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Posts posted by Spideyfreak
^It was down a lot this year. Didn't even break 1 million riders.
In fact, Iron Dragon had more riders.
^It's how they communicate with the person in Controls.
^This is incorrect.
If there is any rain, Storm Runner and Skyrush will go down (or are supposed to).
Comet will stay open if they go to one train ops. Otherwise they pretty much run it until the system faults.
It never broke down when I was there, and although it did stack a bit, the ops were hammering the trains through.
SkyRush has to stack. When running two trains in Auto mode, they can't dispatch until the one parks on the waiting block and the restraints pop.
^Exactly. Look at Wildcat at Hershey. Still a POS.
*sigh* This is why we watch for hand signals and have E-stops at all positions in the station.
^Intamins are VERY finicky. I go every two weeks and every time at lest one has some sort of problem at some point in the day.
^He's right. Watch "Secret of the Wild Child" from NOVA. It's basic sociology.
I think what he's getting at is this: The ones born in the park have never been exposed to the wild, therefore they don't miss it.
You only know what you're raised with. Watch some backstage videos of the trainers interacting with them. They are clearly happy.
^^There are so many things wrong with that response, I don't even know where to start.
^Are you f**king serious?
Yep. They truly do not give a shit.
What is weather usually like in Sandusky around mid June?
It's hard to tell but my only suggestion is that if possible you should plan on multiple days or make a last minute decision based on chance of precipitation. My experience is that if it so much as lightly drizzles every single coaster closes with the exception of the B&M's (Gatekeeper, Raptor and Mantis). This park has one of the dumbest rain policies of any park I've ever been to.
Does Intamin, etc. recommend rain closings?
I'm not sure. I do know that one of the main issues is lack of traction between the drive wheels and trains when it's wet. This tend to affect Intamins more because the surface under the train is usually just diamondplate. The lack of traction would do things such as preventing it from parking properly in the station and slipping while moving a train.
I'm sure there are some parks in other countries that have a "run it until it faults" attitude.
Is anyone Else's Tips and stuff showing up as if there's text missing?
This is happening to me also.
SO once I create a track, how come it shows up in the simulator as wire-frame? How do I make it normal? lol
Blue Streak at Cedar Point. That ride has loads of ejector air and floater.
Way underrated in my opinion!
^ A good portion of people can't even figure out the seat belts when loading/unloading. I can't even imagine them doing it in a panic!
And what makes this worse is that Intamin's restraints aren't mechanically released... they require electric.
Blazing Fury/Fire in the Hole were in house projects.
^That looks so much better, no joke.
^Busy, busy, busy! There will probably be lots of school/church groups. And locals, and people on vacation for the weekend. I always find that Sunday-Wednesday are least crowded.
[/youtu_be] -
And that's why they have employees standing around the exhibit, to resolve a situation like this quickly as shown in the video.
^Zippers are terrifying to be honest. They make noises and sound like they are about to fall apart, no joke. And the restraint IS the door haha.
I have no problem with any other ride, but when it comes to Zippers... hell no. Did it once, had to yell at the operator to E-Stop it so he could let me off.
The ride still kicks ass, I just rode it yesterday. I even greyed out once! And I never do that on rides!
Intamin Rapids Ride
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
The following is based on Thunder Canyon at CP.
There are two pumps on each side of the lift conveyor, so in your pictures you're only seeing half of the total pumps. The ride only needs 3 pumps on to run. Thunder Canyon only uses 3 and they rotate which ones are on day by day. If you turned on all 4 at the same time the river would just flow faster because you're trying to push a higher volume of water through the same space. That doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get wetter though. It's also a waste of energy to run all 4 if the ride only needs 3 to run with proper water levels.
The likely scenario in your first pic is that the pump not being used that day was on the other side of the lift and not visible. On the other day in your second pic the pump not being used was on the side closest to the queue, and therefore visible.