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West Coast Bash III is a GO!

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Hello All!

West Coast Bash Flyer is up! Visit:




I received the "go-ahead" to publically announce that RideWorld's West Coast Bash III is officially scheduled for March 12th, 2006.



Come and enjoy two solid hours of ERT on X, Goliath, and Viper before the park opens*


We will also be hosting an exclusive construction tour of Tatsu sometime during the day as well.


See you there!




*ERT is subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.

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Sounds great Chris!


We were waiting for you to confirm this...because...


Party & Dinner at Robb and Elissa's house that evening!


We'll have more details soon, but we'll open up our place to as many as we can handle (probably about 75-100) starting at 5pm!


Everyone's invited!

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^^ Sounds good Elissa. It will be nice to partake in of one these "get togethers" the kiddies seem to be raving about.



Also, in case anyone is interested Tatsu's opening is tentatively scheduled for Easter weekend. Of course that could change at any time.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have also received notice that Universal Hollywood is going to extend the discount coupon to us like they have in the past. Once I get that posted on RideWorld, I will let everyone know so they can print it off and use it if they are planning to hit Universal while they are in Southern Cali.



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alright thanks. You think we could get a sticky on this so I don't have to keep on going back to look at the info? I'm sure there are other people out there that are considering going and would like it stickied, as well.

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For those attending the event:


Keep in mind that your SF season pass MUST be processed by your home park prior to the event. If it is NOT processed, you will need to call the park and pre-purchase tickets.


It seems that some individuals have called the park to complain about this. This has been the procedure for the past 3 years! If you renewed your pass and they sent your new pass in the mail, it is already processed and can be used.


Thank you!


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I say this again:


You MUST have a processed SF season pass or a pre-purchased group ticket to attend West Coast Bash. I know I sound like a broken record, but if you do not have one of these, you will NOT get into the event.


Last year, SFMM was gracious enough to comp about 20 admissions to people who hadn't bought tickets. This will NOT HAPPEN this year!



That is all! See you on Sunday!


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For those attending West Coast Bash:


We are organizing an unofficial group meal at Mooseburger Lodge at 12:15pm that day. If you would like to attend, send us an email and let us know how many are in your party. We will have a reservation so we will walk right in and sit down. Keep in mind Mooseburger Lodge is the ONLY indoor sit-down restaurant open in the park so it will be packed. We need to have a pretty accurate count to make sure we have enough tables reserved.



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