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Everything posted by noblewick

  1. That's an awesome looking model of "The Smiler" at Alton towers in England. Does it work with the cars running the track?
  2. It wasn't my last, but I think my favorite one of the day had to be Stormrunner. Beforehand I had never been on a launch coaster with the top hat element. I did get a chance to ride "Speed: the Ride" on the Strip in Vegas, which is also a launch coaster but not a full circuit one. But this one was far better and much more powerful. Here's the best shot that I could get of it. BTW, I think Hershey had to be one of the best parks that I have been to that had great interaction with its coasters and the general public that could watch from below or near by. Great Bear and the superdelooper were perfect examples of this; I'll throw in one of those shots as well here are the pics Almost missed it. if i was just a little quicker loved the layout of this coaster. I could stand by it all day...but that would be silly I WANT TO RIDE IT
  3. Last coaster I rode was the Comet at Hershey park. It just wasn't the only last one of my trip there; the entire day I spent riding all 12 coasters(those of which were open that day and Skyrush still being worked on). I had Never been to the park before so my head was focused on getting the credits in and ride. BTW, Sky rush looks CRAZY so I really want to go back another time and get on that thing. On to my pictures: I'll just post the two best ones from the Kissing Tower which I rode. If you want, play "spot the coasters" every one of Hershey's coasters are in these two photos; Enjoy.
  4. You know what this looks like to me? This is a picture from Queer duck the movie; you tell me that "Steak" does not look like that drag quuen lamb in this file below.
  5. I first saw these things at FAO Schwarz in NYC. I thought they were so cool I was almost tempted to buy one but then thought "what would I do with it" "I have no room to use it plus I bet they cost a lot too". But this post makes me want to revisit that thought.
  6. I have seen the other TPR updates from this park before, it does look amazing. Can't wait to view this new batch.
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I hope Canobie is not getting rid of their Rowdy Roosters. I absolutely love that ride. Like you xmichellex, Canobie is considered my home park since my parents live just an hour from it in Deerfield, NH (Home to the Deerfield Fair for those of you who don't know where Deerfield is; it's just East of Manchester). Anyway xmichellex, lets hope their just giving Rowdy Roosters a new paint job like you saw with some of the other rides and that they plan on keeping one of the parks classic and best rides.
  8. Is it just me or does this part of the Cheetah hunt remind anyone else of Nascar Cafe Las Vegas and Speed the Ride? Look at the two photos below, first Adams then at Speed the ride. Even the shot of the launch in his next photo is almost the same.
  9. It's great to see that father time came out to view the cheetahs and the Q&A session on this bright sunny Florida day. Serriously who is this guy, Galileo?
  10. Aw "Fancy Balls" are down today as well. And I really wanted to ride them Are you kidding me, this was the actual name of that attraction?!?
  11. Here is my only photo of the DBH that I took from the Northbound side of 95 last Sept.
  12. Well, I'm glad I got the chance to ride it last Sept. and that I feel that I got my fill of it too. As I had previously worte here at TPR, I got to ride it nine times one night which included three rides in the front, middle and back. I must agree though that it is a little rough in some places and that I had the bruises to prove it from my legs hitting the inside of the car. But what a great location, right outside FT. Lauderdale and that it can be seen right off of 95. I hope it goes to a great company and stays in FL.
  13. Hey Erik and Smisty, want to say I loved this update, it brought back so many memories for me. I rode the DBH last September nine consective times one night during a visit to the Ft Lauderdale area. Three times in front, three in the back and last in the middle. I found the back seat to be the most volient; it did it's fair share of throwing you around a bit, but it was so much fun none the less. I also got the 12.95 pass for the day witch I feel was a waste since my friend and I didn't get to Boommers until about 9 pm that night. It was the only time we were able to get over to park and the coaster being able to run finally after the string of bad weather during the day. But I figured that if I rode it so many times that the pass would pay for itself; I feel I got my money's worth. I loved this coaster and it was even better at night; I'll never forget that view you get after reaching the top and seeing Miami off in the distance. Great pictures and nice job with the flow of the update Derek Wilson
  14. I know me being from NH and Canobie lake right down 93 from me, I can't wait to ride the new coaster opening up in 2011. I have seen many of these euro fighters from the many posts here at TPR and they look so cool. Now it's only a few months and it will be opening, I'm jumping for joy see thats me right there.
  15. Hey Matthew and TPR Just read and watched your video on this Skyjump thing and I'm thinking that I should try this thing out. Here's my plan, my 30th birthday is coming up in the next few years and I'm wanting to go back to Vegas no matter what with a whole bunch of my friends. I want that kind of experience where I wake up the next morning with a tooth missing and a chicken is standing by me ("The Hangover" greatest Vegas movie ever). Anyway so I'm wanting to go out there and have a great time and this looks like the perfect way for me to dive head first into my thirties, what yah think? How much was the package that you bought and how fast does it go? By that I mean are you in total free fall at all or is it very controled and you just zipline down. Let us know some more on this and I hope you have a great time. Derek Wilson Cranston, RI
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