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Posts posted by Spideyfreak

  1. Wow I think I can do this one, which means I'll be going to Hersheypark twice this year. I was gonna try to go to the Six Flags America meet a while back, but I missed out because I didn't keep up with the E-mails.


    Can't wait though. Seems like it's gonna be fun! Thanks for the opportunity!


    Edit: Hmm... Seems like I'm having issues accessing Hershey's website. Can anyone tell me when the park closes on the day of the meet? Thanks.

  2. Just to clear this thing up about stopping at the holding brake.


    A train can't get stuck on the holding brake. The holding brake is just a chain and instead of a motor there is a clutch. Power is required to activate the clutch, and in turn slow down/stop the train for the desired time. Then power to that clutch cuts off and therefore the clutch releases, releasing the train. So during an E-Stop or a power outage, the clutch would not have power, and the train would simply go over without stopping (if it has passed the brakes just before).


    So when they say stuck at the top, they mean at the top of the lift or at the brake run just before the drop.

  3. Hello. Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I didn't find this in the search.


    So most of us prolly know that Space Mountain has the common block zone system used on roller coasters. With the old version, if the vehicles stacked up into the ride it would go 101. The reset would consist of a few CM's going into the ride to manually reset each occupied brake zone and release the vehicles.


    With the new version, and a new control system, the ride will still technically go 101 if the ride stacks up. What I don't understand is why Disney didn't take advantage of the more advanced control system. Why can't they have it so that they can continue dispatching, and as each block zone clears, the next brake zone will realease as on most other roller coasters? The only reason that comes to mind is that they would want to make sure everyone stays seated in the cars. But with a few night vision cameras and the existing PA system, this can be taken care of. Therefore, not causing a downtime, and still maintaining a safe environment.


    So does anybody know why Disney made it so that the ride still goes 101 because of a stack up?




  4. Ok, maybe I was overreacting a bit. And I hsould clear some things up, cause to be honest my writing skills suck....


    But still, we just waited around for almost 3 hours, and to see maintenance crew just standing around talking about their life story and not at any of the rides that were down? We would have gone to the guest relations line, but it was really long and their were small fights starting which resulted on security kicking people out of the park.


    I've been to this park 3 times now and on all my visits the staff have been really crappy. So will I go to another SF park? Possibly, but I doubt anytime soon.

  5. So yesterday I took a trip to Six Flags America with my friend and my parents. My parents dropped us at the gate, where we noticed that Suprman would not be operating (along with 7 other rides). We got in at 11:30ish and went in, got 5 Flash Passes, and then headed towards Gotham City. Joker's Jinx had only one train, so we did that first. We used 2 of our passes on that. After that, we were going to head towards Batwing, but it appeared to be down. So we headed towards Two Face and rode that. We then rode Tower of Doom.


    It was now about 12:30 and my friend and I decide to get some Dipin Dots. Then we went to see the 1:00 Batman Stunt Show Spectacular.


    Here is where the day goes down the tubes!


    About 3/4 through the show, the audio effects went out. No big deal, the actors just finished the scene in silence and walked off stage. Then they announced that the park had experianced a power surge then and then a mommentary power outage and that they were not able to continue the show. So on our way out, the audio effects started working again (I found it funny hearing glass breaking and punching sounds with nobody on stage).


    It was now 1:30, and as we walked through the park, we noticed nothing running and it was very, very quiet. Within the next hour, 1/2 of the flat rides were running and 2 coasters were also operating. We decided to use the remainder of our passes on the Wild One, but due to the extremely long lines, they were not accepting Flash Passes.


    At around 4:00 we decided to call it quits and leave. On our way out, we saw 4 maintenance crew member standing around talking about noting related to the rides! (Typical Six Flags maintenance?) We were going to also drop by guest relations, but the "complaint" line was out the door and stretching across the midway!


    So in 5 hours we got a grand total of 3 rides in. We spent about $140 for that day! The least they could have done is give us our $15 parking fee back. Now I will never go to a Six Flags park again. Overall the staff had pretty crappy attidudes, and to see maintenance just standing around was a huge dissapointment. Now I feel like taking my season pass, throwing it in the air and shooting it.


    I know it is not the park's fault for the power problem, but the way the situation was handled was pretty bad. SFA is now on my "never again" list.


    Has anybody else had an experiance similar to this?

  6. It's LSM.


    LIM's are what rides like Italian Job use. You can see the difference in the setup:




    With an LSM system, the train has copper fins that go very close to the magnets. The LSM's also switch from AC to DC as the train passes.


    A LIM system.....well here is a very detailed explanation:




    So judging by the way it looks....I'd say it's LSM.

  7. Yesterday I took a trip to Six Flags America because it is only 20 minutes away and I haven't been there in four years. My first ride was The Wild One. This was much better then I remember it to be. It was very smooth and had great airtime.


    After that I went on Joker's Jinx. This was my favorite ride in the park. After a few rides on that, I went over to Superman. I saw the long line and decided to use a Flash Pass so I could walk right on. The ride attendant out front asked that I first use the test seat. Wouldn't you know it, I didn't fit. So I moved on and then got in line for Batwing. It went down so I then decided to go on Joker's Jinx a few more times and then I went over to Roar. I rode once and then I went over to the crappy Vekoma SLC, Mind Eraser. I pulled the restraint down, with my ears just touching the side pads on the harness. I asked myself “Why do I have the feeling this is going to hurt?” We went up the lift and then the rest of the ride was extreme


    After that, I ate lunch and took a Tylenol. I then went back over to Joker’s Jinx and rode for about an hour. I then went back to Roar and then tried the crappy SLC again. It was getting late and so I went over to Batwing, catching a few more rides on Joker’s Jinx along the way. Batwing was actually the first coaster I’ve ridden that almost made me sick. I would have gone again, but my stomach wasn’t up to it.


    Only two hours left before the park closed and I decided to finish off the day with Joker’s Jinx. I used up the rest of my Flash Passes on this one. During the last hour I found a member of ACE and we talked about coasters and stuff like that. After riding the last train of the night, everyone asked for one more ride and the ride operator was nice enough to let us stay on. This time we went through the course MUCH faster than before. As the ride ended we stopped on the brake before the station waiting for the next train to dispatch. The other train launched and then after it was through the cobra roll, a big red light lit up on the control panels. It was an E-Stop. The other people in our train started to freak out because the vibrations in the track from the other train got stronger and stronger. Then the other train stopped right behind us. After about 20 minutes, maintenance came out, did a reset, and our train moved into the station. We then got off and left the park.


    Good things about the park:

    -The attitudes of the staff members were much better than my last visit. Everybody seemed to be in a good mood for once.

    -The Wild One seemed smoother than before.

    -The food was okay, but not the best.

    -Maintenance got to Joker’s Jinx faster then I expected. It took about 20 minutes.


    Bad things about the park:

    -The ride ops still take a little too long to load, but this has improved since my last visit.

    -Some of the restrooms were closed before everybody left the park.


    Overall I enjoyed my visit. I never thought I would have a good time at my home park. I look forward to using the season passes a lot. Oh, sorry for not having photos, the camera started to go stupid again and didn’t want to work.

  8. Well for one, is it the same guy for just about every show??


    But my main rant is about the discription of some elements on the coasters. How is the roll over inversion on the Vekoma SLC called a cobra roll?? That made me laugh!! Wouldnt you think that the general public would understand a roll over more than a cobra roll if they see it? And there are other little missused terms and things i cant remember, but i just wanted to see what everyone else thinks about it.



    There was a special with Mind Eraser. The girl doing the ride through was saying stuff like, "now we're going through like.....a corkscrew like thing...like...."


    Or when they were talking about inverted coasters:


    "This is an inveted coaster. Which means you ride upside down."


    Like I say, if they are going to put information out there, they should make sure it's correct.

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