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Coasters 4 ever

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Everything posted by Coasters 4 ever

  1. As you gain more levels, you get more weapons. And sometimes you'll just get a weapon out of the blue but I'm not sure how often that happens. Yeah, I mean I think it's fun but I could see how someone wouldn't like it.
  2. Yeah, it's very simple but surprisingly entertaining.
  3. My Brute is a game in which you compete against other people with your "brute", a cute little character. The fights are automated, but they're fun to watch, at least for me (but I also get way more into this game than I should). http://monkeymascot.mybrute.com You can make a brute there.
  4. I don't remember what the site was called, all I remember is that people there hated me.
  5. I remember this place from a very long time ago. Back when I joined, I was the youngest member... I doubt I still am. This place still looks the same for the most part. The only different thing I notice is the smilies. I was here when there were only the small yellow ones.
  6. I haven't been here in FOREVER! Anyway, 3936-1774-5219-9733. I want to get as many friends as possible. More friends = more cool Miis.
  7. I go to UO and WDW every year. What do you think I said?
  8. On Phoenix at Knoebel's I nearly fell out. Almost all of my body was above the lap bar except for my thighs down. I was leaning over the lapbar just to hang on. Most airtime EVAR!
  9. ROTM at USF for the worst ending. I thought there was something after that, then I see the unloading stations to my left and right. Huge letdown. Best ending for me is Steel Force. I liked the camelbacks, after every one it makes me go "Whoa!" Haha that rhymed.
  10. Sorry if this has been posted before, I haven't been here in a LONG time. What was the funniest thing that happened to you/someone else on a ride? I was on Revolution at Dorney Park (a swinging pendulum ride) and the person across from me's shoe fell off. It went flying and landed in the lake about 50 feet away. It was hilarious, I'd never actually seen that happen to someone before.
  11. I know I'm going to sound like a wimp, but Sidewinder at Hersheypark scared me a lot. It doesn't look that bad, but I had no idea when we were going to drop since you go up the lift hill backwards. I screamed. Loud.
  12. It's pretty much what the topic says. Does anyone know where I can find a good Storm Runner POV? It would help my confidence on riding it during Springtime in the Park (I chickened out last time ). Thanks in advance!
  13. He's really smart. On the Blue Diamond Clan (it's for Mario Kart DS) site, all his posts are like 200-300 words long.
  14. I've seen that before. This guy got to level 46 in like 2 hours.
  15. With the holidays coming up, more people will be getting Wi-Fi enabled DS games. I am. Post your friend codes for Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Metroid Prime: Hunters, Tony Hawk's American Sk8Land, and/or any future Wi-Fi DS games. This way we can arrange matches between TPR members, and maybe even have tournaments! I'll try to get mine up on Christmas or the day after.
  16. Fruit loops. What's your favorite country other than your own?
  17. I just remembered why I left here in the first place.
  18. EDIT: I just noticed the 3 posts above me. Crap. I'd recommend some parks in the NJ/NY/PA area. I've been to Dorney, Hershey, and Knoebel's (I'd go there just to ride Phoenix). Dorney Park: Hydra, Talon, Steel Force, Laser, and Thunderhawk are all decent to good rides. Nothing spectacular, but it's worth a trip. There's also Camp Snoopy, with 2(?) kiddie coasters and some kiddie flats. Hersheypark: Storm Runner, Sidewinder, Comet, Lightning Racer, Wildcat, and Great Bear. Comet's decent, I didn't go on Sidewinder, I didn't go on Storm Runner, Great Bear's pretty short, but has many positive G's (plus a helix at the top of the lift that I love), and Lightning Racer and Wildcat weren't open. There's also Chocolate World right across the street, which doesn't require an addmission fee (go free stuff), and has a ride that shows how chocolate is made. Knoebel's: I love Knoebel's. First off, addmission is free, so you can pay as you go, or get a wristband for around $30 that let's you go on unlimited rides. There is no gate or anything, so you can be waiting in line for a ride before the park even opens. The two most popular rides are Phoenix and Twister, both great wooden coasters. There's a handful of flats, too (Fandango is IMO the best). I also don't recommend going on Power Surge on a full stomach (I did, and I nearly threw-up, and I don't even get sick on rides). Twister is a great ride, but it's a little rough. Phoenix is AMAZING. By far the best wooden coaster I have ever been on (I haven't been on many, but still). I literally almost fell out during the biggest pop of airtime. I was practically floating the entire ride, due to sustained speeds and a bunch of airtime producing hills. This ride doesn't let off until the end. Add on comfortable seats and lapbars that are desinged perfectly, and you've got a "world-class wooden roller coaster".
  19. Ummm... I guess. Yes? Do you like monkeys?
  20. 1) Dueling Dragons Fire 2) Dueling Dragons Ice 3) Great Bear 4) Talon That's all I've been on.
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