mythos place is. Seeing as how I might be going to IOA at some point in the future. What would you recommend from there?
  11. This is a kind of coaster I've always wanted to check out, despite the fact that it's a TOGO hehe. And this one in Asia looks especially impressive. I personally think it would be neat if they could do an enclosed version of this coaster, with strobes and visual effects and stuff like that. Might be a bit akward with the turntables though.
  12. You know, I never considered Indiana, but that sounds good too. I don't know much about Indiana Beach, but Holiday World has two great looking woodies I'd love to try out. Speaking of the midwest, another Idea I had was possibly PKI, since I've never been there, and always wanted to try the Beast and Vortex as well.
  13. I never went to Opryland, but I still think it's a shame that place got torn down. I used to go to this website dedicated to the CHAOS coaster. unfortunately it went off a few years ago. You could download the music that played inside of the ride (It was "Bones on The Beach" by Michael Hoenig I believe). The first incarnation of the ride, where you wore the 3-D glasses sounded very impressive, but according to the website, too many people were bringing objects onto the ride with them and dropping them on the screens. I guess the closest thing to Chaos now is the Revolution at Belgium's Bobbejaanland park.
  14. hehehe, trust me, I know all about the headaches where shuttles are involved. And BGW is a nice place, though I went there last summer already...PKD's a good idea though, I've never been there either.
  15. I was just talking with my dad about this tonight. He was going over possible vacation ideas, and I now actually have enough money to possibly go on a vacation by myself (I've never done this, so it's a big deal for me). that I could actually fly down someplace for a visit. It's an intriguing possibilty, one that may become reality within the next few months...I currently have close to 8,000 dollars in the bank, plus I have a 600 dollar tax refund coming, and on top of that, I just got a pay raise at my job, which I've had for a year and a half now, and am currently elegible for certain union benefits, including vacation time. So, being a theme park enthusiast, what kind of places would be the most economically feasible for me? Taking into account park ticket prices, food expenses, lodging expenses, and airline rates among other things. I actually considered seeing Universal/IOA in Orlando since I've never been there, but I've heard how expensive trips down there can be, so it's probably a wee bit out of my price range hehe. Haven't had many other ideas, since this just came up tonight. I don't really know, my knowledge of travel planning and expenses is a bit limited, so that's why I'm asking for a little advice here. Anything you can tell me will be greatly appreciated.
  16. Best Woodie Drop: The last drop on Kennywood's Thunderbolt. Best Steelie Drop: The first drop of Millenium Force Almost Any of the drops on Apollo's Charriot.
  17. Well, maybe they're keeping this one less intense now for PR reasons...remember, tis the season for the media to scrutinize roller coasters (or anything else considered by us young people as fun ^_^) , where even the most minor incident will end up on the evening news.
  18. Funny you should mention Primanti brothers...ever try the Pittsburgher, a burger with fries and coleslaw as toppings?...yummy
  19. Ah yes, I forgot about Kennywood...I can almost taste those potato patch fries with the cheese on top right now...mmmmm They also had this great funnel cake sundae, with vanilla ice cream and strawberries...other parks have this too, but the best one I ever had was at Kennywood.
  20. For almost every summer from 1997-2003, my family and I had been visiting Cedar Point for a few days in August for my Birthday. But for last summer, we did something different. First, we stopped in Washingtion DC, which I hadn't been to since I was 8 years old, and that by itself was amazing. One of the things we got to see was an amazing 3-D movie about the international space station in the Smithsonian's IMAX theater. After two days there, we departed for Williamsburg, VA, and spent two days visiting Busch Gardens, a park I had never seen before.... And you know what?...I think I have a new favorite seasonal park now. This place was great. Well themed, friendly, well-kept, great rides. The food was especially good. It was pricey, but it was well worth every dime I spent. Also, no offense to Cedar point, but it was nice to find a table every time I got food for once, and every one a clean table at that hehe. My point in all this? It's just fun to break with tradition sometimes. I did it last year, and I'm gonna see if I can visit someplace different this year.
  21. Aw, I'm sorry kid. I didn't know someone actually liked that one hehe Ok, I'll spare that one...for now.
  22. Basically, anything by TOGO that's still standing should be retired. Windjammer and King Cobra are gone, so let's keep it going by ripping down Skyliner and Manhattan Express. I also think it's about time the Disaster Transport gets taken down, or at least get converted back into avalanche run, because that whole indoor coaster project was such a failure for CP IMO.
  23. Well, I haven't been back to WDW since 1999, and I've never been to IOA, so for now I'm gonna have to say that BGW has the best food. I remember my first day there last summer, I went to Italy, got an early lunch with pasta and strawberry shortcake, and ate it out in that little outdoor theater of theirs...I was in heaven
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