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Everything posted by Anabelle

  1. NO) Do you prefer cats rather than dogs?
  2. ehh 2 years ago with some backpackers in Asia When was the last time you saw your grandparents?
  3. I've past a super difficult Genetics exam!!!
  4. At school I studied French (I mean I was too cool to really study) but I still remember some words Once I heard a french song and I understood some phrases, I got curious, googled it and now I am a fan of french songs Seriously, I like to translate them more I guess...
  5. I am not sure, but is it the temperatures that keep causing Flashback to valley?
  6. My last beer was a passion fruit beer! it's so good you don't even feel it's a beer! I guess to some people it can replace orange juice in the morning
  7. No one's gonna fault you for it. A credit's a credit, after all. Gotha LOl
  8. My last coaster was in Vietnam, but it was more of a childish thing, I made 3 circles just bcz it was free, but it wasn't thrilling at all
  9. Sofi Tukker (an american group) Drinkee! Cool electronics!
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