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Mike Austin

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Everything posted by Mike Austin

  1. Probably nearer the end, as it was one of the last parks we went to. Robb's still got 12 parks to do until he reaches Hershey.
  2. This was the trip where I managed to lock the toliet door from the outside. And that storm was rather epic as well- Wasn't that the one with the funnel cloud that seemed to slowly be going downwards? Excellent stuff so far Eric.
  3. For a park that was all about food, I wouldn't have liked any of it. (Well, not unless they served the pasta plain- and not that I liked any of the food on the trip anyway ) It looks like the Add-On was a lot of fun, despite most of the parks looking pretty mediocre (that's why you go around with a massive group of mainly hilarious people ). I'm just gutted that I couldn't go. 9Apart from most other people, who were probably pleased I didn't go ).
  4. Apart from a paper round, I'm not even sure there are any proper jobs you can actually get. Instead of worrying about jobs, work to get good GCSEs first, then get good A-Levels, then get a Degree, and employers will be climbing all over you to try and get you employed in their business.
  5. Wait... I thought it was West Coast Spain. Lol... Did you not hear what I said to the camera when I won the award?
  6. I'll just say what I said in the special trip forum: Awesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesome. Best 2 weeks of my life, end of. Just so many memorable moments- Some good, and some not so good, but all in all, fantastic. I have to do a trip next year, but I'll have to magic up some money from somewhere first. West Coast sounds good. I've been stuffing my face with all things sweet and sugary today, to make up for the "food" that you eat in the USA. Oh well... Time to get confused and not have a clue what people's screen names are.
  7. Any update checks? I.E- will we be getting the notice today, or tomorrow?
  8. For all those wondering, Sasuke is the actual Japanese name of Ninja Warrior. Therefore, without even looking at any pictures of the course, it's bound to be awesome. Well, they don't really film it anywhere nowadays. However, when they did film Takeshi's from 1986 to 1989 (the main series', that is), they filmed it at Green Mountain Studios (Midoriyama Studios) in Yokohama- Coincidentally exactly the same studios where Ninja Warrior is filmed now.
  9. Quick question as it is mentioned about 100 times in the Q&A but I'm not up to scratch with my random American terminology: Who is classed as a "Minor"?
  10. A question: When do the medical release and waiver have to be in by? As the America trip will still be a month away from my 18th birthday, I'm assuming I have to send one? Correct?
  11. 1am? Damn, looks like I won't be in the chat either then. Also, putting back the deadline sucks, because now they'll be even less chance of me going on the trip, and now I'll be getting more anxious. So when should R&E have a chat that fits EVERYONE'S schedule?? I never said or asked about resheduling anything. I was just pointing out the fact that there's a more than likely chance that I'll be missing the chat, and so the unhappy smiley was showing that, well, I am unhappy, as I generally don't like missing things, especially if they've got something to do with what I may be doing. Well sorry, but unlike you, I've never been on a TPR trip before and so don't really know what goes on with planning, travel and so on. It may not be "rocket science" to you, but for those who are unexperience and don't really know what's going on, like myself, hence the questions, it is. The last comment, which I'm not entirely sure was directed at me or not, but if it was: I don't know what your exact definitions of "selfish" are, but I found your comments to me kind of selfish... Hopefully this post hasn't hindered my chances of going on the trip, it's just that when people come out patronisingly, I get pretty annoyed.
  12. 1am? Damn, looks like I won't be in the chat either then. Also, putting back the deadline sucks, because now they'll be even less chance of me going on the trip, and now I'll be getting more anxious.
  13. Ok, thanks for that. Just out of curiosity (and because I'm too lazy to run through this topic to give myself a guesstimate), about how many people is the America trip interesting at the moment?
  14. Hola, je m'appele Mike. Some of you may know me from CoasterForce, using the totally imaginative name of Mike (I noticed that the Mike on this site joined two years ago and has not visited since. That sucks.) I really only joined this site to confuse and bore all of you asking questions about TPR's trips next year, instead of boring and confusing everybody from CF instead. Anyway, in case you haven't a clue of whom I may be, I'm Mike (as stated above), I'm 17 years old (Birthday 2 day ago- Go me. ), and I live in Essex, England. I'm a Cricket fan, Coaster/Theme or Amusement park enthusiast, I'm an extremely fussy eater and I'm currently doing my A-levels/Whatever the American equivalent to that is in Sixth Form/whatever the American equivalent to that is. Anyway, that's me. Any questions about myself, just ask. Also, don't bother telling me anything in either Spanish or French, because I won't have a clue what you're going on aout.
  15. I have also recently sent my Deposit for the America trip, and to save me asking too many more questions on CoasterForce, I thought it might be worthwhile joining up to TPR. In case you were wondering (I don't know how many TPR users also visit CF), my CF username is Mike. Anyway, back to talking about questions, I've got one here: Do we get any sort of confirmation E-Mail from the Alveys to say that they have received our deposits? If you do, then why do I not seem to have one (unless they'll send us one after the Japan trip, whenever that finishes)? If they don't, then how do we know our deposits got through alright? Also, in my Deposit, I said that I don't have a TPR account, but now, of course, I do. Will Robb/whoever does the deposits note this down? That'll do for the meantime, but I'm sure they'll be plenty more questions over the next year to keep you all enticed in the situation. *Looks for emoticon with a sticking out tongue* *Hopes that that's the right one* Thankyou. Mike.
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