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If you could change a coaster.

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Lower the momentum killer hills on Roar East and Hades to improve their finales. Can you imagine if that big return hill on Hades was lowered about 10 feet?


Fix the "dead hill" on Rampage.


Put cushioned seats on the GA Cyclone, turn off the trim on the seventh hill and simply retrack the entire coaster to smooth it out.


Eliminate all Gerstlauer trains in general and make sure all CCIs that run them are retracked with top grade lumber.

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GWAZI: retrack it and put in Millenium Flyer trains


BEAST: also retrack, possibly MF trains, or at least restore it to its former unbraked glory


SOB, Mean Streak, Psyclone: fire wood


Those are the top three or so for me. The sad thing is that at one time these were great rides, but through years of neglect and/or abuse, they now are a shadow of their former selves.

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Why do people want to put Millenium Flyers on everything? Put them on the GCIs, and older coasters who started out with articulated trains, but that's it! Let the other rides have their PTC trains, as they work great on most wooden coasters.


But, yeah, I'd do the whole "retrack, and add Millenium Flyer" thing to Gwazi, as well as making them duel again! I remember what it once was, and it was awesome! It still is, but it's not the same.


I'd also give Rock 'n' Rollercoaster a longer, stronger, launch. The launch starts off great, then it sort of plateaus, and the rest of the ride is forceless. If the launch were to keep accelerating at the same rate right up until the begining of the first inversion, the whole ride would benefit, I think.

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One final retracking of Riverside Cyclone to bring back that insane first drop, wouln't mind seing Flyers on this one.


Retheme and repaint the Superman ROS at SFNE (I can't stand comic superhero themes, especially clone names unless they're actually themed i.e. Hulk)

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