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Busch Gardens Williamsburg and big boy seats?

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I'm new to this site and looking for help. I did a search and couldn't find what I wanted, so please point me in the right direction if I missed it. Also, let me say to 71% of you, yes I should lose weight, but since I'm going in 2 weeks, that's not an option for this trip.


I'm going on a family vacation to Busch Gardens (& the waterpark) in 2 weeks and was wondering if I'm going to be able to enjoy any of the rollercoasters and water rides. I'm 6'2" and weigh 320 pounds. Overall big w/ a belly. For reference, I don't have any problems at Walt Disney World riding any rides, but a few years ago I had to use the "big boy seat" on Hulk at Islands of Adventure.


Thank you in advance for any help!

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Alpengeist has those seats. I also remember hearing this year that the regular seats had their shortbelts shortned but I don't think that should affect the big boy seats.


You should be ok on Loch Ness Monster and Big Bad Wolf, especially if you have ridden any other ride with Arrow OTSR's.


Apollo's Chariot I'm not sure about as I have never been on a B&M hyper so I don't know how much room they have.

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Alpengeist has those seats. I also remember hearing this year that the regular seats had their shortbelts shortned but I don't think that should affect the big boy seats.


You should be ok on Loch Ness Monster and Big Bad Wolf, especially if you have ridden any other ride with Arrow OTSR's.


Apollo's Chariot I'm not sure about as I have never been on a B&M hyper so I don't know how much room they have.


Thanks for the help. However I'm not sure what "Arrow OTSR's" are or if I have ridden them. Also don't know a "B&M hyper". At least it sounds like 3 are a go though!

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OTSR stands for "over-the-shoulder restraint. The U-Shaped bar that comes down over your shoulders on all arrow loopers and suspended coasters. If you can ride one you should have no problem riding them all, as arrow used standard OTSR's on all their rides except the mine trains and mouse coasters, etc.

-James Dillaman

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The "big boy seats" on Alpengeist are for guests having "chest measurements approaching 52 inches," and they're in rows 4 and 5, I believe (under the diamond sign in the loading area). Apollo's Chariot has a test seat out front (I think this is the one that might give you some trouble).


DarKastle uses a simple lap bar, BTW.


Have fun!

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From my experience at BGW (Used to go to school near there...)


Geist Almighty's 'Big Boy' seats are in rows 4 and 5 under the diamonds, as posted above. HINT: Take everything you have in your pockets out, as they can hinder getting into the seats- the sidemounts will stop you from ascending the lofty heights of Geist's 'ski lift.'


Daddy's beautiful Girl (Loch Ness Monster) and Big Bad Wolf- OTS restraints, but Nessie's can be 'fooled' a bit if you lean forward a notch or two- more comfort and the great airtime on the first and second drops.


Apollo's Chariot. As of my last visit, there are no real 'Big Boy Seats'- but once again, remove the items from your pockets. The seat bottom is extremely similar to Geist's in many ways, and the same sidebar problems are there as well.


BEWARE! Failure to empty pockets then squeezing into the Beemer Seats can result in loss of items during the ride, especially on the Chariot-

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I give you Kudo's! for having the courage to even post a message like that (describing your personal-self). While I really haven't focused on the effects yet, I wonder if/when themeparks will begin to do the same thing airlines are currently doing and charging extra $$ for people that have weight-relate challenges. It really is a sensitive topic and it may soon become a part of an ADA issue in the future.


On the other hand, those people/guests that cannot ride many of the attractions/coasters due to their weight, should parks be charging the same price?...hmm just a point to ponder.

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Actually those Ride Engineers have to make bigger seats and longer Seat Belts .


I know what i'm talking about because i live in Europe and the Problem aren't there yet but i will come really fast . I never had the chance to ride on Silverstar ( Europa Park B&M Hyper ) but i rode on Nitro at SFGADV .


Intamin is the worst to me because their seatbelts are too short on Xcellerator or TTD or any other Launched Coaster made by intamin with the T Bar but the T Bar fits well on me . How it can be possible to make a coaster when Bar Fits ok on you but not their SeatBelts that means that is the Park Management or the faillure of their safety system .


I'd like to work on a company to make sure that Big Boys ( like me and many other ) can ride on a coaster like everyone else and work with Engineers to make new safety restraints it's like Goliath and Titan i never had trouble riding them and many other coaster like those Arrows and Vekoma with Shouler Restraints .


So Please if some engineers are reading that forum make sure that you have some Coaster Enthusiast who would like to ride a coaster like everyone else without having trouble with Seat Belts and '' Click '' .

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I give you Kudo's! for having the courage to even post a message like that (describing your personal-self).


It's not too hard on the internet Besides if there's going to be any embaressment I would rather have it over the internet than when I'm in line at the park


Again, thanks to everyone for helping and posting.

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