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About azbob19

  • Birthday 10/26/1981

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  1. I love you guys. The things you say are hilarious! lol This video is great, Elissa why were you crying? The pure joy and excitement.
  2. Elissa i can believe you already had the baby! How time go so fast. Congrats!
  3. I did ride it when it was enclosed. It was fun and fast, but that is all I can remember. It is definitly better not enclosed.
  4. Tatsu. The preztel loop freaks me out. I dwell on it during the whole ride that I can't enjoy it. lol
  5. Mid-Course Brake Run on Riddler's Revenge Lift Hill on Tatsu Lift Hill on X
  6. I can not believe how busy the park is? With 16 coasters you would think the lines wouldn't be as long as they are. What was the average wait time do you think?
  7. I really want to go to Holday World too! The ride looks really really intense.
  8. I went to Knott's on Thursday and it was amazing! We walked on everything. I hadn't been there in 16 years and I was surprised how much it has changed!
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