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Everything posted by JT325

  1. Didn't a guy (developmentally disabled perhaps) fall from the drop tower at Great America (Ca) a few years ago - where they didn't figure out how he got on the outside of an intamin drop harness?
  2. Totally. We have had way too many ride changes since the 90s... rides gone or changed so much they aren't the same/fun anymore. This is a truly horrible thing - either by accident or on purpose. Feel bad for the guy, and all the people (kids!!!) who saw it.
  3. I'm with ya! All the way. Those curves.... mmmmm! The drops aren't half bad either. And that beautiful curved station and curved brakes with skids(!!!). Workmanship! Phoenix is a top 10 for me as well, but this bad boy is higher.
  4. Kudos to Holiday World for not having "pay to cut." They also have a great efficiency/operations (see how that works, Six Flags?).
  5. ^Say it! I try to avoid vest coasters, especially if they are of the "X-Flight tighten and crush" type. Wretched things. Unless they're nice n loose - Thunderbird perhaps.
  6. Yes! Bruises used to be a souvenir from a good ride. I rode Americana's Screechin' Eagle 64 times in one day (as a teen, late 80s... what a great time to be a coaster geek!) and could barely walk at day's end due to flying up into the lap bar, which was already a good 4-6 inches away from the lap. No seat dividers, good times.
  7. Oh yeah, big time! I'll take a little room to move over being pinned in. Unfortunately for me, I just haven't acclimated to the RMC style seats/restraints well (and to a much less degree, GCI). My lower half needs to be able to move at least a little. So grateful we have these woodies at HW, and that they take such great care of them.
  8. NO banking in that helix is the main feature that makes Legend the favorite of many of us. And... the Holiday World PTC trains have twisting back axles. So does Ravine Flyer, etc.. What may seem like a deficiency in the "twisting" department, is an asset in another. In other words, they are fun roller coasters that provide kick, great laterals and air time (Phoenix, etc.) I would say the Holiday World woodies run better than any other wood coasters, especially for what they do. The GCI coasters lack a certain feel; this is probably more popular if you like B&M, RMC, etc. GCI designs rides that are more of what I call "modern woodies," great for corporate parks and patrons. Personally, I prefer more classic types. Good example: Legend - my favorite at Holiday World. Plenty of people love it while others (perhaps more inclined to B&M, RMC and GCI) don't care for it. I'll take true laterals; it's a taste that everyone doesn't share. And good thing - it would stink if we all liked the same things. (Please don't take any of this as an "I hate GCI, etc." comment. I like those too! Just rode Ghost Rider and love it; but loved it more in 1999 with the original PTC trains and profile.)
  9. I'm very lucky to have been on brand new versions of Timberwolf (89), Georgia Cyclone and Texas Giant (1990). And old American Eagle, Texas Cyclone, and countless other classic wood coasters that have had their trains and track retrofitted to serve for lower insurance premiums. An 80's Beast with skid brakes that just did that... as well as 3 coveted "brake-less" Beast rides in 1988/89. I'll never forget those; few rides have scared me since. A 1988 Great America Shockwave running with no trim brake; the corkscrews were like watching cartoons. A 1991 Steel Phantom during after park ride ERT where the loop brake had to be turned off to quiet down for neighbors; we didn't complain! Those 2 were not supposed to run like that, so the flukes/rarities were very special. But my luckiest was working on the Cedar Point Blue Streak for the last 2 seasons (1992/93) we ran fully manual (hand brakes) with classic trains (a big blue bench, a single buzz bar, and a single optional seatbelt). The park worked our teenage butts off minimum 6 days a week and we got 1,200 people per hour on that ride - and darnit we were lucky to do it!
  10. La Ronde is such a beautiful location... such opportunity. Now if someone else had it, like Cedar Fair. It would be all clean, user-friendly and operational. And I love Monstre as well; with it's weird slow sections and car-crash bits, great views, a coaster with surprises - the way Bill Cobb meant.
  11. I've heard from a reliable source that "it's gonna be a while" before the coaster starts going up. They want to do it right, sometimes that takes a longer time than hoped for.
  12. I love CLP and I count Blue Streak as my #2 woodie. The park may be cracked and falling apart in some respects, but I have a ton of FUN there which doesn't happen at big corporate parks. And those waterslides, holy cow. Nuts!
  13. Coasty McCoasterforce was the name announced for the new coaster on April 1st, maybe an April Fool's Joke But if it's not, at least it's original. It is painted white and blue (see how easy that was Six Flags Over Texas? Poor Shockwave with those odd colors over the years) in the facebook video they posted https://fb.watch/4JJ8jyTa1x/
  14. That reminds me of the time I was riding Mr. Freeze during and ERT and the park was trying to "impress" someone present, obviously, as they were drenching those nasty headrests with Fabuloso. I rode once and didn't go back, I thought my eyes were turning purple from the smell. Cheap aggressive smells (gain, windex, air freshener, AXE stuff) more than anything add a big dose of air pollution. But it's gotta smell clean....
  15. Wow. See, cool things happen sometimes. It doesn't hurt to speak up and kindly tell parks what you like (or sign a petition).
  16. Don't hurt though. I know, my opinion is very unpopular, but for the folks that say "couldn't hurt" hear me.
  17. The petition has over 18,000 votes. Do these ever get this high? Oh well, can't hurt. https://www.change.org/p/palace-entertainment-save-the-kangaroo-and-paratrooper-at-kennywood-park
  18. Interesting pick. Well, it's HW. They will do it well. Daydream of the insanitay and grossness if they picked a John Waters' movie.
  19. I would definitely look into that; I'd think with the very connected CP fan base, someone could get an answer on that. That is what I remember, but that was back in 1999. It could have been wrong. The number seemed very high to me at the time. Perhaps that's loaded weight?
  20. A standard 4 (3 bench) or 6 (2 bench) car PTC train used to weigh 6 tons. But that was with out all the extra crap they introduced in the 90s (individual lap bar lockers/bars/steel-core headrests, etc.) I remember reading a Millennium Force train weighs 28 tons. Geesh! No wonder it holds it's speed so well.
  21. I signed the petition, can't hurt. It helped with Whizzer (despite what some nasties still say, that SFGAmerica had that set up, they didn't). Kangaroo rocks. Take it down, spend a couple years refurbishing (or completely rebuilding it) and re-introduce it. It'd be the hugest thing since... I dunno. It'd be popular out there. Back when I worked at CP (90s!) if we could get a day off (is that still legal in Sandusky?) we'd zap out to Kennywood. 4 of us could squeeze in those seats, good times.
  22. Great addition! I love the color scheme; Silverwood needs a dash of red. I keep wondering when they will pull a Holiday World and convert their 2 long-wait woodies into 2 train ops, like Holiday World for Raven and Legend years ago.
  23. ^Yeah, blah blah blah... we knew it would be sensationalized. It wouldn't have been made otherwise. Despite all that, it was still the funniest, most entertaining thing I've seen in months. I'm going to watch it again to to see these characters in action. Excellent! I didn't get to Action Park. But I was at other water parks, and amusement parks too in the 80s (and the tail end of the 70s!). A ride being safe or not is one thing, but my gosh have people become super wimps when it comes to rides.
  24. So uh... this years' Holiwood Nights turned out to be a most attended ever, with reportedly between 900 and 1,000 people. It was nuts! Holiday World did a snap up job with operations, especially considering. It is impressive to see them constantly show up and knock it out of the park, even when things go horribly wrong. The coasters were running outstanding; each smoother than usual but still a couple quick/minor pot hole/kickers. I don't think I'll go to any more events during this pandemic (so that may mean a nix on my Knoebels PPP trip next month), but if I did it again, it would be at Holiday World. They always impress!
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