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Superman SFNE Recreation (NL)

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Here are some pics of my recreation of one of the world's greatest coasters, Superman: Ride of Steel at Six Flags New England. My track's length, height, drop length, and speed are exactly that of the real ride, and, judging from the force graph released after the accident, g-forces are also almost exactly correct throughout the entire ride. Trackwork is finished, and supports are finished, except for those in the tunnels. The recreation will also feature extensive, realistic 3ds. View my screenshots here... http://nldc.interfix.net/p64 (Newer pics are toward the bottom of the screen.)


Enjoy and please let me know what you think!

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Thanks everyone. I appreciate your compliments.


Unfortunately Tyrant from Coastersims isn't doing 3ds anymore because of personal commitments. I'm in the process now of finding new 3ds makers. I've sent several e-mails out, and I hope one of them accepts. Thanks for you interest.

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Haha sorry, I can't do that. It might not be as long as you would think for it to be finished though, and when it's done, I'll upload it here. Plus it's not as good without 3ds, especially the tunnels. Since the tunnels aren't done yet, it goes through the ground on the first drop, and around where the second tunnel would be, there is a big hole now lol. Thanks for asking though, just try to be patient.

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Just some news and a small update...


The landscaping on Superman will be all 3ds (similar to rides like Thunderhead Falls, TTD 2003, Bushmaster, and Rebel), and the parking lot behind the overbank will be included. Everything is going pretty smoothly so far. Phyter is working on the second tunnel now.

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Would it be possible for those of us who CANNOT access CoasterSims to be able to download this ride once it's complete? Someone ruined my name there right before I took a two-week vacation to California, and "Amnesty" expired.


Al "really ticked off when people do this with NL coasters" Snitzer

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Yeah, I'm going to upload it to more places than just CoasterSims. CoasterSims will be first, but then a week or two later I'll upload it here, TN, ACN, CG2, CN and WWS.


Yeah Phyter used CK to export the other tracks for the scene. Mind Eraser is Thunderhawk Geauga Lake by JackFrahn. I made Poison Ivy's Tangled Train myself.


BiCoastalKid- thanks for the compliment. I've seen your rides in the scrapyard at NLDC and I seriously think overall they're the best there. You're great at recreating the feel of many different manufacturers. I really think you should finish some of those rides up, especially that Gerstlauer bobsled, which was really realistic and cool. I'd love to see some of your designs completed!

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^Thanks. I would finish them, but I'm having computer troubles so I can't run NL, PS, RCT, or anything else that has an ounce of fanciness. The Internet and flash games are pretty much all I can do for now, sometimes not even that.


When it's fixed I've got a few things up my sleeve.

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