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Everything posted by Teonanacatl

  1. I definitely think I can recreate the algorithm as described by him. Does anyone have a ballot from last year lying around or something? That would be a good start. Then I would only need to add all the new coasters since then, and then we would at least have a ballot. From there It should be smooth sailing (more or less).
  2. Great Updates Robb. The Movie Park Group Photo is so cool, especially with some of the group riding the Coaster in the Background and are still posing for the Photo. I think Brian has a video of me, where i got really hurt on of those Playground rides. Some of those were really vicious. And the Bandit Onride-Videos were classic too. It's just a shame they are so expensive. 20$+ for 3 Min Footage was just a bit too much for me.
  3. In Germany they are at almost 10$ per gallon, here in Switzerland it is about 8$ per gallon...
  4. So with the premise of World's First and the current teasers, some ideas on what IMHO could fit. Launched Spinning Coaster Launched Spinning Coaster with Inversions Spinning Inverted Coaster Of course you could carry that on, but some of these ideas seem unlikely enought. I just hope they don't pull a cheap one on the "World's First" as in "World's First Mack Launched Coaster" or something like that
  5. So you say Europa Park thinks that Mack Rides lack Quality? You are aware that the Europa Park is owned by the Mack Family, right? Except for Silver Star all their rides are Mack, so your statement doesn't really make sense. I am really excited for their new Addition and wonder what exactly will make it a "World's first"... edit: Robb beat me to it.
  6. Almost all countries in eastern europe are much cheaper. The "southern" countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) are a bit cheaper. The "northern" countries are more expensive. (Switzerland, Germany, All of Scandinavia, France, Belgium, Netherlands) Maybe the "Big Mac Index" helps getting an idea. http://www.oanda.com/products/bigmac/bigmac.shtml @ginzo: In the list that i saw, these were all top 5. Doesn't really matter though, because they are all pretty expensive anyway.
  7. Oslo, London, Kopenhagen and Zürich are the four most expensive cities in the world, so keep that in mind. Also it depends a big deal on what you want to do while over here. All the european countries have their own pros and cons. If you want to see a bit more of europe maybe Eurail could be an option for you. http://www.eurail.com/
  8. They could build such a ride on the Stratosphere Tower, that would be really scary.
  9. That would be probably the best incentive of them all for me: To prove all the skeptics wrong As for the swimming, robb is 100% point on, it can get really boring. And after all, having fun in doing sport is a must for me.
  10. First of all i wish you all the best for you plans and think it is the right step. I have to be a spoiler though, i really don't want to take the winds out of your sails, but please consider the following: There are 3500 kcalories deficit needed to burn one pund of bodyfat. So losing 30lbs in 30days would require you to have a deficit of 3500 kcalories each day. You do burn about 2300-2500 kcal. per day if you do sport or heavy work/walking around a lot, a bit more. But never 3500 calories. So that means, that even on a null-diet you can't reach your goal. If you do LOTS of sport maybe. But that combined with a null diet would be really really unhealthy and about impossible. And it wouldn't last long, thats for certain. Some are misleaded by the natural fluctuations in bodyweigth about the actual fat loss they can manage in a period of time. The Content of your Stomach, water content and so on are playing a factor here. I advice you to take much smaller steps. Burning 500 Calories each day is much more a realistic goal. You may "only" lose a pound/week this way, but you do it constantly and that way you are not getting the infamous "jojo-effect". That makes 52 pounds per year with much less effort and pain than losing 30lbs in 30 days. Still, all the best and good luck if you really wish to do it that way.
  11. First Bobbejaanland and now Alton Towers. These Splash Battles seem to conquer europe in 2008. I have never rode one, but i can imagine that once you've seen one, you've seen them all. But i guess it still will be fun messing around with those in large groups.
  12. Complete article: http://www.newsvine.com/_news/2007/11/05/1074020-china-ferris-wheel-construction-begins
  13. Emmentaler (Aka "Swiss Cheese") Emmentaler Premier Cru ( Winner Cheese World Championships 2006) Leerdammer Gouda Tilsiter Mozzarella (Please note the correct spelling )
  14. For those who don't know what a Sniglet is, look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniglets This Game is inspired by the book "The Meaning of Liff" from Douglas Adams. In this Book he took already existing Town Names and recycled them to use them to describe things, situations and experiences for whom no words exist yet. For those who don't know Douglas Adams, you should go and buy all his books right now. He is the funniest Writer i know by far. So the idea in this thread is to use Coaster/Theme Park Names or the Names of Coaster/Theme Park related things to describe things, situations and experiences for whom no words exist yet. So lets get started: Deja Vu (n.) The weird feeling that you had this exact concussion before. Psyclone (n.) An old woman who has aged in such a terrible way, that it is hard to imagine she was decent looking once. Furius Baco (n.) An Idea that is so weird, that it can only be thought of when drunk, but still turns out be a good one. Intamin (n.) Something that is extremely popular all over the world, except for the country it originally came from.
  15. Only been to Disneyland, because my only U.S. Vacation was in Las Vegas, so since i had to go to L.A anyway for my flight back home i picked up Universal Studios, SFMM and Disneyland.
  16. That would have been Disneyland in November last year. When was the last time you had a lucid dream?
  17. With my vote, TPR is now exactly 1 vote ahead in the "Best overall site" ThemeParkReview.com (44%, 154 Votes) Screamscape.com (44%, 153 Votes) RollerCoasterPro.com (7%, 26 Votes) CoasterBuzz.com (4%, 15 Votes) If you count the TPR Trips as an "interactive feature" then there's no doubt that TPR has the best interactivity.
  18. Sicko Really impressive movie done in the unique Michael Moore style. I dont think words do it justice and i recommend everyone to see this film.
  19. And to think that this song was about 29 weeks in the german Charts. Also check out "Schnappi das Krokodil". Equally popular and even worse than anything Dschingis Khan did.
  20. Best: Tatsu Riddlers Goliath Worst: Superman Revolution Colossus (Only here because Psyclone is no more)
  21. I am Stefan from Switzerland and i am a former lurker here. So i hope to be a bit more active from now on. I am a coaster enthusiast in the making and therefore i don't have that much credits. At least not enough to bother counting I've been to SFMM, Disneyland, Universal Studios Hollywood and the Europa Park. @Seth: Switzerland isn't all THAT bad... Well, maybe Basel is
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