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Everything posted by angryemobeaver

  1. All this week went by so slow, I was looking forward to Haunt so badly. Finally Friday came and at school I was bragging to everyone I was going to KI tonight. As soon as I got home I was dumb and decided to watch Haunt videos from older years, instead of get ready. Around 4 I put my batteries on the charger and got ready. Than at 4:15 I went to Mitchell's house. Right as I was pulling into the drive way I just realized that my batteries aren't charged at all, my phone hasn't been charged since Thursday night, and I forgot my Dramamine. So I texted my friend asking if he would buy some Dramamine for me and I'd give him how ever much it coasted. It coasted $6 luckily. But than when I got it, I realized it wasn't even the right kind. This prevented vomiting and dizziness. I needed the motion sickness kind (don't have motion sickness, but it helps me be able to reride stuff feeling better.) So finally we left around 5:00 and got to KI around 6:30. When we first got there I noticed that a lot more cars were there than I was hoping. So we walked to the entrance area and Mitchell's dad got his ticket (He doesn't have a pass like I do.) They didn't get done until around 7:10. While I was waiting, at 7:00 all the monsters just ran out of the entrance screaming and everyone got so scared, It was really cool. They ran through the metal detectors and just started scaring everyone in the entrance area. Than they finally opened the gates and let people in. I was walking with Mitchell but than as soon as we entered the park he got split up with me. So I waited for 10 minutes than walked over to Diamondback. While by Graeters, Brian called Mitchell and told him to meet us here. But he never came so we just went to Diamondback. The line was about 10 Minutes, and we ended up seeing Mitchell in line. I got row 9 on Red Train, which is the worst seat on the worst train. Still great, but there are way better seats. Than after an okay ride on Diamondback we (Mitchell, Rick, Brian, some kid, some guy who I don't know, and some Dave person) walked over to Beast. It was a complete walkon and I sat in the last seat. The first trim was as bad as usual but the second one (leading into the ravine drop) wasn't on as heavy so we got a little bit of airtime. The MCBR was on strong, but we fastly gained speed again. Helix was as smooth as usual, overall great Beast ride. After Beast I wanted to ride Backlot since I never do. It was a complete walkon and they weren't assigning seats so I sat back. The launch seemed way more powerful. And I actually had alot of fun! The tunnel had all the lights on, so it was really awesome seeing the track lit up in the tunnel. Since we had such a great ride we just stayed on and rode again. After two great rides on Backlot we went to Vortex to find no one at all in the station. Rode 7-1. When we got off people were inline for that seat so I wanted to switch seats an reride but Brian wanted to do Urgent Scare so I didn't get to reride. So next was Urgent Scare. Long line, boring, not scary, just dumb in my opinion. Saw a lot of friends working there, which was cool. I was disapointed along with everyone else, so we went to Skyline and ate some Coneys! I ate really fast and decided to go through Massacre Manor while everyone else was eating. Complete walkon, and way better than last year! Loved it. I plan on going through this every visit for now on. Next was Racer, luckily no one in line. I rode in front seat and than hurried and switched to back seat after that ride. While on Racer I noticed that Firehawk was a complete station wait! So we walked to Firehawk to find that some people got in line... It ended up being ten minutes. Very forceful as usual. Next was FoF. The line was about 10 minutes also. I saw my friend Danielle in line and said Hi. I rode in the very back seat with some Ride Opt. on FoF. About usual ride for FoF, the lights were on in the brake run for some reason. After that we went to Adventure Express. No one was in the station so we rode 3 times, once in front, twice in back. I love AE during Haunt! Since I haven't even ridden Drop Zone this visit I had to get a ride in. No one was in line thankfully! The crew was really slow though so it ended up being around 7 minutes. I wanted to reride but alot of people got in line so we decided to skip for now and go check out Slaughter House. Full queue, and have received texts it sucked so we skipped it. I noticed Invertigo had no line at all so we rode it in the most North seat. It was very smooth for some odd reason so I rode again only in the middle-ish area since no one was waiting for those seats. It was once again smooth but my neck hurt really bad (and still does...) So we went to Top Gun. One our way there Xtreme Skyflier was only $5 and no one was in line so me and Mitchell rode that. Very quick, we paid and got off within 5 Minutes or less. Once I pulled the ripcord We swung twice than we caught the rope and got off. Top Gun was next. You enter like you would for Son of Beast. But than you walk out of SOB's queue and go into TG's exit than enter the reride entrance. Than into the station. No one in the station at all but ride opts. so I rode front seat. The Ride Opts. were so awesome! They were really enthusiastic, funny, and really cool! We switched seats to the back and than rode again. When we came into the station no one was in there so they just stopped us for 10 seconds than dispatched as again! We rode 4 times in a row. Someone texted me saying that Diamondback has no line at all and they aren't assigning seats so I hurried up and got there within 6 minutes! There was maybe 10 people in the station so we rode in the back seat. It was cool because pretty much everyone in the station was an enthusiast so it was like ERT. It made me miss ERT on Ride Warriors so bad! I wanted to ride again so bad but Rick wanted to leave, so we had to leave... On the way out they bought nasty Cinnabuns (yuck!) and ate them in the car. We didn't get home until 3 for some reason, as soon as I got home I pretty much passed out on my bed and dreamed I was at KI again and Elvira was walking around the park giving out candy for some reason... On to the photos, since you probably skipped all that! I like how they had this bus all decked out in Haunt advertisement! At the entrance there was a lot of scare actors, but by 8:00 most were gone. This guy was making some kind of squirrel noise. I don't know what he is supposed to be though. It should say "All you Haunt is Not here." I really like how they had these advertisements on International Street! You could barley see Diamondback with all the fog. The crowds weren't too bad. There wasn't much fog. I only say maybe 10 fog machines in the whole park. Maybe they didn't turn some of them on because it was already foggy? Sadly I only got one ride on Beast, and it wasn't even all the way dark. I always like the lights they put up in this midway. This didn't turn out the way I wanted it too at all. You can barley even see Diamondback... Random Urgent Scare photo. 3-2-1-Drive! Monster looking creepy. I don't know how this didn't blur. Only got to ride Drop Zone once... The one ride I did on it was amazing though! Little too much blood... Looks so familiar! SOB... : ( I was so happy TOPGUN was open! TG's awesome crew. Thanks for reading! Diamondback: 2 Beast: 1 Backlot: 2 Vortex: 1 Urgent Scare: 1 Massacre Manor: 1 Racer: 3 Firehawk: 1 Flight of Fear: 1 Adventure Express: 3 Drop Zone: 1 Invertigo: 2 TOPGUN: 3 21 Rides in 5 Hours, not bad!
  2. ow, I'm actually surprised the rumor is true. It suck that it's going before the season is over, I was wanting to get my credit before the removal. Well hopefully it does go to SFGAm next year, and I can get the credit there, and hopefully it gets sit down or floorless trains.
  3. Sometime last year I was reading a PTR of Hard Rock Park and they showed a photo of a Zierer Flitzer being built. I haven't seen a photo of it since, I haven't even heard anyone mention it. Anyone know what happened to it? It looks a lot like Racing at Jolly Rogers in Maryland. This coaster is the same colors and only operated there in 2007 than was removed. And I saw what I think is the same coaster at Hard Rock Park in 2008. What do you think? http://www.rcdb.com/3911.htm?p=0
  4. Snoopy's coming to the Island. http://visitkingsisland.com/events/event_detail.cfm?event_id=644&ec_id=11 Sadly, it's true... I've already said my opinion like a hundred times and multiple threads, and I'll say it again. Kids don't know who Snoopy is. He comes on only a few times a year, and there hasn't been a new episode in years. Although my parent's somewhat grew up with Snoopy, they also said the same thing when I told them KI is switching to Snoopy. My sister said "Really? No kid loves Snoopy like they love Spongebob and Rugrats... It makes me really mad, I remember when it was Hanna Barbera, I didn't really know some of the shows but I knew most of them and loved them. And I still love Nickelodeon and Scooby Doo." My 20 year old sister who knows nothing about the amusement industry even thinks it's a horrible move for Kings Island and Cedar Fair. I think next year on Amusement Today's Golden Ticket award, Kings Island won't win "Best Kids area", I think it'll go to Mall of America's Nickelodeon Universe instead. Good move KI... -_-
  5. Yeah, I just realized that is what it meant cause someone said that, on another site. I feel dumb though, but I still believe it's going to be a woodie.
  6. Maybe it's referring to the two woodies the park has, Blue Streak and Mean Streak, than the one to go is the new for 2010 woodie? Maybe it'll be the third generation Streak?
  7. Cedar Point with a shuttle coaster? No way. It's going to be a woodie, just not sure if it's an Intamin, TGG, GCII, or someone else. But it is going to be wood.
  8. Wow, Looks like all the old Paramount Parks are switching to Snoopy. I think KI will be next to announce it's snoopy, but I don't think CGA will get snoopy.
  9. I'm sure it'll be a great coaster. The inverted top hat almost looks like Arrow's cutback, like on Drachen Fire. I'm thinking I may have to do a Pennsylvania tour. Waldameer, Kennywood, Dorney, Hershey, Conneaut Lake, Dutch Wonderland, Knoebels, and maybe even CP since it would be on the way.
  10. Sucks I missed out on Double Shot. I didn't get to eat the tacos either, they smelled good though, maybe next time. Yeah Galaxy was killed with the trims. I can't imagine how amazing it'd be trim free! I rode LoCoSuMo first, than Cornball, than Galaxy. Not really just ride Cornball in the 3rd. Row, ride LoCoSuMo front wards, and have a good time. Okay. Added photos. Yeah I totally forgot it only had 1 train. I got it mixed up with Hurricane which has two trains one is on the transfer track. I agree.
  11. My friend Brian goes to Indiana Beach ever year (He lives in Cincinnati) and since he passes through Indianapolis, he decided to take me. My cousin is also a huge coaster enthusiast so he came along too. I got picked up at about 10:30 am. We first went to Indianapolis Int Airport to drop off someone and to get some food. The food was too expensive so we ate at Popeye's in Lafayette. On I65 we started seeing signs for IB and seeing alot of these creepy giant wind mill things. Than we got off the highway to take the side streets to IB. Since I had never been, I didn't know how close we were. Than out of no where we arrived, Didn't see a sign, didn't see a skyline, it just came out of no where. Than we walked across the famous bridge. First thing was LoCoSuMo. The whole queue was filled and they were running 1 train. So about an hour later we were getting on. I always hear mixed opinions about it. People say it's painful, fun, and weird. I loved it. I noticed a few pops of airtime, the turns were really weird, and the theming was random. I loved it alot, Wanted to reride but there was more credits to get. 8/10 Next was Cornball Express. It was my 80th. coaster. They were running 1 train and the line was half the stair case. We rode in row three. OMFG Cornball is amazing. Buzzbars, Lose seat belt, insane ejector air! The hill right before the head chopper was one of the best elements on any coaster. The helix was okay, didn't have alot of G's but I like it better than Beast's. 10/10 Next we all went to Galaxy. I was really excited to ride since it's a clone of Bavarian Beetle (a coaster that used to be at KI.) It was running two trains and the queue was half full. I rode in front seat. It was filled with trims, I lost count how many. It was a little bit rough, but amazing. The never ending helix was really great, it made the ride what It is. The trims were awful though. I thought I was about to get airtime til' a trim nearly stopped the train. 7/10 We were going to ride Tiggr but the queue was filled with 1 train, so we skipped it. Instead we went to Hurricane. The queue was about half filled with 1 train. About 15 Minutes later we got on. I rode in the very back seat with Mitchell. I thought I was going to get some floater air on the drop out of the lift, but I ended up not getting any there. It was really weird, When I thought I would get air, I didn't and when I thought I wasn't I did. The turnaround was a little rough and too slow but that is okay. I think Hoosier Hurricane is very under rated. It's not near as great as Cornball, but it's a fun ride. 8/10 We all wanted another ride on Cornball so we got back in line. The line got shorter. This time I thought I'd ride back. One of the ride opts. recognized the logos on all of our shirts (We all wore Son of Beast shirts for some odd reason...) He said he hasn't been to KI since 03', and we told him about Diamondback. When he checked my seat belt he noticed how lose it was. He asked me if I felt safe, I said yeah. Than he said "Well okay..." And loosened my seat belt as lose as it could go and asked "how about now?" I still said yes, than he told me he was kidding and tightened it a tiny bit. Back seat was really fun but not as good as Row 3. We all forgot about Steel Hawg so we got in line for it. The queue was filled and they were running 3 trains. The line was still about 30 Minutes. I didn't know what to expect about Steel Hawg. The lift was really fast, the drop was fun but not as good as Maverick's. The opposite banked turn was alot of fun. The first inversion was really fun, it had a few seconds of hangtime. The next inversion was weird, I don't know if I liked it or not. Overall Steel Hawg didn't live up to the hype, but was still a good ride. 6/10 After Steel Hawg we went to the car and I drunk my Yoo-Hoo drink. Than after a short break we came back in to the park and we rode Great Wheel. It wasn't the average wheel though, It seemed alot faster than most. After that we rode Falling Star. I had alot of fun on that, it had good airtime and even some laterals. Next we rode Sea Dragon. I hear it's one of the best ships, and it definitely is. We decided to ride Tiggr, no matter how long the line was. Luckily it got shorter. While waiting I just kept thinking how forceful it looks. I was thinking it was going to be the second best coaster there. I was wrong. I thought it was relatively boring, pretty forceless, and seemed like it was going to stall. I was disappointed and let down. 4/10 Since we had a bad ride on Tiggr we rode Cornball. This time I rode in the very front. It was better than back seat, but not as good as row 3. I also talked to that ride opt. again. I wanted to ride Air Crow so we got in line for it. Sign said no snapping, which sucked... I still had alot of fun on it, and it's one of my favorite flat rides. Not as good as Flying Eagles at PKI, but it was still good. Than we rode Dodgems. They were the best Dodgems I've ridden. I heard Double Shot, and had to ride it. The line was long, but we still got in line. Than when we were about next Mitchell got a phone call. Our parents didn't know we were at Indiana Beach, and they were freaking out. So we told them, got in huge trouble, and had to leave before we got to ride Double Shot, and reride other rides. It was dumb of me not to ask to go, but I knew I wouldn't of been able too. So we had to leave, which sucks cause it was only 7pm. Well now that your most likely skipped through that, here are the photos. This was my first sight of Indiana Beach. Mmmmmm Corn & Crows.. Hoosier Hurricane is good, but it's no Cornball. Kind of rough, but still good. The turnaround was a little slow, but fun. LoCoSuMo full queue sucks. Are you sure all of us, can fit in... there? The funny thing is this is probably the least sharp turn on the ride. Yep, but it's fun! Sadly, Didn't have any time to ride the Flume. Cornball is sooooooo amazing. Hoosier Hurricane's one train they ran. 111º Hangtime! I think it was my first S&S Coaster. Yeah, that's Steel Hawg. Yet I saw no Hogs made of steel. The overbanked turn was a nice ending. The queue was full. Great hangtime. Very fun inversion. I didn't care for the restraints. I think I may be the only person in my neighborhood with this photo. Surprisingly no airtime here. But some here. Cornball & Hoosier. Tigggggr. Hoosier Hurricane at sunset. ♥ boooo I miss Flying Eagles. Wanted to reride but ended up not getting to. Very photogenic. Cornabll, and Air Crow together!? Thanks for reading. Sorry I still don't know how to upload the photos on TPR...
  12. True, there must be something far more sinister going on.... James *gonna check the interweb for alien landing sights.... the rosebowl looks very suspicious.* Dillaman Lol. If SOB ends up getting new trains, than the Gerstlauer ones could be put on another coaster. Same. Sorry, My next PTR I will. The reason I don't upload on TPR is because I post my PTRs on alot of websites and I just copy & paste it. But really, almost every time I've gone to KI this season it's had about 10 people in line, sometimes less sometimes more. I must be lucky. Just a question. But how can you tell if someone is being truthful when they say that a certain person or group jumped the line? I mean I can say that group of 15 people cut infront of me, and be that much closer to the ride. On topic. That SoB picture with the trains made me happy. Hopefully they strike the match soon. When someone line jumps, they have to have two separate groups confirm they line jumped. Even though I do love SOB alot, I just wish they'd remove the rosebowl, make two big airtime hills, than some type of turn around. Than do a few more hills into the second helix and get Intamin trains. And yeah they have the spiel playing, it's kind of creepy. I didn't report it to a Ride Opt. but I did tell a security guard and than the guard walked over there. I didn't get to see what happened cause I went to Diamondback but hopefully they were removed from the line. I saw Greg Sheid catch someone smoking inf a non smoking area, A few security guards came and walked him either out of the park or to an office to talk to him.
  13. Yeah they just got wrapped up in the past week or so. I have a feeling it won't be open either. Some of my friends working in the Emporium said it's getting new trains, again, but I don't believe it. Cool! Same here, I was so pissed to see Top Gun having a 45 Minute wait. Yeah I saw you alot, I was going to say Hi, but I wasn't sure if you remembered me and didn't want to feel weird. Same goes fro Gabriel. By the way, I hate Kelly she stapled me and I said "Crap I got stapled" Than she said "No you didn't, you wanna see stapled I'll give you stapled!" Than she stapled me even more, wow that ride was bad. But than I made sure I sat on the opposite side each time and she stapled other people. Haha, Yeah going up the lift I always do that, and during the ride I sometimes do too. I also tried to turn my head backwards to see what DB would be like Backwards and the people behind me freaked out. Oh, Yeah I saw tons of line jumpers, I have alot of photos to prove it too. Thats exactly what I've heard too. Kings Island can open it when ever they want, but they just haven't. Supposedly. I was there on the 27th and they weren't wrapped up, they must have just done that recently. Yeah they just recently got wrapped up. I'm guessing you see yourself in the photo?
  14. Part 2 Diamondback's line went to Nickelodeon Universe restroom. This was taken from Eiffel, pretty good zoom! I can even take photos of Cliff at The Beach water park a mile away. Son of Beast trains wrapped up. I saw probably over 20 People line jump in Backlot's queue in a 5 Minute period. Even KI&MVRR had a full queue! Would of been a good photo if the train was going down the drop. We got bored and decided to go to Boomerang Bay and take photos. I don't see why this slide is so popular, Personally it's my least favorite slide at BBay. I enjoy visiting Boomerang Bay, it brought back alot of memories when I used to go there every time I went to KI, but only it was Waterworks. I love how they let you get your water in BBay, it's so much better and quicker. Oh an this is the best water I've ever had, super cold! I was going to ride Snowy River Rampage, it's my favorite slide here. But it had a full queue and was overflowing, so I passed. Sydney Sidewinder is a nice slide too, probably my second favorite here. This is the only time I've ever seen Bondi Pipeline have a wait at all. This is my least favorite slide probably. I was bored so I filmed Lil' Bill. The reason I took this photos is because it's going to be rare. The 262' Sign, and Midnight Sign together. He was pretty funny. Sadly, I only got one ride on Adventure Express today. I usually always take this photo. It may not seem high, but when you up there just imagine walking that high on a tiny little wire. He is really brave. It sucked, no fans at all. Atleast when it hit the brakes a big thing of air comes. Blurry photo cause I was holding it. Kind of creepy, especially thinking it's past midnight and Johny died there. Thanks for reading! Also I'll have some videos later tonight! Diamondback- 9 Top Gun- 1 Eiffel Tower- 1 KI&MVRR- 2 Beast- 1 Racer- 2 Adventure Express- 1 Viking Fury- 1 County Line- 1 Drop Zone- 1 Flight of Fear- 2 Firehawk- 1
  15. I went to Kings Island Saturday August 1st. We got to the park at about 9:10am. Re rode Diamondback 4 times during ERT, The line was about 5 Minutes at most. We could of rode probably 6 or 7 times, but we were about to ride Beast but we ended up just waiting for the rope drop. We walked to Firehawk 1 Switchback was already filled. 5 Minutes later we got row 5, the best row on Firehawk. Firehawk is actually a great ride, but the lines so long I never ride it. After an enjoyable ride on Firehawk we walked to Flight of Fear and walked right on to car 4. It wasn't as intense as usual but it was real fun. Since the line was non existent, we got back in line. This time the line was in the room before the station. We rode in the same car but a different train. Mitchell said "This seat smells weird..." Than we both said "Ewww" cause someone must of threw up, and then they cleaned it and put the cleaner on it. Although someone's threw up in every seat hundreds of times, it was gross to think someone just did not to long ago. This ride was kind of bad. I got off and filmed Firehawk and waited for Brian. Than we walked to Racer. Racer Blue was closed so the line for Red Racer was long. It ended up only being 10 minutes, but it was worth it! Usually I ride in back car, this time I rode second row. Alot better! The airtime was just so amazing, Racer is now my 3rd. favorite ride at Kings Island. Than Adventure Express was next. The station was crowded but the back two rows were empty so we walked right on. For some reason this ride on AE wasn't near as good as usual. My stomach hurt so I went to Festhaus and ate, and watched County Line. County Line was okay, but I probably only think that cause I'm not into shows. After that I went to see how busy Drop Zone was. I'm so used to it being about 10 People in line and getting right on. But the whole queue (including outdoor section) was filled and overflowed into the midway. I was so sad cause Drop Zone had a 2 Hour wait and Son of Beast is closed. So I got inline for Top Gun, one of my favorite coasters. I'm also used to it being 10 people in the station but I was shocked to walk under the tunnel and have to stop because the line started. 45 Minutes later we were about to the steps into the station, and the ride closed due to rain. Than 5 Minutes later it reopened. I love the noise it makes when it reopens! I rode in the front seat of the last car and had a great ride as always. Next we went to Eiffel Tower, the whole queue was filled but we were on in 5 Minutes. I never take the signature shots from Eiffel, so I decided to take them. I was burning up so I wanted to go to Boomerang Bay and ride Snowy River Rampage. We waited 10 Minutes for KI&MVRR. BBay was packed, every slide had a huge line so I ended up not riding any of them. I just took alot of photos and drank some ice cold water. We rode the train back to Rivertown, Brian had to meet with someone so I rode Diamondback during that. The whole queue was filled, they used temporary queues, and the line went to Nick Restrooms. It took about 15 Minutes for me to get on using single riders lane. Next I ate a Hot Dog at Snakepit, it was actually really good and was the best hot dog ever. Than I randomly walked to Days of Thunder and took photos of AE from it's queue. Decided to get a quick ride on Viking fury Than I walked back to Diamondback and sat down at Snakepit for an hour, watched Diamondback and talked to my friends. My mom got me a McChicken and Sweet Tea from McDonalds so I met her at the Drop Off Zone and ate by the Kennel and watched Invertigo. I was in need for a Drop Zone fix so I waited through the 90 Minute queue. This ride on DZ wasn't as good as usual, but still amazing. I met up with Brian again and we waited 10 Minutes for Blue Racer. Rode near the front and had an amazing ride! Than Brian wanted to end his night on Diamondback so we walked to it to find the line got longer. Instead of going into the single riders line we waited through the whole queue. And guess what? I had the most amazing ride on Diamondback ever in my life. I got my favorite seat, wasn't stapled, and got a firework ride. Wow, going up the lift watching fireworks, being in the woods hearing them and every now and then seeing one was just the best thing ever! It was cold, and the perfect weather! Than the second we entered the brake run the grand finale went off. I was so happy, I just had the best ride on Diamondback ever with some of my best friends. Than everyone (but Mitchell cause Kelly stapled him) was in an amazing mood so we went to Beast. But the queue was full and overflowing so we decided not to ride. Brian went home, but me and Mitchell stayed and went back to Diamondback and rode 3 more times. We were next on Diamondback but it closed for 5 Minutes. It was 11:55pm. so we decided to get out of line and ride Beast. We sat in my favorite seat (second to last) most the train was empty, it was really cold outside, and super dark! We got the last train of the night, and when I got off I saw Nick and we talked for a Little Bit. I was so sad my day was over, but left happy knowing I had an amazing day at KI! This was the longest the line got during ERT. I have never noticed the saw. Pretty random photo of Diamondback. This is one of my favorite views of Diamondback. As soon as the rope dropped most ERTers went to Firehawk. Sadly I got no ride on Vortex this visit. Firehawk was pretty much empty. Diamondback looks nice from over here. This ride on Firehawk was better than usual, and the crew was working fast. But later in the day they were very slow. Flight of Fear was next, we rode twice. Son of Beast looks so innocent. After Racer & AE we went to Festhaus. My camera sucks indoors, when dark, with no tripod, and flash off. I wanted to ride Congo but with a almost full queue, I'll pass... This is one of the only times I've seen every boat filled. Diamondback's splash is much better. Invertigo had a full queue, and was testing after being closed for a while. This made me really mad! So did this. Atleast Top Gun always has a walkon! Ugh or not... And to make the already 45 Minute wait longer, the ride closed cause of rain. But it opened 5 Minutes later! I'm still shocked to see this. LOL. Wow, Eiffel too!? Part 2 in a minute!
  16. Nice photos, This actually makes me want to go to Kennywood. I'm excited for Part II!
  17. Sorry, I totally forgot to post on this website. I always forget about this site, infact I have an on going park that hasn't even been posted here! http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=680329&page=2
  18. Top Gun's track is a more faded gray and it's supports are a faded blue, not black. And Son of Beast is very faded so it's a brownish Gray. Also the layout isn't really that accurate, it doesn't have a random turn out of the Second Helix, and the turn before the lift hill is also a drop cause it follows the terrain.
  19. I rode Drop Zone at KI about 14 Times in a little over an hour. It had absolutely no wait so I never even pulled up my OTSRs. I wish I would of rode it more that day though...
  20. Right now, my number one is Diamondback, but I'm maybe going to Holiday World this week so Voyage may be better, and later in July I'm going to SFGAdv so El Toro will also be up there. Taken by myself
  21. http://www.oxfordpress.com/news/oxford-news/kings-island-shuts-down-roller-coaster-173244.html?showComments=true
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