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Cedar Point on 3rd of July 2017 - Do I need a Fast Pass?


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Hey folks!

I'm on my first big trip through North America including over 200 coasters in 33 parks in about six/seven weeks. But theres one park I'm a little bit nervous about: Cedar Point. We visit the Coaster-Cpaital on the 3rd of July. The park opens from 10am to 12pm (in German: 0am ), or just midnight, but I want to (re)ride all georges coasters and some more thrill rides. So, do you think the park will be full? Or do you use the 3rd to prepare the parties? Do you have to work or gets everybody a free day? If I take a fast pass I will use the Plus-one, so I have the four main-coasters also in the package.

Thanks for your help, greetings from Germany, thanks for answers, Eric.


PS.: If you have some questions to Germany and Europe, feel free to ask, I visited over 50 parks in central Europe.

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You really answered your own question. You're on a big roller coaster tour and you're going to the mecca of roller coasters during a major holiday time. While July 3 will not be as bad as a Saturday in July/August, I would 100% get the Fast Lane Plus.

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  • 3 months later...

tl;dr GET A FASTPASS! Or you will probably regret it...


I grew up going to Cedar Point. If you want to ride all the rides you will want a FastPass. It might not be the actual day of the holiday but still the holiday weekend.


My cousin went last year and I told him to spend the extra money and get a FastPass because his girlfriend had never been. They DIDN"T get one and only ended up riding like 2 of the rides because they didn't want to wait for 2hrs to ride anything.

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If you're visiting Cedar Point and you're hoping to get on everything in one day a Fastlane is basically always a necessity unless it's a midweek visit in May.


Since you're visiting so many parks you should look into a Cedar Fair Platinum Pass. The Platinum Pass gets you in an hour early and Valravn, Maverick, Millennium Force and Gatekeeper are open during that time. Since you're getting Fastlane, Valravn and Gatekeeper aren't really that important since you can walk right into the station on those rides with Fastlane but I do suggest riding Maverick and Millennium Force during this hour since those rides can get long lines even with Fastlane.


Once you ride them you can pick up your Fastlane at most retail shops in the park and you should have no problem getting on everything in a day. Note that you can't actually use the Fastlane until 10 AM but you shouldn't have to anyway.

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What a coincidence, I'm going to Cedar Point from Germany as well on the 3rd. But I'm also going to the park on the 4th and the 5th. Kinda hoping 3 days will let me do everything at least twice. I wasn't planning on getting a fast pass as I was at Magic mountain on 4th July 2 years ago and it was dead. But after reading you all say you should probably get one il think about it now or just judge it by how the first day goes.

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^ The difference is that Magic Mountain is a local park for L.A. residents, and Cedar Point is a destination park. Most people have July 4 off work, so there's a strong incentive to just take July 3 off and have a 4 day weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if July 3 is actually busier than the 4th, because of people driving back home on the 4th.

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