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Everything posted by Pacificoaster

  1. Went to the park today and had a blast. The crowds were very minuscule. Green Lantern and Superman were the longest wait times of 30 mins. Walk ons for the day consisted of Scream, Colossus, Goliath, Apocalypse, Revolution, Ninja, Gold Rusher, and Riddler. Here's the coaster count from today. Apocalyspe x5 Revolution x4 Green Lantern x2 Batman x2 Scream x2 Goliath x2 Gold Rusher x2 Colossus Tatsu Superman Ninja X2 Riddler Deja Vu
  2. The restraints in the concept art look awfully similar to Furius Baco @ Port Aventura. Source
  3. I think it's safe to say we are looking at a wingrider. Based on the restraints I'm thinking this is going to be a launched Intamin Wingrider similar to Furius Baco @ Port Aventura. I also believe that says 5 loops.
  4. I agree, a zacspin would not be the best solution to optimize the site of SWF. I think Great America is in the market for a B&M wingrider similar to that of Swarm @ Thorpe Park.
  5. Looks pretty marvelous. I would have rather seen this at Dorney Park, but I do enjoy how the turnaround over the entrance plaza will change the profile of the park and add for great guest interaction at the main gate. It's great to see B&M pushing 300 ft and this could be the dawn of a new breed of beemers. Aside from the extremely long brake run, this looks like a pretty spectacular ride and I believe 2012 will be the rebirth of B&M.
  6. Krake @ Heide Park also has the standard sized B&M track, so I wouldn't count out a dive machine just yet. However, I believe CW is leaning more toward a floorless looper after Cedar Fair's success with Dominator @ KD. I furthermore believe that whatever CW is getting next year, CP will get something similar in 2013.
  7. Great tutorial Coupon, however I believe the end result with theming is a bit sub par. The queue hut is a bit tall and the fence around the front of the ride is a bit awkward. To get a gradual curve, try using the MOM menu in 8cars to create a fence using two steeplechase tracks stacked on top of each other.
  8. Just received my Bag (Box/Boxes) of Crap! I was pleasantly surprised how much was actually in it. This package really put a smile on my face as I dug in to reveal its contents. What's inside? Shirt: - TPR Australia Tour 2011 Park Maps: - Adventureland - Nasu Highland Park - Camelot Theme Park - Dreamworld/Whitewater World - WB Movie World - Tokyo Disney Sea - Universal Studios Singapore - Legoland California - Epcot - Sea World Gold Coast Australia - Happy Valley Beijing - Aussie World - Freizeitpark Plohn - Movieland Park - Gulliver's Warrington Other Goodies: - Poncho - Sleeve of a t-shirt - TPR pedometer - Mouse Trap Book - Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Stickers - Robbie Knievel Tattoo - TPR Pen - TPR Mints - TPR Baggage Tag - Teh Big Dipper Coasters - Alfie DVD - WCB 2011 Lanyard - Some plastic! Rumored to be some of Flashback? - Madagascar and Treasure Hunters Postcards - Black Bandana - Grona Lund Bandana - Whoopee Cushion Thank you TPR, Robb, and Elissa for making my day!
  9. This recreation wasnt very well done. I believe the best part of the video was the A Day To Remember Soundtrack.
  10. That hyper coaster is awful, sorry. After leaving the lift the rides goes over one airtime hill then straight into a brake run...?
  11. Upload your screens with http://www.imageshack.us and resize them with the feature provided, then use the forum embed code provided.
  12. I'm really enjoying your progression Coupon. The building on the bottom right could use some duct work on the roof. The path technique is very blocky, perhaps use some flat roof textures to break it up a bit. I LOVE the popcorn stand, but I'd consider relocating it between the red and white buildings.
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