My last concert was last weekend in Antwerpen (Belgium).
Pink was giving a concert in the 'Antwerps sportpaleis'.
I was going because my girlfriend is a huge pink fan but after seeing
her show i must admit that she's pretty good.
lol BVN isn't a German channel.
It's a channel for Dutch and Belgium people living abroad.
It shows a compilation of programs from 3 Dutch and 2 Belgium
channels (NED1, NED2, NED3, EEN & Ketnet/Canvas)
I once broke my middle toe while playing indoor soccer.
At first i didn't felt something was wrong so i kept playing for
about 15 minutes. (even scored a goal)
After a while my foot felt kinda strange so i took off my sock and shoe
and saw that my middle toe was standing out of place.
Just keep practising, you'll get there ...
Wow, haven't played rct2 for a very long time now, but seeing your
park really makes me hungry for playing again!