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Everything posted by petestrash

  1. Well said, fully agree. A park is not responsible for anything a government does, it just needs to operate within the confines of that countries laws and cultures, whether or not people from other countries/cultures agree is beside the point, and this TPR thread is not the place for this discussion. It would be like critisising Magic mountain for the conditions in guantanamo bay on the magic mountain thread, totally irrelevant. Anyway looking forward to seeing what materialises from the concept art. Pete.
  2. Fuji Q Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, Japan in the snow December 2002 DoDonPa Fujiyama Storage area Fujiyama Fujiyama Fujiyama Fujiyama Storage area Fujiyama DoDonPa & Fujiyama DoDonPa Mad Mouse Mad Mouse DoDonPa DoDonPa DoDonPa DoDonPa DoDonPa Fujiyama
  3. This photo was posted to Chinese bulletin board www.gaoloumi.com. I believe this board says which rides were open. Can anyone read chinese and see which rides have been opened to the public?
  4. I finally found the official website in case anyone else is interested. lz.octvisionland.com Pete
  5. The park is open and I will be in the area next month, but I can't find a website for it. Does anyone know the official website so I can find opening details? Thanks, Pete.
  6. Thought I'd put up a POV clip from Abyss with the maintenance lights on that I shot in 2013 after the park closed. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] The Video is not the best quality while on ride at speed, as it was shot on a small handheld compact camera (Sony HX-30V). It does show pretty well what is inside the building which is normally in pitch black when the ride is open to the public.
  7. Thanks for the behind the scenes shots at IMG. All that Structural Porn that you posted for Hulk came to a grinding halt for me in May. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] After reading your report about the kitchens, wish I had spent more time trying the food. Thanks, Pete.
  8. Facebook for me, but I don't visit more than a couple of times a week. This forum is also good for social interactions. But keep emailing updates, it reminds me that there is something new and interesting to see on these forums. The email was the only reason I knew about this poll Pete.
  9. Here are some construction photos of DC Rivals I took on 1st of August before the lift hill topped out. It's always good to see someone in Mack hi-vis at a park. Usually means something good is coming... How Many Coasters can you spot in this photo?
  10. I was there today, still no official date or soft opening date other than "Spring", which we are well into. General consensus among staff was 2-3 weeks, but I think that's a general guess rather than a fact. They were applying Star Trek decals to the side of the building today. Here's a blurry shot of the boomlift they used. Blurry shot of boomlift hidden by shrubs.
  11. I rode Formula Rossa and Turbo Track the other day and actually preferred Turbo Track. Yes Formula Rossa is fast, but it's acceleration is not that powerful. It gets up to speed because the launch track is so long, then hitting brakes while still going up the first hill really put me off. I don't know if it was just over hyped and I expected more from it or what, but meh. I expected nothing from Turbo Track and had fun on it, the only complaint was that it's too short. Watching the ride it doesn't seem all that great, but I enjoyed the on ride experience. In fact the ride I liked most in Abu Dhabi/Dubai was Madagascar Mad Pursuit, Though haven't been on Flying Aces as it was closed.
  12. I rode it twice today, and there does not seem to be any random element, other than which row enters first. The left row was always the front row, but not always the first to board. People still sat in the row they were standing in. There was no single rider queue today. But the cycle time was around 3:20-3:30, so capacity at current operations is around only 260 people per hour at the quicker end. It was a very quiet day today, and the wait ranged from 30min to 60min Peter. PS if you get there close to opening time there is free street parking at the entrance right next to the disabled spots.
  13. Motiongate has a flash sale on now till 7th of May, AED145 for a day pass.
  14. Thanks, I ended up buying them through dagtickets.nl. No VPN required from Australia, just had to use Netherlands as the address country. Probably different from Germany though.
  15. Thanks, what I believe is that you can get one of either of the glasses free with regular entry.
  16. Answering my own question, I couldn't find much, but I did find a deal at travelbird.de for €27.75 (inc 0.95 booking fee) you get (translation by Google): 1 day entrance into the Erlebnispark Tripsdrill and the Wildparadies (08.04. - 03.06.2017) 1x meal per person (red sausage with fries or baked meatballs with French fries or baked vegetable cakes with French fries and ketchup) in the vespergarten or opening in the Burgschenke 1x soft drink 0.3 l (Cola, Fanta, Spezi, Sprite or water) per person in Vespergarten or when opening in the Burgschenke 1x Vinarium glass per person in the Vinarium to take away (children receive a "Vinarium juice glass") Free parking upon availability The soft drink and the meal are really the only extras over the standard admission €31 for adults. So a slight discount and a bit of food & drink.
  17. Thanks, I have also since found Groupon are doing tickets for €29,50 at the moment. www.groupon.de And down to €23.60 using the code "5E8SUJZN" at Groupon.
  18. Thanks for that, great site. The current deal for my date is only EUR0.90 cheaper than buying direct from the park. But it's a good deal for other dates.
  19. Thanks, I have also since found Groupon are doing tickets for €29,50 at the moment. www.groupon.de
  20. Is anyone aware of any coupons, codes or other discounts for single entry to Tripsdrill? I'll be there May 17th. Thanks, Peter.
  21. Is anyone aware of any coupons, codes or other discounts for single entry to Holiday Park? I'll be there May 15th. Thanks, Peter.
  22. Is anyone aware of any coupons, codes or other discounts for single entry to Europa Park? I'll be there May 18th. Thanks, Peter.
  23. Is anyone aware of any coupons, codes or other discounts for single entry to Heide Park? I'll be there May 12th. Thanks, Peter.
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