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Everything posted by sros1fan

  1. ^ yes it was pretty busy while i was there and it was only open for about 15mins as i got there around 9:15am just after it opened. When i was leaving there was still people coming in. When you think about it its a good way to get kids interested in SF at an early age. I think you will see one in every large market city in the US.
  2. I was at the grand opening this morning and i have to say i was impressed. You can see my full TR with pics here
  3. I attended noreast coaster on saturday at sfne and here is a few things they said: The new trains have arrived and the whole ride will be purple, they had to stop painting due to cold weather. They wanted to have it all painted but they stopped to get Mind Eraser done since it will be opening with the park. One of the holdups will be they have to break in the new trains. They have confirmed that media day will be May 21st and the coaster opens to the public on the 22nd. You can see a full update from noreaster. http://sfneonline.com/
  4. Holiday world is an awesome park with 3 world class woodies and soon to be open tallest water ride in the world (pilgrims plunge). The food in the park is also very good and its alot cheaper than the corperate parks.
  5. since i have 2 home parks i get 2 great coasters to ride anytime i want. SROS at SFNE and Boulder dash at lake compounce.
  6. There will be a town meeting on the 26th for the SROS transformation to get approval. I had the chance to see the plans for the ride and imo it looks like it will make the ride even better. You can see a big update on sfneonline following the town meeting.
  7. First off i only registered to post a reply because i would never let someone post a link that you would have to pay for on any of the 3 sites i work on, when he could have easily copied and pasted the article so everyone could read it for free. Some people need to use common sence! I would expect that from a kid but not someone who is in their 30s!
  8. Why didnt you just post the article because that site charges to register which is the dumbest thing i have heard. Does all news paper websites in PA suck? Its very easy to copy and paste...duh!
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