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About Goeone

  • Birthday 06/10/1973

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. /\ Driving Miss Daisy Here's mine ... Man, that bastard's faster than Walt Flanagan's dog
  2. My last concert was last weekend in Antwerpen (Belgium). Pink was giving a concert in the 'Antwerps sportpaleis'. I was going because my girlfriend is a huge pink fan but after seeing her show i must admit that she's pretty good.
  3. I only have: PC PS2 Commodore Amiga (Good old gaming machine!)
  4. Here's a skyline picture of my town. Rotterdam (the Netherlands) www.skylinecity.info
  5. I played the Heroes of might and magic series a lot ... Man, sundays went so fast playing the game with a friend of mine.
  6. lol BVN isn't a German channel. It's a channel for Dutch and Belgium people living abroad. It shows a compilation of programs from 3 Dutch and 2 Belgium channels (NED1, NED2, NED3, EEN & Ketnet/Canvas)
  7. I once broke my middle toe while playing indoor soccer. At first i didn't felt something was wrong so i kept playing for about 15 minutes. (even scored a goal) After a while my foot felt kinda strange so i took off my sock and shoe and saw that my middle toe was standing out of place.
  8. These are my two cats ... Spooky & Sue Spooky is almost 18 years old and Sue just turned 17. Sue Spooky
  9. This is me on my holiday to Spain. (june '05) yep it's Goeone
  10. no If yes is no and no is yes, is this game ever gonna stop?
  11. Just keep practising, you'll get there ... Wow, haven't played rct2 for a very long time now, but seeing your park really makes me hungry for playing again!
  12. Thanks Coaster_Maniac! Gonna keep my eye open for this movie. Don't know if it's available in Europe though.
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