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Everything posted by ZeroGravity55

  1. It is spelled correctly right underneath the misspelled word. Seriously though, I have two cousins who are engineers and I had them watch this video. They said that no regular person can come up with site plans like this. You gotta have the right printers and CAD systems to even come close to something that's this detailed. If they're fake, I'm willing to bet this guy is some type of engineer or works in some engineering office.
  2. ^From what I've read, stay off all off the coasters except Hades 360. Everybody says that they don't maintain their woodies so they're all really rough. From the reports, Hades 360 has it's rough parts, but the new trains are suppose to help with roughness. It also looks like the park only runs one-train operation on all coasters, so I would expect there to be a long wait on the coasters.
  3. Did Gravity Group even exist in 1990 and did they really helped build the Predator? Custom Coasters International existed in 1990. Just a note: The Gravity Group doesn't manufacture rides nor do track work. They're either contracted out by the park or a company like Martin&Vleminckx to do the design work. If the park contracts them out to do the design work, they either have people to build the ride in house or find construction crews to do it. I think 100+ construction crews were used to build the Voyage. Since Darien Lake is a corporate manged park and TGG doesn't have a history of working with corporate parks in the US as their current company. I think it's safe to assume that Lake Monster will be a RMC design.
  4. ^ I'm more curious to see how the Timberliners hold up. I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll finally get on the Voyage this fall or next spring!
  5. ^ Maybe some enclosed tunnels on the way to the lift and on the way back with some major themeing would help with the boredness!
  6. HW closed Giraffica before Thursday, which is when they said something about it to one of their fans on their Facebook page. They said they closed it until Intamin could determine ways to improve the rides reliability. This makes sense, because the ride seems to be broken down more than it's running.
  7. ^ I noticed this a couple days ago on their facebook page. "Giraffica's manufacturer is coming out to inspect the ride in the hopes of determining ways to improve its reliability. We're sorry, but it's closed until further notice." This was said this past Thursday, so HW closing the ride had nothing to do with the Cedar Point accident.
  8. ^ You make a great point! I just like to speculate, but also be realistic about what they might be adding. To me, it makes sense to keep adding to the waterpark and addressing other issues throughout both parks until their attendance is close to 1.5 million or so. Then they would probably add something like a steel coaster to push it over the 1.5 million mark. If I remember correctly, they did this with the Voyage to push their attendance over 1 million. I think it should also be said that the guy who made the statement about the next three years having big projects is no longer in charge of running the park. They have a new majority owner and park president, so their vision of the future could differ compared to the former owner/president. Of course, I believe a appeal is still pending. So the situation could change if the park is somehow turned back over to the former owner. Even though the future, in terms of ownership might be somewhat unclear right now. I think Holiday World still has a very bright future!
  9. ^ I would to, but I think it is clear that the waterpark is the money maker. It's also where the biggest capacity issues are, so that's why I see the next 2 out of 3 projects for the next three years being in the waterpark. I hope we see a steel coaster in the next three years. I will patiently wait for it to happen. If one thing is for sure, Holiday World won't disappoint. They've always went big on their major expansions.
  10. That totally makes a lot of sense! I'm not the biggest fan of Six Flags St Louis either. For someone who lives the exact same distance between Six Flags St Louis and Holiday World, I rather make the trip to Holiday World. I will say, from the times I've been to the park. I think that management does a great job with what they have. It's not an easy business running an amusement park or waterpark. I'm not saying I know anything about it, but I remember getting a behind the scene tour of HW when I was in high school with one of my classes. I was amazed at the amount of work that went in to just getting the park ready for guests everyday. I imagine it cost quite a bit of money to pay those people to just get the park ready. I think when people think of running an amusement park, they think it's like sandbox mode in RCT where you can just drop a bunch of really cool rides down where you want them. It doesn't work that way, there is a lot more that goes into than that.
  11. I absolutely love Splashin' Safari's two hydromagnetics. So I won't be complaining if they add another, those rides are a lot of fun!
  12. ^ Splashin' Safari seems to be ProSlides playground. Maybe we're going to see one of those mammoth hydromagnetic tornadoes next year! Here is a link for those who may not know what this is. http://www.proslide.com/ride/hydromagnetic-tornado/
  13. I've always liked the names Holiday World was able to come up with for their waterpark rides. They're always creative and interesting, except for Mammoth. I guess sometimes it's better to state the obvious.
  14. I've been trying to think of where I saw a photo of them adding some type of themeing to the ride. Then it finally dawned on me that I saw this photo on their instagram through their twitter page. Idk if this is the only thing they added, but it's better than nothing!
  15. ^ I believe you still can. The park website says you can ride it in street clothes or swimsuits.
  16. If I had to guess, I bet they add some major water ride out by Hyena Falls. Hyena Falls is quite far from the rest of the waterpark, even though Giraffica is right next to it. They said the projects were going to be big for the next three years. So my money is on something very initiative/never seen before from ProSlide. Definitely would make the walk out to Hyena Falls more worth it and would stretch out the waterpark. Which would hopefully make it seem not as crowded during mid-July/early-August.
  17. I rode it in May and I found it to be running really good. I was pleasantly surprised how well last years track work held up. Repeating what most people have been saying, the only rough parts I found were a couple spots after the mid-course break run up until the 3rd 90 degree turn and the quick transition to left as you dive into the last underground tunnel. How about a Gravity Group racing coaster with a bridge over the road like Ravine Flyer II featuring a High-Five element? Then have the underground tunnel coming back under the road.
  18. ^Well I stand Corrected! I guess the Kentucky Kingdom website put me under the impression that he was still running Magic Springs.
  19. Holiday World will probably have much better roller coasters and definitely a much better water park. So I really don't see attendance dropping at Holiday World. In my opinion, as long as they keep expanding, it's only going to continue to grow.
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