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Everything posted by COASTAH FREAK

  1. Re bunnies: I usually just buy one locker that i leave everything but my wallet in, then change lockers half way through the day so i can check my phone. That way I only spend 2 bucks for the day on lockers. 2 dollars for all that fluffyness? I think its worth it. Re p18: I still think its an 800 ft. Hyper coaster. Ill stick with my ideas until proven wrong. Re Dreamworld: Im pretty stoked for wcb 2011. Hoping to see those trains facing backwards on Superman. Most definitely worth the whiplash
  2. If this is really true, then all I can say is wow. Ive been to 3 West Coast Bash events, and every year I am more and more impressed with the work of the staff, especially Jay. This is a great loss.
  3. Seriously guys...like Robb said, does anyone really care about riding Batman and Medusa and others like them even though they have copies elsewhere? It's not like we avoid them or anything. If it's a good ride, then who cares about the stupid name?
  4. Really? Which ones? Because I've ridden most of the B&Ms in the world and I can only think of a handful that are rough or have gotten rough over the years. Case in point, we just rode Nemesis, built 16 years ago, Katun, built 10 years ago, Nemesis Inferno, built 7 years ago, and Black Mamba, built 4 years ago, and they were all equally as smooth as each other. I don't know. Maybe its just me, but it seems that B&Ms are either super smooth or super rattly. For instance SCREAM at SFMM is a lot rougher than it used to be (in my opinion), and also some newer ones like Dominator (also in my opinion). Maybe its just me...
  5. At least for the first few years or so. B&Ms do tend to start smooth and decline over time. I'm pretty excited to see how this one turns out. I agree with SoCalCoasters about the overall layout and I hope to see a couple of flat spins as well
  6. Tranan really throws me back to the S&S promo at WCB...good times
  7. Great TR! I really need to get out there and ride it
  8. Picture #1 baby! My name is Benji. You'll remember me as the person that got my picture with you at the exit of X2 on your last SFMM update. It was great to see you at WCB, too bad it wasn't diamonds...
  9. well, the way it worked last year is that everyone got split up into several different groups for tours, so for 50-100 people I'm gunna guess that you will be split up. Robb would know
  10. You can count me in for WCB 2009!!! I went last year and had i literally think the best day of my life... other than that all i can do is sit and wait for X2 ert!
  11. Yep, I'm going to go with Psyclone at Magic Mountain (soooo glad to see it gone)
  12. I am going to san diego for several days and I was just wondering if it would be worth it to go to Legoland. I have never been there, but I have heard that it is just for kids. Would I enjoy myself at all, or just be bored?
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