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Geboldi Studios |RCT3|

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This article was posted in a newspaper yesterday.


What they didn't want you to know


Many fans of the wooden wonder Razu are still speechless over the closure of Razu at the now closed Swahilli Village.


But there's more here than meets the eye. With an interview with Geboldi Rep Dan Geboldi, much more about this coaster and the past owners of the park were uncovered. "As we were surveying the park on closing day, we saw Razu upclose like few people did. The wood was flemsy, there was water damage everywhere.


"We asked the owner what had happened and he told us with ease," said Dan Geboldi. "Apparently, the park had contracted Intamin to design the coaster, but the park would arrange a group to build it. But the owner, being a bit money tight, hired only the people absolutely needed to complete the ride. He bought the cheapest supplies and added few safety coats to the actual structure."


So all-in-all, it was a very good thing Geboldi found these problems in time. Who know's what could have happened in a meer five years. It really could have been tragic.


But the main question: Why didn't inspectors find the status of this coaster and how did the owners get a permit to put together such bare necessities for this coaster? We may never find out.


The remains of Razu are now being used as transfer track to a wooden coaster in Geboldi Europe, their newest themepark.


Hmmmm.... Does that heal any of the pain?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dean Geboldi just dropped one of the biggest shocks in Geboldi history.


"Due to my brother owning the hit production company Geboldi Studios, what was Geboldi Swahilli Village will now be known as Geboldi Studios! This will be our most heavily themed park ever!


The park is currently in designing stage. Constructrion should begin soon!"


Sweet, an MGM Geboldi! Stay tuned!

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Few saw it coming, Dean Geboldi has changed Geboldi Swahilli Vilage, which never opened as a Geb. park, to Geboldi Studios.


Since Dean's brother owns the Geboldi Productions, it was a perfect match.


Right now, only two rides are planned:



One of the fastest rides on Earth. Drag racing has it's perks, but just as many dangers. Racers will begin your "ride" looking down a street alley. From there, it's 0-100 in 3 seconds baby! Braking just a bit, racers will crash off the road into a dizzying helix-forest sequence, right before landing atop an unfinished bridge. Then, cars will fall off the edge into a unique, one-of-a-kind pretzel loop before returning to the station.

DRAG: Speed is only the start.


-Great Dam Excursion

Based on the hit movie Great Dam, riders will escape a dam falling apart. Prepare to get wet!


Right now, these two rides could do us good for a while!




Yep, that's the old Swahilli Village! It is rumored that the park will put a garden where the station once stood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ha! You can't get rid of Geboldi this easily!


The park has amazingly grown! The park has added a section: Jurassica. Jurassica was a movie that was made to compete with JP but with a totally different theme. The major coaster there:



Pteradon is a new definition of coaster. Never before has B&M had such a successful prototype. Riders begin travelling through a dinosaur-infected area before beginning a steep ascent to 90 feet. Then they travel around, encountering two T-rex's before coming to a dead hault infront of a small launch hill. 5..... 4.... 3... 2.. 1 Launch. Riders are propelled staight 90 degrees 150 ft. then through an immelman, vertical loop, zero-g roll, cutback, and a twist.


B&M has combined all of there coasters into one. The new cars, resembling ATV's provide stadium-like seating for all twelve guests on the train.



A robot arm thrusting guests up down, through cutting-edge effects and through the deminsion of thrill.



A fun ride for the family.


Pteradon's vertical plunge and immelman.

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