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Everything posted by singforfood

  1. If you really wanna get technical, one could argue Fury's the tallest coaster without a launch, or in other words, the world's tallest (traditional) coaster. I hadn't thought of it like that. F325 actually just gained a couple points in my book.
  2. When people have an empty next to them, I like to say we saved it for Mr Knott. They usually don't get the joke, but sometimes people get a kick out of it.
  3. When was this and what channel? That's the same mistake Yahoo Travel made on their Twitter a while back. It was around 11:30 (right before I posted) on ABC7. All the "World's tallest and fastest Gigacoaster" marketing is paying off i see
  4. LOL. Watch out for the credibility patrol! The park maps have never made sense. Tatsu is now drawn as going UNDER the lift hill for craps sake. Who do they hire to draw these things up?? I feel like they could hold a "Whatever guest draws the best park map wins a season pass" competition with park fans voting and the maps would be 1,000,000 times better than any map the park has ever released. And it'd cost the company NOTHING! Honestly, the thing I really care about on park maps is the accuracy and clarity of the pathways, and this map does a good job. The maps at Knotts right now are terrible for trying to decipher how to walk to anything in the park.
  5. Just today, a guest in line for Silver Bullet asked me if the ride was on rollers in case of an earthquake.
  6. I'm sure we could fill DOZENS of pages with our funny, crazy, awkward, inspiring, and unbelievable stories. Yesterday, while working Silver Bullet at KBF, the train came back and a woman in the front row was expressing her general excitement for how fun the ride was, since she had never been on it before. As she was unbuckling her belt, I told her "you should also try it from the back" to which she responded... "Oh, I've heard that before."
  7. "Am I going to die on this ride?" with 100% legitimate fear in their eyes. Yes, cuz we'd totally be allowed to run this thing if there was a reasonable chance of it killing people.
  8. I guarantee it was dictated by their lawyers. Classic over reaction. Bingo. A very unfortunate reality of the modern day amusement industry is that avoiding lawsuits (however frivolous) is the #1 priority in any decision making process.
  9. ...you're sad that the Intamin Accelerator at your home park never rolls back, so you spend 10 minutes looking up TTD / Kingda Ka rollback videos on youtube.
  10. This! I don't get it either. I'd much rather see the area around Jet Stream get an upgrade honestly. Thank you!
  11. Along with the crew, hope that the guests don't try to bring every possible loose item with them and ignore the announcements. "Yes really, your glasses too. No, you can't just hold them in your hand."
  12. Worst moments 0:42... Talking about B:TR while showing a picture of Dark Knight 1:52... When Yolo opened, it "Immediately set the record as the world's tallest loop-the-loop". 3:02... i305 is the tallest and fastest ride on the East Coast 4:30... Cedar Point didn't have any coasters before MF 5:13... "The Wicked coaster at Cedar Point" Wicked Twister 6:05... S:RoS was the first hyper coaster 9:13... Tower of Terror's on-ride photo is apparently unique 9:33... Takabisha goes 90 mph
  13. Am I the only one who doesn't like the orange supports on Scream? I like painting the track all blue, but i think the orange is really obnoxious. I hope it IS just a primer and that the final color is darker.
  14. Weekdays during February (and sometimes Sundays) are all pretty slow. The first week or two of March will be the same, then it'll pick up briefly for Spring Break / Berry Festival.
  15. It was just kind of irritating when 3 different ROs were taking turns trying to reassure the girl that she was totally safe sitting in her seat while maintenance was on their way and her dad decided to make a scene instead of try to calm her down with us.
  16. It's like whoever designed them had to actively search for and choose pictures that were wrong.
  17. Thankfully it was at the bottom of the lift. But this one poor girl was absolutely terrified and wouldn't stop crying, and her dad decided his energy would be better spent yelling at us to get them off (which we can't do until maintenance arrives) than reassuring her that she'd be okay.
  18. So. My 2nd day at Bullet and we had to E-stop and evacuate both trains. Sheesh!
  19. I'm now a certified Ride Op on Silver Bullet! So, ask me questions if you want and I might actually know the answer.
  20. "Ireland will soon have the largest inverted wooden rollercoaster in Europe" Umm... an inverted woodie? Did I miss something?
  21. Patrick Paaaaage! I saw him in Spiderman and he stole the show.
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