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SFMM TR 11/19 Private Event

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SEX: Nope, I didn’t get any on this trip. But at least I didn’t get ditched!


LIES: Since the tickets to the private event at SFMM didn’t say non-transferable and they were given as a gift – I guess I really wasn’t lying about not being part of this odd corporate event (7pm-1am 11/19/2005), I just didn’t mention it to anyone. It wasn’t some VIP event either. I did however feel a bit out of place. Most people were there to be seen and clogged up the mid way. This was a good thing in the long run. The lines were very much a walk on situation in most cases.


COASTERS: Me and an old buddy met near the park. Now he is no coaster fanboy, but he is a good sport. He rode every coaster that I rode. I think “X” made him a little nauseous! Every thing after that was a piece of cake for him. The line for “X” was only to the bottom of the stairs of the loading platform. I obviously didn’t ride Revy; and I have been boycotting Viper for years now. Goliath was a triathlon – I cannot get enough of that first hill. For sentimental reasons I always hit up Colossus. Scream was the same as ever. Skipped B:TR; Gotham Back Lot was very much over clogged with people. RR was a slow load compared to the people I saw in line. GR, again for sentimental reasons this was a must. Up top at Samurai Summit, I took my first peek at dirt mounds since July when all I saw were 3 markers. It was very dead at the top and S:TE and Ninja had very short waits. This was the first time I rode in the front of Ninja since 1989! Down at Psyclone Bay, Déjà vu was its’ usual self. I have been skipping over Psyclone for years b/c it is just so sad that it has aged so… um… WRONG! But my buddy wanted to ride it. So I did. Now when people here at TPR say burn it down, I feel that it is not something anyone should say about any coaster. I have since changed my opinion. My head was horribly bashed on his shoulder. My ear was ringing for a good 3 hours after that. This was the last ride of the night anyway. We bailed from SFMM a little early.


Considering the short amount of time, we got in plenty of coasters/rides. I had a blast…


~Jay “this is my first TPR TR”

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Yup, Psyclone is pretty bad. I remember riding it in the back and getting a horrible pain in my stomach at the bottom of each hill (this was after I ate) as a result of the "xtreme" bumpiness. I don't think it should be torn down though because some people seem to like it for some weird reason. Maybe next time I go I'll try the front and see if it's any better.


Back to the trip, it sounds like another geat day at SFMM. I too love Goliath despite the fact that many here seem to not like it at all. Anyway, glad to hear someone else had a relatively good day at the mountain.

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lol, I knew it!


We got stuck in traffic coming home last night exiting on Magic Mountain Pkwy at 7pm. Robb goes "must be a private party night".


I think that SFMM is one of the nicest parks in the country when there are less than 2000 people in it!

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^Agreed. Still one of my greatest park visits ever was a visit to SFMM on an October weekday when there were less than a thousand people in the park. Probably the most number of rides I've ever had at a park, including six rides in a row on the rapids ride. We only got off because someone else showed up and would have gotten into our raft!


My experience with Corporate Events at various parks have been pretty good. The crowds usually spend more time standing around and talking rather than riding, so you can usually get a good number of rides in. I remember marathoning S:ROS at SFA at a buy out two years ago. I guess I got my fill of it, as I have not been back to SFA since then...



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