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Everything posted by ZeroGravity55

  1. It's very obvious the 3 records are going to be worlds fastest woodie, the woodie with the biggest drop and the steepest woodie.
  2. Nobody is making it up... http://www.courierpress.com/news/2012/oct/04/no-headline---holidayworld/ "We did a great big project for 2012, so there may not be a big project in 2013," Koch said. "But I promise you, there are big, big projects coming for 2014, 2015 and 2016. They are already on the drawing board, but I am sworn to secrecy." Then again, Dan is not in charge, but I really don't think that is going to change any of the future plans.
  3. Paula said on twitter that the park plans on talking about next year sometime next month. And you aren't kidding, Screamscape didn't even have a story about the Timberliners yesterday.
  4. The Voyage has to be one of the most controversial coasters out there. I can't think of one ride that causes more debate than this one. It's my favorite ride, but I understand why people hate it. I'm not gonna sit here and say it's smooth, I don't think there is anything the park can do to make it smooth, unless it's a huge remodel with topper track or something like that. Even if they did a full traditional re-track, those PTC's will tear it apart in 3 months. I do believe the park has a few options to fix the ride permanently and I think that is the path they should chose. The Voyage is still my favorite ride because I've had more good rides on it than I've had bad. I will say that most of those bad rides have come since 2010, but I've had none this year. I guess I'll find out how its's running in October.
  5. Bottom of the first drop. The ride had to climb a good 70 feet after the 153. I'm gonna guess it only drops 30+ feet after the wave turn, but that's just an eye estimate. I expect this coaster to be longer than Outlaw Run. Outlaw Run is so short because, the ride goes so far down the hill, but has to come so far back up hill, without the ride running out of speed. I bet this coaster is gonna be a good 4,000+ feet based on the speed is gonna have. I also say that assuming there is very little terrain to work with, such as the valleys that Outlaw Run sits in.
  6. ^ I don't think The Legend is rough, it just has some very strong laterals that make it seem rough. I personally think the turn that is next to the lift on The Legend is one of the most laterally aggressive turns out there.
  7. ^^ I don't think Six Flags is done with Intamin. It's been rumored that Six Flags has asked Intamin about attaching a drop dower on the back of Kingda Ka up at Great Adventure in the future.
  8. I don't particularly care if it's RMC or Intamin. But I think it's going to be RMC, given Six Flags relationship with the company over the last 3 years.
  9. ^Idk about underground. They just need a good piece of terrain with a good drop of 15-20 feet from the end of the lift hill. That would be enough to give them the speed and drop record.
  10. Hint: The height is not the record I'm implying, it's the drop. Why would the park put all the hard work into all these teaser videos, then tell the mayor it's alright to tell a newspaper about it?
  11. I don't think the it helps the parks efforts when the mayor of Gurnee comes out and says it's going a 165 foot tall wooden roller coaster, and it's also going to be the worlds fastest woodie. Go ahead and give away two of the records the ride is going to hold. Next time, the park should just tell the mayor what she needs to know and that's the fact the ride is 165 feet tall. Then again, I think it would be funny if the park got the mayor in on the teaser rumors.
  12. ^ It's speculation/pipe dreaming, nobody has no idea about what is going to be done.
  13. ^ That's what I'm thinking, but I rather they leave Raven alone. I love that ride just the way it is. Edit: I say that because in my 11 years of riding Raven, I've yet to experience what I would consider a "bad ride".
  14. I found this picture on a SFGAm facebook fansite. The claim that this is all the expandable land the park has. If this is true, we might be seeing a out & back style woodie if the they use all the expandable land.
  15. It has been rumored that the park has 3 big projects for the next 3 years. Lets say that one of them is a steel coaster. Would you rather see the park put off building a steel coaster and commit that money to getting the Voyage fixed? Lets say that they hire RMC and purchase their pre-fab topper track for the whole ride with RMC trains. They would not change the layout or design, just simply replace all the track. Would you rather see that happen to the Voyage or the park add a steel coaster? I know this is all hypothetical, but its something I've been thinking about.
  16. Launch? The area is to tight for a launch. The launch is going to have to be stretched out do to the forces that will be put on the structure. I think we might be looking at one of the steepest lifts hills on a coaster, with a drop beyond 165 feet. Edit: But then again, the whole launch idea would fit in with all this Six Flags YOLO crap.
  17. While I don't know about footers, Outlaw Run went vertical early April 2012, and the last piece of track went in late September 2012, so about six months. Great America tends to aim to get rides open by Memorial Day, which is about nine months away. So assuming they start working on the ground soon, I wouldn't say a late May opening is entirely out of the question. Of course they will be working through the winter versus the summer and the terrain is different so I could be totally wrong and it could open in July, but OR is the only RMC coaster we have to go off of. As long as it doesn't pull a Deja Vu and open in October, I'll be happy. They're going to be pushing it. If there are no footers, they're going to have to have that done by the end of fall. Concrete and sub-zero temperatures are not ideal. Don't forget, RMC had to go through and put on the top layer of steel on the track. Then pump it full of grout, so the track doesn't lose it's form. That's what they did during September through January, with testing in February.
  18. If it's going to be the world's fastest woodie, it's going to need a drop bigger than 165 feet. At that height, the train would probably touch 65-68 mph. It needs to be over 70 mph to hold the record.
  19. ^ It was basically the same thing as Rush Street Flyer at Six Flags St Louis. I like to think Banshee had a little more force though. It used to sit where Hallowswings currently resides.
  20. You have to take the terrain into account. Outlaw Run is 107 feet tall, but the drop is 162 feet.
  21. ^ I have the same memories from Holiday World. I'll never forget how disappointed I was when they removed Banshee. That was the first big ride I ever rode. I had so much fun on that first ride, I finally decided to give Raven a go. I'm not a very big fan of water rides myself, but I understand why you be disappointed if they decided to remove it.
  22. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the time I had at the park. It's definitely going to take expansion or RMC on The Boss to get me to make multiple visits in one year. Right now I usually only visit during Fright Fest.
  23. There has to be some type of construction going on that nobody can see. I don't care how fast RMC's crews are, there is no way they'll be finished with this ride by opening day, let alone June. There is going to be hundreds of footers that have to be poured and thousands of bents that have to be constructed. Edit: If they do get it open by May, kudos to RMC.
  24. Every wooden coaster company has their own trains now. TGG's is still unproven, but I love to see it on a big brand new ride. I think the days of PTC producing wooden roller coaster trains are over. Good news is, they'll still get plenty of business doing refurbishment on all the current coaster trains they've got out there.
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