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Everything posted by FilmoreISnAZN

  1. Nothing compares to the views offered at Ocean Park. Whenever I look at photos, my jaw simply drops to the floor! It's absolutely stunning! Can't wait for the POVs
  2. Oh wow! Thank you COASTER FREAK. This is really cool! I'm quite surprised I've never seen pictures of the Jungle Cruise drained before. Very cool!
  3. Does anyone possibly have a picture of the rails that the Jungle Cruise boats travel on? I would love to see what those look like. Are they similar to the rails that the Columbia ship and Mark Twain riverboat are guided with?
  4. If Knott's turn the waterfalls back on on the Big Foot Rapids, then a water ride might not be needed. However, I have not gotten wet on the Big Foot Rapids in YEARS, and the log ride is out of the question of wetness. Riptide used to get me very wet and extremely cooled off during the summer season, but the water features have been since turned off by Knott's due to the "corrosive effects of the water on the ride's hardware" as an employee once told me (although, I have no idea whether the employee had any clue what he was talking about). I don't understand this statement as Talocan in Germany has been functioning perfectly fine with water features just as long as Riptide's existence. So, IF Knott's can solve the issue of the lack of wetness on their water rides, then I am completely with the idea of a new roller coaster as Pony Express definitely did not live up to the hype I had hoped for those many years ago. Knott's are in serious need oWf a new thrill ride, in particular, a coaster. Please fulfill those giga coaster rumors that sprang up before Windseeker!
  5. Amazing job so far Hillflyer! It's amazing how accurately you are modeling this coaster. I cannot wait for another update!
  6. Fantastic! Cannot wait to see this coaster running completely automatic!
  7. HEY! GAIS!! I learned off Coaster Wars that Alpengeist has 4 vertical loops! Even that twisty bit that I thought was called a zero-g roll is called a loop! WHO KNEW?? But in all seriousness, the TV show wasn't all that bad. The footage was the best of any previous roller coaster show yet. And, overall, the show was put together well. Quite an entertaining show!
  8. When did you go to Pennsylvania and get this fantastic model from the GCI headquarters??
  9. Who can't wait to see an extreme NTAG-esque airtime-filled layout after that Super-Stengel/Rocky Mountain Oyster dive!
  10. One thing I noticed was that those restraints look almost exactly like the Skyrush train's restraints. These must be the new generation of Intamin restraints.
  11. No other No Limits builder pays quite so much attention to detail than you do on your rides. All the transfer tracks on the ride, all the sensors and LIMs, they make me feel like I'm actually looking at the real ride! I can't even wait for this to be released. It's been a hell of a 3 years on this project, but since the beginning, it's been absolutely awe inspiring to watch!
  12. I'm almost positive this isn't it, but it's a guess to keep this game moving forward. Die Schlange von Midgard at Hansa Park?
  13. LOVE IT! It's absolutely beautiful. One thing. Will you be adding laterals to your supports? I think that adding laterals will greatly enhance the wooden coaster feel as well as making it a much more realistic GCI (especially on that awesome turnaround).
  14. I love me my Xcelerator! Now if only Knott's would finish fully re-painting this ugly machine!
  15. This is going to turn out really amazing! I cannot wait for the vertical construction, which I know may possible be a while from now. So, I must follow construction until it is done! One question, what kind of wood are you using for construction?
  16. I love it so far! I've been following your building of this coaster on SSCoasters, too! If I had to recommend anything that you should definitely have in the layout, I would recommend one of GCI's signature high banked fan turns! If this kind of turn, with the air-time pop, was added into the layout, whether at this turnaround or later in the layout, you would have yourself one of the BEST Knex GCI coasters to date! And I would bow down to your greatness!
  17. Wow! The pier looks extremely photogenic from the pictures you took. I love how it turned out and can't wait to see pictures with all the rides operating with people.
  18. Of course it's Chinese. Why did I even ask? Is it a wild mouse coaster?
  19. Go ahead molemaster43. He's giving away his turn so you can go ahead!
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